The Bloody Queen by anita bashal


The Bloody Queen by anita bashal in English Novels
" wow guys what a palace!" Some college students are coming to watch some palace. They are wondering a different...
The Bloody Queen by anita bashal in English Novels
When Rehan said that he has some idea to go inside that palace, everyone is shocked. Deepak said to him. " Really? you m...
The Bloody Queen by anita bashal in English Novels
In the day time this palace is look so beautiful but on the contrary at a night,,,It looks horrible.The whole place is f...
The Bloody Queen by anita bashal in English Novels
" I can help you if you want." Everyone is freeze to hear that. The whole palace was empty accept this 5. So who is spea...
The Bloody Queen by anita bashal in English Novels
No one can understand what is the meaning of her saying. She look the face of everyone. Every face has same expression....