Endless Voyage - Part - 22 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - Part - 22

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Endless Voyage - Part - 22

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 22

Considering the uniqueness of this special mission many changes were incorporated in the space craft. This was not a usual mission for space exploration to farfetched planetary bodies. The possibility of fighting with aliens was rare even then the space craft was loaded with nuclear missiles, electronic machineguns, laser guns etc. This was an orbital space flight. Space scientists were worried about changes in the gravitational force of the earth due to its slow rotational speed. This may cause trouble for the mission of the space craft. Hence, they had made such provisions in the life support system and altitude control system so the space craft can withstand the external torques and forces and can maintain its orientation as desired.

It was also designed for getting power from solar energy. It had all the latest facilities for communications with the earth. The information can be relayed through C.D.H. System and assisted by guidance navigation control for controlling the position of space craft which could be guided. All these computations were done by CDH System.

The important factor for any space mission is its ground segment. All operational facilities for managing the mission are there. The team of ground segment analyses the data, its storage and connect the signals from space craft to ground segment.

The first phase of the mission was to orbit the earth and try to find out the factors responsible for present condition. If nothing is found suspicious then the space craft had to join the International Space Station and try further investigating from there. At the ISS Indian and British cosmonauts were busy improving it for such changed needs.

The space craft was renewable and can gain electrical energy from solar power for years. Pay load was more than usual but the instructions were there to decrease it if the need arise. Under extraordinary circumstances if they are not in a position to come back on the earth and if the homo-sapiens sapiens became extinct; they were advised to go to the nearby galaxy 3Z12 and procreate.

At John F. Kennedy space centre, Florida where the facility for spacecraft launching was available, activities had reached its peak. Spacecraft was thoroughly being checked before its final voyage.


After a very long day (comprising many usual days) night had fallen. It was a very calm night; there were no owls for making usual round of peculiar noises. Pentagon was proud of having a small jungle out there. Some few important persons were gathered to discuss a top secret matter. This was evident from the fact that there was nobody else present.

These people of high importance included the US Secretary of State Mr. Stephan Keppler, NASA’s Chief Administrator Richard, Defense Secretary Mr. Roth Clarke, prominent and leading scientist Dr. William, Russian space program commander Mr. Dostoevsky and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozlov.

Stephan Keppler was giving a short briefing: whenever we plan to send a spacecraft on a mission it is only for space exploration and investigative purpose. The astronauts wear special space suit specially designed for convenience in their space travel. When they come back on the earth they are sent to quarantine to check whether they are infected with any foreign or alien elements.

‘Yeah, we all know that but what is the main purpose of this secret meeting, we have not been told about its agenda,’ Russian leader Dmitri asked with little bit of annoyance.

David intervened to make the matter more clear, ‘what Mr. Stephan Keppler is suggesting is that this mission is of totally different kind, which means it is certainly an unprecedented mission. Here, we are sending astronauts without telling them what they have to do. We are in sense in total darkness. We still do not know about the causes of slow rotation of our planet. We are now only faced with its devastating effects. Who could have done this?’

‘Are you indicating some aliens?’ Dmitry Kozlov asked suspiciously.

‘Exactly, suppose this whole cruel game is started by some alien who is powerful and deceptive, we must find the bastard out. If it enters into the spacecraft or in the bodies of our valued astronauts we would never know. When they come to the earth we cannot stop them. That is why, I talked to the Secretary of State to arrange for this urgent meeting, pardon me all of you, but this was necessary. Here we have gathered to plan for an extraordinary strategy and action, of course with caution.’

‘Please, elaborate on this, what exactly you are proposing?’ chief scientist Dr. William was anxious. He was feeling uncomfortable being with these hardcore politicians.

‘Sir, I am just considering a strong possibility of an alien attack here. Hence, what kind of steps we could take to save ourselves? In the past we have had very nasty experiences from them, which you all know.’

‘Your point is well taken. There is a great difference between this mission and the usual ones.’ Dr. William replied.

‘We cannot overrule this possibility. For this, what will be our safe steps for our defense?’ Defense Secretary Mr. Roth Clerke asked with utmost sincerity.

Keppler said, ‘Let us hear views from our prominent and brilliant scientist.’ Everybody saw in the direction of William.

He said, “We can make such a capsule which can be inserted in the bodies of astronauts and when aliens are detected in their bodies it will blast, of course we will have to lose our astronauts but aliens would not be able to use their bodies as their host. The possibility of them coming to earth will thus be made negligible.”

‘This is a good idea; do you agree Mr. Dmitry Kozlov & Dostoevsky? ‘

‘Yeah, we agree, but we have a suggestion, Dostoevsky said’

‘Yes, go on’

‘I respect Mr. William very much, but please take no offence, but I do not agree with the automatic blast of capsules resulting in the loss of astronauts just by merely detecting the presence of an alien without making sure whether the aliens have overpowered them completely or not. There is a chance of awful mistake by blasting on automatic signal, this inhuman and selfish too. The mission will fail and astronauts will be sacrificed, for nothing.’

