The Secret of the Lodge in English Short Stories by Rahul Thaker books and stories PDF | The Secret of the Lodge

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The Secret of the Lodge

The Secret of the Lodge

Rahul Thaker



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On the one dark night, two professionals named Ameet and Hardeek have gone to the Dungarpur for some official purpose .

They have reached there at Midnight and directly headed towards the famous Resort for the getting rest and have some leisure.

The Resort was highly popular in the entire area and offering the best amount of the luxury to its guest.

But destiny has other plans because the Resort was completely packed and not a single room was vacant for them.

The time was mid night and they were desperate to have some space for rest as they have been tired from the long journey so that they inquired about other available options near to the Resort for accommodation.

One waiter said that there is a small lodge right behind the resort but it is not advisable to stay there and pass the night there.

When asked he answered that rumors are that, the lodge is haunted and many people who have passed the night there, have claimed to spot the spirits in that lodge.

They came outside the Resort and indeed they saw a small lamp is burning in the far distance behind the resort and they headed towards the lamp.

On the way to lodge, Hardeek asked to Ameet " Ameetbhai is it really safe to go there ? What about the rumors?"

" Yaar be brave, there is nothing like the ghosts & spirits in this world these all are the illusions of our weak mind, and we just need to pass the only one night there and tomorrow morning we would have the accommodation in Resort “Ameet replied.

They reached in the compound of the lodge and saw not a single vehicle was parked. The lodge was complete empty.

The structure of the lodge was totally a wooden structure, and the layout was colonial heritage building.

There was a big bell hanging outside the main gate, Ameet rang the bell and waited.

The main gate of the lodge opened by the very old man and invited them to come in.

Both reached at the reception of the lodge, it was a big hall with reception counter was on one side and a big wooden dining table was in the middle of the hall. There was a big staircase was also there which leads to the upper stair of the lodge.

Ameet started to fill the register and Hardeek was observing the hall and its surroundings.

Than suddenly Hardeek spot someone quickly pass with the sound of laughing on the passage of the upstairs and he shivered with the fear.

Hardeek saw something moved on upper stairs and he asked it about the old man.

" No beta, there is no one on upper stairs, infect there is no one in the entire lodge, I am all alone in this place " old man answered than he looked at Ameet and added,

" Here is the your keys, go to your room, freshen up yourselves and than come down here for the dinner " Old man handed the room keys to Ameet and went in to the kitchen.

They both climbed the stairs and went to the upper stairs were their room was

the room was bigger in size and having the king size bed, many antiques with many heritage like furniture and fixtures. This was the probably the best room of the lodge.

The only odd thing in the room was a life size oil painting of the young couple. In the painting, the couple was seated together in the throne like chair.

Hardeek went to the bathroom first and Ameet was just seated on chair resting. After few minutes he hears soft voices of sobbing as if somebody is crying softly. Ameet also heard the low voice of "please help us "in between the sobs.

Ameet rose from his chair and searched for the source of the voice. He looked at the painting and his eyes went wide with the shock.

The lips of the couple was moving and their eyes were full of tears and they were pledging " please help us "

Ameet heard the pledging " Please Help us " from the painting, he could not believe in his eyes and he ran towards the kitchen for the explanations .

At that time Hardeek also came from the washroom, he saw Ameet running downstairs so he also ran behind him.

When Ameet reached downstairs, an old man was ready with the dinner on the big dining table.

“Uncle, the painting in that room... the couple in the paintings.....the couple in the paintings are crying and saying "please help us” ! How this could be possible? Who are they? What sort of help he requires from us? “Ameet asked so many questions to the old man in one breath.

“Oh my God! Did you really heard the pledge from paintings! Thank God, You are the chosen one, destiny has send you to save this place " Old man replied.

" Who are they and what exactly happened to them " Hardeek asked

" The couple in the painting is my Son & Daughter in law who have been killed five years ago " Old man said with wet eyes.

" Oh No ! But why would someone killed such innocent and happy looking couple? " Ameet asked angrily

" Because of that famous bloody Resort which belongs to only us " replied the old man

"That famous resort belongs to us " said the old man

Ameet asked " Wow ! Is that famous Resort is really yours? If so , than why you are here ?? Why your son and his wife is killed and by whom??

Old man replied with the grief in his voice "This is the painful incident which occurred five years ago at that time there was no Resort instead there just normal and simple road side motel which provides the meals & basic accommodation to the travelers and visitors. This motel was own by me and my younger brother.

