The Angel Inside by Khyati Makwana

The Angel Inside by Khyati Makwana in English Novels
A 15 year old boy stood crying near her grandma and she took her last breaths in this world. The doctors believed that t...
The Angel Inside by Khyati Makwana in English Novels
After a whole hectic day Jay's shift was over he went to his car and drove back home. As it was late at night he tip...
The Angel Inside by Khyati Makwana in English Novels
Author POVJay woke up on the bed as he shot open his eyes followed by the sweatbeads on his forehead. His breathing was...
The Angel Inside by Khyati Makwana in English Novels
Jay's POVAfter the marriage we sat in the car for our way to the home. New home. I don't know why they decided t...
The Angel Inside by Khyati Makwana in English Novels
JAY'S POVI sigh and leave upstairs, laying on my bed. I was still confused about Amy' why did she even wanted to...