Dr. William said, ‘what you are saying is absolutely correct do you have any suggestions please?’

‘What I propose is that the capsule must be perfect in all sense and secondly, the control for blasting should be in our hands. The criterion decided for blasting must be perfect and the data sent by the capsule must identify the presence of an alien; that data must be analyzed thoroughly, and when it is proved beyond doubt that there is a presence of an alien on the ship; proper decision should be taken.’

‘Defense Secretary agreed to this proposal and said, however, the proposal is high-minded but fair-minded, ‘I agree with Dostoevsky. Nevertheless, the capsule must be of such kind that it can detect extraordinary changes in the minds and physical bodies of the astronauts even to the cell level. Is it possible?’

‘Yes, it is possible and here we are thinking for the whole of humanity, nothing wrong in that,’ Dr. William replied.

‘This is a secret matter, remember everybody,’ Keppler said emphasizing the secrecy, ‘Dr. William you start this work, and it should be completed quickly.’

‘That shall be done, do not worry.’

The meeting finally got over.

The four astronauts had already arrived at the Langley research centre and were busy in their work. They were taking last minute training and instructions to save themselves in case of unexpected attack or intrusion.


Dr. William and his team were busy making the capsules. At last, they were successful in making such capsules because they already had some prototype beforehand. After much consultation they selected a type of model which could detect any unknown type of alien, even minor change in the genetic material of astronaut cannot go unnoticed. They implanted these capsules in the left hand of the astronauts. They were explained in detail about the functioning of the capsule. However Dr. William explained, ‘I do not believe that you will confront any kind of aliens out there, this is just for precautionary measures. Also, I know from the depths of my heart that you all would come back safely, all the best, May Jesus protect you from all evils!

And Dr. William bade farewell to all of them. It was not easy for him nor was it cozy for the four of them; in their previous space endeavors they had never been subjected to this kind of preparedness which could result into their sad demise.


The US President and his ‘cabinet’ had arrived at John F Kennedy centre, Florida. Other dignitaries were also present. They were only waiting for the astronaut team to arrive. Soon they heard the noise of sirens signifying the approaching vehicles which would bring the astronauts. They had mixed feeling of joy and anticipation. President’s heart was gripped with fear of unknown. However, he was otherwise filled with hopes.

The astronauts were finally checked for their health and wellbeing and they were ready for the final departure.

They all stood in one line, opposite of them were standing many leaders of the world, leading scientists and officials in different rows according to their status. National anthems of both the countries were sung with loud music. The atmosphere had become very heavy. Many eyes were filled with tears. The media also captured the moments with care and alacrity. After that the President came to the row of astronauts and wished every astronaut best of luck and shook hands with them. He said, ‘friends, you will win for the world, God is with us!’ ‘Thank you, sir!’ Copperfield replied.

Everyone was anxious. The countdown began. Ten, nine … Eight… Seven.. Zero... and the land shook, a big, loud sound was heard, heavy smoke arose underneath the space craft, and the craft lifted up in the sky, within seconds it disappeared in the sky. The launching was successful. Ground segment got busy. Data were coming. The whole world watched this mission with special excitement and mixed feelings.

Some were pessimistic. They said that nothing will work. This is a hoax, a government ploy to send us to our deaths. While others hoped for the best and believed in the undying, indestructible spirit of human kind. That we must try till the last moment. In Russia Natasha was crying. In Pakistan Nubi was feeling hatred toward America that his mission had failed while ‘their’ mission of sending an aircraft was being successful. He got so agitated that he broke the TV set which was covering this live story. Her sister who was standing near him said, ‘when one is boiling with anger he should also think of its consequences.’

Nubi could not take this; it had an effect of salt on a fresh cut. Maddened with fury that she had contradicted him, he seized her by the throat and pushed her back. While his fingers were tightening about her throat, he said angrily with lot of venom in his eyes, ‘it was mistake to save you from the commandos. Thomas will come here searching for Cuckoo and I will kill Thomas and take her as my wife....’ Shakila was trying hard to escape from his grip but failed to do so. She was frantically moving her hands and legs but soon strength waned out from her. The death was very near, just few minutes away, for her. Her eyes begun to bulge out and her tongue was getting dry and thicker. Just then, someone struck Nubi from a distance with a heavy object. Actually it was aimed for his head but it hit Nubi on his shoulder. The impact was hard and unbearable. Nubi left Shakila’s throat because of excruciating pain. He turned back and saw Thomas and considered it wise to run away from there. Thomas fired after him, but somehow he managed to escape. Thomas felt it necessary to give First-Aid to Shakila immediately who was struggling for life rather than going after Nubi. After a while she regained her breaths and felt fine. Thomas thought. ‘She is a tough girl, no doubt about that.’

