Life Without Friends.. by Swati


Life Without Friends.. by Swati in English Novels
Chapter 1PromotionSometimes we feel life is unfair, it hardly gives us anything. We hope things will be fine one day but...
Life Without Friends.. by Swati in English Novels
Chapter-2 Friends     Nora, listen don’t run like a rabbit. They all run to stop me. Darling, he doesn’t deserve you. I...
Life Without Friends.. by Swati in English Novels
Chapter-3 New Challenges   Next Morning, I call Grace when she was with her new boyfriend Peter. I put down the phone an...
Life Without Friends.. by Swati in English Novels
Chapter -4 Nasty Neighbour   Saturday Morning, I woke up around 7o’clock, when I heard some noise coming from outside. I...
Life Without Friends.. by Swati in English Novels
Chapter -5 A Plan   Why did you hit him? I ask Joey. I say while bandaging his face. I hit him because of you and you ar...