Are we destined to be together? by Arshi


Are we destined to be together? by Arshi in English Novels
Amy's pov: It is my first day of my college.. I am excited to see my college and new classmates.. I am staying in hostel...
Are we destined to be together? by Arshi in English Novels
Amy pov:Days are moving faster. Harry's place is very next to me.. however we didn't have any chat. He has lot f...
Are we destined to be together? by Arshi in English Novels
Amy's pov :Lots of dilemma in my mind comes to end with thought that It can be false gossip to damage his reputation...
Are we destined to be together? by Arshi in English Novels
Harry's Pov:I love amy lot but something stops me from proposing her. I doesn't know when I started falling for...
Are we destined to be together? by Arshi in English Novels
Amy's Pov:I was completely out of control when I hear that Harry needs details of a girl. To make myself control, I...