"This place , the lodge , where we are seating right now is happens to be our home "

"As the time goes , the popularity of our motel increases and in result we are getting more and more business and revenues from the motel "

"One day my younger brother who was also may business partner has asked me to give him the motel's property papers for routine tax purpose , as he was handling such issues I handed over the papers and did the signature as per his instructions, I have not asked him any questions as this was the routine process.

One month later on that horrible day I was not available at the Motel as I went to city to buy some items for the Motel.

My brother and his son came with persons from local municipal authority and started to demolish the Motel building with destructions machines like bulldozers and JCB etc.

In my absence my son tried to protest but my brother produce the legal property papers of transfer of interest with my signatures on it , now my brother was the sole owner of the property.

My son became so frustrated and angry that he started to fight with my brother and his son but unfortunately in protesting that fight my son has been killed by the machine, his wife also witnessed the incident , she also dyed from cardiac arrest of the great shock.

When I came back next day I saw just the plain ground at the place of Motel and got the news of sad demises of my son and daughter in law.

I broke up totally and I did not have much physical & mental strength and resources to fight with my evil bother so I accepted it as my destiny.

Later my brother had built that Resort on that land and I am earning my money by running this lodge. "

Ameet and Hardeek felt the great amount of pain after hearing the sad story from the old man than Ameet asked to old man " It was such an evil thing , we are really very sorry to hear this but still an important question is unanswered , why your son and his wife is asking for help ??"

"Why the spirit of couple is asking for help ?"Ameet asked to old man.

" Because the spirits of my son and his wife needs the salvation , which only you can provide as you have heard their pledge" Old man replied.

Old man's eyes filled with tears and he said with much sorrow in his voice " After killing my son and his wife , my brother and his team has secretly buried their bodies in some where in the same land where now Resort has built"

" They could achieve salvation & libration from those who has heard their pledge , now you have heard their pledge so only you can free their spirits " Old man said

" But how ?" asked the Hardeek

"As per Hindu mythology , By spraying the holy Gangajal on their grave , but for that first you must locate the graves in the Resort " Replied old man

" But how can we locate the exact location of the one or probably two graves ??"Asked Ameet.

" This answer will be given by my son , you alone need to go to upstairs in front of paintings and he would indicate you the exact location of their graves in the Resort " Said the old man

Ameet went to the room and closed the room , in downstairs Hardeek and old man waited patiently for the Ameet to return.

After half an hour , The door opens and Ameet emerged from the room and came downstairs .

Hardeek hugged him and said with the genuine concern, "Bhai are you ok ! What happened inside please tell us "

Ameet took a long breath and replied” Hardeek , please call Professor JIGAR , we would need his services "

" Please call professor Jigar " Ameet said to Hardeek

" Professor Jigar ! Why him we need him in this situation and by the way what exactly happened in that room??" asked the Hardeek.

An old man and Hardeek were desperately looking at Ameet for answers and than Ameet replied,

" I entered in the room and headed straight to the paintings and waited for them to respond "

" Few moments later the lips of the man in the paintings moved and I hear the soft echoed voice ,

" O good man , thanks for coming back to us and willing to help us , only you can provide our spirits the salvation by spraying the holy Gangajal on our graves "

Ameet replied " It is our duty to help those who are in need , so please don’t thank me anymore and suggest me the location of your graves so that I could do my best "

Hardeek interrupted in between and said " Well said Big B !! Now the man in the painting might have indicate the exact the location of the graves lying in the Resort, aren’t they? Than still I cant understand why we need Professor Jigar in this matter?"

"Yes Hardeek , the man in the painting has suggested the location of the grave but still we need the Professor Jigar " Ameet said softly,

" But why " asked Hardeek

" Because now only Jigar can lead us to the grave's exact location " Ameet replied

" Only Jigar can lead us to the grave" said the Ameet.

Professor Jigar is is the well known academic of Shikhsha University and said to be the authority in field of Linguistics & Cryptography and happens to be the close relative of Ameet and Hardeek.

