The Evolution of Romance by Harshil Shah

The Evolution of Romance by Harshil Shah in English Novels
Chapter 1: The Mystery of Marked Scooter (2002) The school parking lot was bathed in warm winter sunlight, offering a we...
The Evolution of Romance by Harshil Shah in English Novels
Finally, in 2003, I stepped into the hallowed halls of Gujarat's most prestigious engineering institute. Excitement crac...
The Evolution of Romance by Harshil Shah in English Novels
Chapter 3: A Spark in the Cubicle (2007) The internship was a far cry from the academic grind. The work environment felt...
The Evolution of Romance by Harshil Shah in English Novels
Chapter 4: A Slow Burn in Bangalore (2008-2011) M.Tech. at my dream college was a breath of fresh air after the stifling...
The Evolution of Romance by Harshil Shah in English Novels
Chapter 5: Bus Stop Blues (2012-2013) Life had settled into a comfortable routine in Bangalore. I found a great friend i...