Revenge of the ghost by Sunil Kapadia


Revenge of the Ghost by Sunil Kapadia in English Novels
This is a story about a nice small city named Vikramnagar. This city is named after the king who had ruled the city cent...
Revenge of the Ghost by Sunil Kapadia in English Novels
The whole area was cordoned as they were waiting for the forensic unit. As it was late, they were going to take some tim...
Revenge of the Ghost by Sunil Kapadia in English Novels
Both Ravindra and Satya reached the accident scene at the same time. The car was completely cold now. Ravindra saw Satya...
Revenge of the Ghost by Sunil Kapadia in English Novels
Ravindra woke up at 7 am. First thing he did that he checked his phone for any update on the car owner. The message he h...
Revenge of the Ghost by Sunil Kapadia in English Novels
Satya and Ravindra both were shocked. They stared each other trying to process they just witnessed. It was a gruesome sc...