The Mystery Of Kalasgiri by Sanket Gawande

The Mystery Of Kalasgiri by Sanket Gawande in English Novels
Chapter 1: Meera's Disappointment                    Meera, a bright 12th class student was eagerly awaiting the summer...
The Mystery Of Kalasgiri by Sanket Gawande in English Novels
Chapter 3: Journey to Kalasgiri On a next Sunday morning, the group of 15 people including Sanket and Yash Family, junio...
The Mystery Of Kalasgiri by Sanket Gawande in English Novels
Chapter 5: Shadows in the Jungle   In the Van Meera looking in the jungle to found any kind of animal she want to go dow...
The Mystery Of Kalasgiri by Sanket Gawande in English Novels
Chapter 7: New Experiences   Everyone was exhausted. The village head, Sarpanch, showed everyone to their rooms. Dr. San...
The Mystery Of Kalasgiri by Sanket Gawande in English Novels
Chapter 10: The Sarpanch's Mansion   After helping with lunch preparations, Meera headed towards the school where Sarpan...