" If the man in the paintings has pin point the correct location of the grave in the Resort , then how Jigar can guide us there !! " asked the Hardeek

Ameet resumes his narration " I asked to the man in the painting about the location of the grave in the Resort and his precise reply was as follows ,

" O good man , Being the spirits , we need to follow the laws of spiritual world . The first and foremost law of our world is that , A SPIRITS CAN NOT DIRECTLY SUGGEST THE EXACT LOCATION OF THEIR OWN GRAVES , if they do so they can never achieve the salvation "

Few moments of silence occurred in the room , which again broke by Hardeek " What the hell !! then how could we identify the location of the grave ?? "

Ameet said " I asked the same question to the man in the painting and his reply was so amazing that we needs to involve the Professor Jigar "

" What in the name of God , the man in the painting replied " Asked the Hardeek nervously.

" He told me the The Coded and cryptic Poem hidden with clues and by cracking that Poem only we could reached to the grave " Ameet replied

" A cryptic Poem in which the location of the grave is hidden . Now what does that mean ?

Anyway I have called the Professor Jigar and he will reach here in one & half hour” Hardeek said

" Yes, A cryptic poem , in which the location of the grave is hidden. As the man in the painting has already cleared that, they can not directly suggest the precise location, so he originated the cryptic poem and delivered to me which hides the location of their grave.

We can identify the exact location only by solving or cracking that Poem " replied the Ameet

" Where is that Poem ?? “Hardeek asked

" The poem is written on the piece of cloth with blood of man and was safely hidden behind the painting. Right now that piece of cloth is in my pocket " Replied Ameet

" Let me see it " Requested Hardeek

"No first let the Jigar came than only I will relive the poem because the piece of cloth is in very poor condition and repeated opening & folding of the same may tempered its contents" Ameet said

" Ok than lets wait for Jigar , till than lets have a dinner " Hardeek said and seated on dining chair

As soon as they have finished their dinner , they hear the sound of car has been stopping so they ran towards the compound of the lodge and saw Professor Jigar coming towards them

Professor Jigar entered in the lodge and seated on dining chair.

“Thanks Jigar for rushing in a such a short notice , it matters the most " Ameet said with genuine feelings.

“Forget it , guys ! First give me something to eat as you knows that my mind can not work without the food . Now tell me the whole story while I am eating " Professor Jigar replied

An old man serve the dinner to Jigar and he started eating than old man & Ameet narrates the whole story to him.

After finishing the dinner and hearing the whole story , Jigar told to the old man " Don’t worry Uncle we are here to help you and to your family . We are assuring you that we will provide the salvation to the spirits of your son and Daughter in law "

Than Jigar turn towards Ameet and said " Ameet can I have a closer look at that piece of cloth which contains the cryptic poem ?? "

" Can I have a closer look at piece of cloth which contains the cryptic poem?" Requested Jigar

" Of course Professor! We have waited only for you and this requires your special attention only ”Ameet answered . Than he requested Old man “Uncle , please put a fresh white cloth on table and start a table lamp"

Old man did the same as per request. Than they all gathered around the table and Ameet carefully took out the piece of cloth from his pocket , slowly unfolds it and relive it completely on the table.

It was the light yellow piece of the cloth made by fine silk and perfectly square in shape with approx size of half feet.

There were a eight lines were written with red letters in perfect order.

Professor Jigar read it loudly

"Where the pure meets the dirty,

and Life meets the death,

Where the holy meets an unholy

and constructor meets the destroyer

Where the happiness meets the griefs

and necessity meets the pleasure

Where the Water meets the Wine

there lays my last rites"

"What the hell is this ?I am not getting anything from it , where does it leads ? " Hardeek said loudly

"Wait and keep the passion Hardeek as this poem specifically pointing to the particular location in the Resort " Replied Ameet and looked at the Jigar for some examinations.

"Hmmm, pure - dirty , holy - unholy ,happiness - greafs, constructor - destroyer,

seems these all are the characteristics of the two different elements " Jigar said

Ameet interrupted " characteristics of which elements and most important where exactly we could find those in the Resort ? "

" Got it , the most crucial clue is in last line "where water meets wine ". The two elements are water and wine " Jigar said with smile

"How ? " Hardeek asked

" Let me explain , water is the most important aspect of our life because structure of our body contains the most part of the water so we could say that it is the " constructor " "Replied the Jigar

" Nice, Than ? "Ameet asked

" In our mythology, we treated the water as "mother" that why it is " Holy ", than The " pure " water freshen our shelves and give us strengths and " Happiness " and finally water is our "necessity’s we could not live without water " Jigar said

" Excellent , now what about the wine ? " Hardeek asked

" The wine is the totally opposite to the water . In our society wine is considered to be " Un holy " , It "destroys" the families and in result it gives us the " Grief’s"

Replied Jigar with broad smiling

" Great catch ! Jigar " Said both Ameet and Hardeek in Unison.

