
Kalidasa by Kalidas in English Novels
Shakuntala Translated by Arthur W. Ryder   (Publications Sanskrit Series Cambridge, Ontario 1999) The first four ac...
Kalidasa by Kalidas in English Novels
ACT II THE SECRET (Enter the clown.) Clown (sighing). Damn! Damn! Damn! I'm tired of being friends with this sportin...
Kalidasa by Kalidas in English Novels
ACT III THE LOVE-MAKING (Enter a pupil, with sacred grass for the sacrifice.) Pupil (with meditative astonishment). How...
Kalidasa by Kalidas in English Novels
ACT IV SHAKUNTALA'S DEPARTURE SCENE I (Enter the two friends, gathering flowers.) Anusuya. Priyamvada, dear Shakunta...
Kalidasa by Kalidas in English Novels
ACT V SHAKUNTALA'S REJECTION (Enter a chamberlain.) Chamberlain (sighing). Alas! To what a state am I reduced! I onc...