The white mystery by Deepti Khanna


The white mystery by Deepti Khanna in English Novels
The moon lit the night sky ,with its silver streak of sangfroid .As its smiling reflection danced on the lightly moving...
The white mystery by Deepti Khanna in English Novels
The next morning voyage came to a rest ,as the ship halted at the harbour. All the sailors moved down to the island to r...
The white mystery by Deepti Khanna in English Novels
Mr. Tailor opened his eyes in a room ,where a nurse and a doctor were standing . "Please call Captain Johnson " As Mr.Jo...
The white mystery by Deepti Khanna in English Novels
Every object seemed blurd as Mr . Tailor looked around . 'Where am I, why everything is blurd .' 'Doctor &#3...
The white mystery by Deepti Khanna in English Novels
As the needle struck twelve the whole world was welcoming the new year,but both Molly and Mr.Tailor were floating in t...