" Thanks , now lets find where in the Resort does both meets" Said Jigar

" Lets see where in the Resort we could find Water and Wine in same place !!" Said Jigar

"Its very easy !! In the Restaurant. It is the place in the Resort where we can find the both " Ameet replied

" I am thinking otherwise " replied Jigar

" What ?? " Hardeek asked

" What I think is that we are talking about characteristics and actual placement of the both elements of water and wine with regards to Resort " Replied Jigar

" Bouncer !! " said Hardeek

" Ha ha ! Let me simplify it than , here we needs to locate the actual placement where do one can find water and wine normally in the Resort. Look , in this situation we are not talking about one glass of water or one glass of wine as it could be taken to anywhere in the Resort besides the restaurant

" In straight words we need to find the water and wine's designated places where normally one can finds them in Resort !! got it ??"Asked the Jigar

" Yes a little ! " Replied Hardeek

" So tell me what is the designated place of water in the Resort where normally people supposed to to seek the water. In other words if we try to imagine the water in the Resort than what comes first in our mind ??" Asked Jigar

"A swimming pool " Replied Ameet

"Great " said Jigar ,

" Now Hardeek tell me what is the designated place or an actual place were we tends to find the wine ?? "

" Simple ! A Bar " Hardeek replied quickly.

"Now my fellows , in which place in the Resort where we locate the both in one place ?? asked Jigar to both.

Both remained silent.

"Still no catch ! my boys its the POOL SIDE BAR " Replied Jigar

" The pool side bar , that is it ,so we need to go to pool side bar in the resort than identify the grave and sprays the holy Gangajal right ? " asked Hardeek

" Yes , now you understand the correct things my little brother " replied Ameet

Ameet said to the old man " Uncle , please keep this piece of cloth. This is having your son's blood on it , keep it as his last belongings"

After saying that Ameet took the cloth on the table and handed to the old man.

In process , the piece of cloth came under direct yellow light of table lamp , and Jigar saw something in it and shouted " Stop ! please stop Ameet ! Give me that piece of cloth back !"

"What happened ? " Ameet gave the cloth back to Jigar and asked.

Jigar kept the cloth under lamp , closely examined it and said " Friends, still our work seems has not been done ! I can see another poem written on it "

" What an another poem !! where it is ? please show us " Requested Ameet

" See very closely ! there is the small space after completion of every two lines of first poem !

In that every space there are another lines are written" said Jigar

Indeed there were two lines written in each space with very pale red color and smaller in size , the color , handwriting and size was different from the first poem so probably written with the female's blood.

Jigar read it loudly,

"The space full of clays ,

which erases the darkness

The space full of wax

which erases the undesired

The space full of plants

which erases the uninvited

The space full of hot air

which contains my last breath"

" Now what is these?? clays , wax ,and hot airs " said Hardeek angrily

"We have just solved one difficult puzzle and soon after the second one appears from nowhere" Ameet added

"Don’t lose the passion guys , we still need to go through very far , so please keep calm " said Jigar and again looked at new poem.

" Ok let me think it there is the place in resort in which,

clays erases the darkness,

wax erases the undesired,

Hmm ! Oh yes , holy God , this one is so simple " Jigar said happily.

" What is so simple? ! "Asked Hardeek

" Listen fellows , what erases the darkness of our skin and body ? A face pack right !! and from what ingredients does the face pack has been made ?? from CLAYS " Jigar said and added

In the same manner the wax therapy erases the undesired hairs and pimples of our skin , Am I right ??"

" Seems yes to me " Ameet said

" The plants or country herbs erases the uninvited guests like Virus and Bacteria from our body , Isn’t it??" Jigar said waited for the some time and again added

" And the last and most important one , the hot air which contains the last breath is indicates the correct spot of the grave"

"How ? " Hardeek asked

" Guys please answer me where does these all therapies of CLAYS /WAX/PLANT/HOT AIR could take place in the Resort ?? "asked Jigar

" O poor fellows , these all are in Resort's in-house Ayurvedic Beauty Parlor & Spa"

"The second poem indicates the resort's Beauty Parlor and specially the Spa room in the parlor because in the Spa room where we can have a hot air " Jigar said

" But now we are having entirely two different locations in the Resort , one A pool side Bar and second a Beauty Parlor , why two different locations ??" Asked Ameet

" Because ,there are two graves " Replied Jigar

" What , two graves , Oh No " Hardeek said.

