HE WANTS YOU by Deepti Khanna


HE WANTS YOU by Deepti Khanna in English Novels
Evenings attracted me to my balcony .As the sun sinked in the welkin ,i watched the crazy man standing at the corner of...
HE WANTS YOU by Deepti Khanna in English Novels
HE WANTS YOU " and i was gone from my life . I swinged in the valley of aurora borealis .Green lights lightened the sky...
HE WANTS YOU by Deepti Khanna in English Novels
Eyes wide open , my heart was sinking in the sea of his words .I was trying to unblock the mystery of his words as he pa...
HE WANTS YOU by Deepti Khanna in English Novels
The words that echoed with the thuderstorm had made her heart leap out ,as she thought how to come out of the wishing la...