Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness by Vicky Trivedi


Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness by Vicky Trivedi in English Novels
KALIYUGA Age of Darkness By VICKY TRIVEDI Copyright@ Vicky (Vinod) Trivedi, 2018 All Right Reserved Vicky (Vinod) Trived...
Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness by Vicky Trivedi in English Novels
2 SMUGGLING [I as Krishna was born in prison to devout parents – Devaki and Vasudeva. My parents were imprisoned by Kans...
Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness by Vicky Trivedi in English Novels
3 Kaal-Stambha [When I, Lord Vishnu, took an avatar on earth as Lord Krishna, there was a message I wished to pass on. I...
Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness by Vicky Trivedi in English Novels
4 Star Reader [The simple society around me never dreamed of their darling Krishna as being supernatural or anything of...
Kaliyuga The Age Of Darkness by Vicky Trivedi in English Novels
5 Running Out Of Time [This destruction will start with an underwater explosion that will take place somewhere in the so...