Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs by Ved Vyas


Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs by Ved Vyas in English Novels
There is affection in old wives tales, which is why the children believe them with closed eyes. But blind beliefs are da...
Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs by Ved Vyas in English Novels
Why draw rangoli at the entrance of the house? Drawing rangoli at the entrance of the house is a very old tradition in I...
Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs by Ved Vyas in English Novels
Why do we salute the Sun in the morning? Elders in the home go out to salute the Sun after waking up and washing. This i...
Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs by Ved Vyas in English Novels
Why should we circumambulate the peepal tree? The peepal tree is worshipped by the Hindus. It is found outside every tem...
Logic And Reasons Behind Hindu Beliefs by Ved Vyas in English Novels
If God has no form, why are there idols?   God has no form. It is impossible to lock him up. According to our sbrutis, s...