
I Wish I Could... by Shada in English Novels
Rehan and Kabir along with their wives were having their tea party. They could hear the trio's laughter from a dista...
I Wish I Could... by Shada in English Novels
She was angry in fact very furious about the mentioning of his name and also about his indivisible friends. Oh who does...
I Wish I Could... by Shada in English Novels
This is my third part and I have made some mistakes. I didn't get time to correct them as I was busy this week. I pr...
I Wish I Could... by Shada in English Novels
It was Mr. Shahid Amaan, my childhood enemy, Fai's childhood buddy who had almost an year difference. His hazel eyes...
I Wish I Could... by Shada in English Novels
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Punjab. We will be landing in Adhampur Airport within a few minutes. Hope you had a ni...