Thomas asked her about Cuckoo’s whereabouts. Shakila was finding it difficult to speak so she explained with gestures. Thomas briefly understood what she meant, that Cuckoo was hidden away far from here, with lot of security in a warehouse. He guessed by common sense that Nubi would definitely rush there in order to shift her to some other location or even to kill her. Now, it was dangerous to delay any action to save her life and free her. Thomas was so overjoyed with being so close to Cuckoo that he kissed Shakila’s cheeks for being helpful so far. Thomas asked her for managing a vehicle. She gave him a key of motorbike. She also gave him one overcoat, handful of hand grenades and a machine gun. He hid the grenades into the overcoat.

Since Shakila had seen the way to the warehouse she sat on the driving seat while Thomas sat on the back seat. There was no hide and seek game to be played now. This was the time for direct ambush. She drove very fast and reached the ware house crossing several narrow lanes. Thomas blasted the main gate and the bike entered amidst the smoke of fire inside the compounds. Before the insiders can fire Shakila drove the bike in a circular path while Thomas fired the machine gun killing or injuring whoever came in its path. In three minutes time almost fifteen had died. There were no target left, the cracking noise of the machine gun stopped and a complete silence followed.

No sign of Nubi, where he would be? Thomas thought. One woman came running outside. Thomas saw her and thought- who was she? Oh! But she was coming toward him. He heard Shakila’s loud cries, ‘Cuckoo, Cuckoo, run fast. Thomas was taken aback, his heart slumped. He recognized her with difficulty and thought, “What not she might have gone through at the hands of that devil. He was terribly in pain looking at the rug-shag condition of her. Where is that bastard?” he spoke aloud. He was now very angry.

Cuckoo could barely run, almost stumbling at every step. There were dark rounds underneath her sunken eyes. Her uncombed, unkempt hairs were flying in the air. She looked like a beggar. Thomas jumped from the bike and came forward to support her. Cuckoo was crying bitterly, her face wet with tears, her eyes red, and her cheeks swollen. Thomas hovered over her, patting her on the back, not knowing quite how to comfort her. Finally, he kissed her with passion several times. Cuckoo’s crying had stopped and she sniffed occasionally as he stroked her hand.

Shakila saw this with curious and strange feelings, and then said, ‘I am just coming, you two wait.’ Thomas was barely free of Cuckoo and he heard chilling noise of siren coming from a distance.

He thought that someone must have reported gunfire and police might be coming. He may be jailed for concocted charge of arson, rioting, entering into an enemy territory and spying. This was Pakistan, anything worst could be possible. This country had the dubious distinction of being the most dangerous country in the world.

How will he escape from here with this fragile girl? He also observed that his bike was punctured and damaged. Siren’s noise was now becoming louder and louder. Where is Shakila now? The thought of her made to appear her it seemed. She was there, coming with a white Afghani horse. She was walking bravely through the still burning fires of the gate. He led the way for Cuckoo. He jumped on to the horse. Shakila assisted Cuckoo to climb up the horse and at last she sat behind her. They all galloped away in the direction of the mountain range. The police jeep was chasing them.

The horse was powerful and knew what was expected from it. It ran as if talking with the winds. The police jeep was also nearing them. When the distance between them was hundred feet or so they started firing. Jeep was now very near and Shakila saw Nubi in the jeep. ‘Yeah, it is him, the devil’ and she fired second round of bullets. Their followers also fired back but Thomas dodged and turned the horse in the next valley, the bullets ricocheted against the cliffs and their sounds echoed in the valleys. Then again the jeep managed to close in. Shakila was now furious and took the aim and fired. The driver succumbed and his body flung out of the moving jeep. The jeep lost control and crashed into the nearby rock. Many jumped off the tumbling jeep, shouting loudly, ‘yah Allah, yah Allah,’

The threesome vanished away into the ravines.

That night they took shelter at the house of Shakila’s friend far away from the city. They ate, talked, rested and allowed few hours to Cuckoo to recover from her shocks. Finally they decided to part their ways for the sake of safety. When the final moment arrived, Thomas said to Shakila, “Look, Shakila I know this has all been a routine thing for you but I want to thank you”

“It is not necessary.”

“I’m afraid it is necessary. When someone does something nice I think they must accept thanks. I can tell you I am grateful for my life and life of Cuckoo, can’t I?”

Shakila smiled and her voice lost some of its coldness. “We have been rude to each other. I think it was natural under the circumstances.”

“You are a good woman. I don’t suppose we’ll be seeing each other, so thanks again.”

“Good-bye, and take care of her.” Then she started for the door.

Thomas had received a message from the Indian Prime Minister’s office He was absolved of the charges. The allegations were withdrawn and he was called back to his country for further service. For the time being he had postponed to settle down to other country with Cuckoo.

Shakila too decided to help the people in Pakistan although it was not her country. Meanwhile, people of the world were praying for success of the space mission.
