MED BACK by Amar Kamble


MED BACK by Amar Kamble in English Novels
It was a busy morning like everyday. Aarti came into the kitchen. Sushila, her mother, was making rot...
MED BACK by Amar Kamble in English Novels
In the morning, Karan came to the kitchen. There were Dhanaji, Sushila & Aarti. Karan took his dish, fed a morsel to Aar...
MED BACK by Amar Kamble in English Novels
Karan looked at the mobile screen. There were twenty one missed calls. Karan opened the call log....
MED BACK by Amar Kamble in English Novels
Karan was sitting nervously on a bench in a corner. Dhriti was sitting nervously on a bench in another corner. Nikki cam...
MED BACK by Amar Kamble in English Novels
The cake had been cut by the principal & the cultural activities had started. Nikki, Dhriti & Karan were sitting on chai...