
The Golden Trident by Subbu in English Novels
The Golden Trident Chapter 1The mystic trident Believe it or not … When you look at a person, your eyes a...
The Golden Trident by Subbu in English Novels
Chapter 2 The curse follows Believe it or not We are not free to choose what life throws at us but we are free to decide...
The Golden Trident by Subbu in English Novels
Chapter 3 Prayer is not a ritual Believe it or not! With the power of your mind you can even stop the rotation of the...
The Golden Trident by Subbu in English Novels
Chapter 4 Change alone is permanent Believe it or not! Whether it is a blessing or curse, when words come straight out...
The Golden Trident by Subbu in English Novels
Chapter 5 Stories untold Believe it or not ! You can become whatever you want to be. There is no one in this world to...