You're my favorite rhythm... by Pramila


You're my favorite rhythm... by Pramila in English Novels
Love.... The most confounded word in nowadays society and in the youths heart.Someone said Love is in air Another said N...
You're my favorite rhythm... by Pramila in English Novels
Our life is full of many unexpected turns.Some turns can benefit us and some turns can even turn our lives upside down....
You're my favorite rhythm... by Pramila in English Novels
If there is no solution to a problem, we must create a solution... After many avoidances she decides to do one thing.I d...
You're my favorite rhythm... by Pramila in English Novels
There is a relationship that is broken in one fight and there is also some relationship that does not break after a thou...
You're my favorite rhythm... by Pramila in English Novels
Met as strangers... That relationship begins with hesitate. But at the end, some strangers turned into personal diaries...