Forgotten Promise by Maria AME


Forgotten Promise by Maria AME in English Novels
“Are you nervous?” I nodded fondling with my fingers. “Don’t worry dear you would get the job” How is she so sure? I cam...
Forgotten Promise by Maria AME in English Novels
I stared at him as he drank the coffee. He looked like he hadn't slept for days. "Alexandra?" he called "Yes?" "Would yo...
Forgotten Promise by Maria AME in English Novels
After I was done with lecture I decided to head to work. "Bye Sam, see you tomorrow!" I waved good bye. When I got outsi...
Forgotten Promise by Maria AME in English Novels
This is not what I had in mind. "So... what would you like?" He asked looking at the menu. We are in a nearby fancy rest...
Forgotten Promise by Maria AME in English Novels
"Sam I am sorry I have to cancel movie night his Saturday" I said. "What?!, Why?!" He shouted. I put my hands in my ears...