
Freaky Forest by Subbu in English Novels
Ajith,Arjun,Akram and Anthony four researchers go to Naga forest to learn soul swapping from Shiv Baba and were trapped...
Freaky Forest by Subbu in English Novels
Chapter 1 In Search of the Mystery Man Just like the hidden art and science of soul swapping, maintaining a soul...
Freaky Forest by Subbu in English Novels
Chapter 2 The tiger tooth Maintaining the body as it is very important during the act of soul swapping. In that, t...
Freaky Forest by Subbu in English Novels
Chapter 3 Light and Shadow Like a coin is having two sides, life is having two sides, the mind and the body. The b...
Freaky Forest by Subbu in English Novels
Chapter 4 Tricks It’s amazing when you travel a little deep in to the wonders happening within a human body . Let...