Love Since Childhood by Aamir Siddiqui


Love Since Childhood by Aamir Siddiqui in English Novels
This story is about a boy named Hira and his childhood girlfriend named Geet.

Hira and Geet are friends since their ch...
Love Since Childhood by Aamir Siddiqui in English Novels
Geet had proposed Hira.She had already done her work what Hira should have done first instead her. Hira was so happy, gl...
Love Since Childhood by Aamir Siddiqui in English Novels
She Picked the handset up, dialed Hira's number speedily. On other side some one received the call. "hello, who...
Love Since Childhood by Aamir Siddiqui in English Novels
Hira was sitting over his one side knee in a filmy way in front of Geet, then said " many many happy returns of the day"...
Love Since Childhood by Aamir Siddiqui in English Novels
Next day in the morning, Hira left for College, on the way at intersection waited for Geet but she didn't come.Hira...