The Last Promise by Tushar Chaudhary

The Last Promise by Tushar Chaudhary in English Novels
introduction The essence of love has manifested in various forms across the annals of our world. Love, in all its splend...
The Last Promise by Tushar Chaudhary in English Novels
At 4:30 in the evening in Shimla, on July 3, 1999, the clouds were heavy, and amidst the rain, an inexplicable sadness a...
The Last Promise by Tushar Chaudhary in English Novels
Kulwant Singh is crying with all his sorrows, when suddenly he hears a voice from behind saying, "Hey Kulwant Kaur Singh...
The Last Promise by Tushar Chaudhary in English Novels
Both mother and son are scolding each other, amidst this, Kulwant, while sobbing, says, "You lied to me, Miku, you lied....