" Yes , one grave is of male and one is of female according to the human nature" Replied Jigar

"Human nature ! " Said Hardeek

" Got it, a pool side bar location indicates the grave of the male while beauty parlor & spa location indicates the grave of female " Ameet answered

" Excellent , Ameet you interpreted well and now we have the clear vision of our goal " replied Jigar

" But still one question is still lingered in my mind that the area of Pool side Bar and the Spa room would be very vast and once start digging , how can we judge the correct spot of the grave and when to stop the digging ?"

I mean to say after many years there are chances that, there is nothing remains in the grave and we may or may not be able to know that here is the grave !

"So how could we judge the correct place were Gangajal needs to be sprayed "

Hardeek asked.

"Superb question ,Hardeek ! Even me to does not knows the answer " Replied Jigar

"Than who will have the answer ??" Asked Ameet.

"My son may have the answer for the same so please go to the paintings room and seek for the answer " Old man said to Ameet

" Go to the painting room and seek for the answer " Old man said to Ameet.

Ameet looked at the Jigar for his opinion.

Jigar said " Please do as suggested , this is the only way by which we can have our answers "

Ameet took a long breath , made his mind and started to climb the stairs

" Be careful ! " Hardeek said with genuine concern.

" Don’t worry Hardeek ! Nothing will happen to him" Jigar said and he looked at old man added

Uncle while Ameet seeks the answers, can you please give me something to eat because I am hungry again ! Jigar requested to old man

When Jigar complete eating his food, Ameet descend from the stairs and sat on the dining table.

" Yes ! Ameet please share your latest adventure " Jigar said

" The man in the painting has told me something like this" Ameet answered

" We are the direct descendent of the RAGHUKUL dynasty and we are the biggest worshipper of Lord Rama ,so we all in the family always were the big brass locket with picture of "Rama" family ( Rama , Sita , Laxman & Hanuman )

So when you find the that big brass locket in the soil , understand that you have found the correct spot and spray the Gangajal on that locket " Ameet concluded

Everyone went for silent for few moments which broke by Hardeek , he aid loudly " JAY SHREE RAM "

" Jay Shree Ram " All said in unison.

" So now everything is seems to be crystal clear ! isn’t it ?? Now our Goal is set" asked Ameet

" Yes so many things are clear now , the Goal is set but still we need to create the smooth path to achieve that Goal " Jigar Replied

" Means" asked Hardeek

" What do you think can we directly go the beauty parlor or at the swimming pool and start the digging ? Is it looks that easy ?? " said Jigar angrily

" Than what is the solution ?" asked Ameet

" We required a support inside the Resort , who can arrange the all the equipments and ither required things . He should be able to create the favorable and idol situation for us and who can become the protector of us on out bad timings" Jigar said in one breath and added

" We needed a highly trusted helping hand who will work along with us on this mission " Jigar said and than he looked at old man " Uncle do you know anyone ?? "

" Of course ! With the blessings of Lord Rama ? I knows one person in the Resort who can help us ,

He is working as Housekeeping Head and he was the best friend of my late son, I am treating him same like my son, his name is PARESH"

" Let me call the Paresh and meanwhile he arrives have some food and rest " said old man and went to the reception of the lodge and dialed the number

" He is at the Resort and will reach here in 20 minutes" Old man said after he put the receiver back.

" Uncle will he really work against his current employer ? " asked Ameet

" Yes he will because he was the childhood friend of my son and can do anything for our me . He also supported me when I was totally broken after the death of my son. He is working in the resort only because there are no many options of employments available in this area so dont worry I have the faith in him " Replied old man

In far distance , they hear the firing of Royal Enfield Bullet " Dhag..Dhag..Dhag...Dhag"

" He is approaching, " said old man with happy tone

Few minutes latter the main gate of lodge opened and Paresh entered and said to old man " Babuji ! are you ok ? what was so important that you have ordered me to come at once ?? What happened?? "

" What happened ? Babuji and who are these people " asked the paresh to Old man

" Don’t worry Beta ! I m all right ! calm down ! I will tell you everything" said an old man and added " Beta ! These are the few good men who are helping us "

Than old man introduce one another of the group and each one narrated their part of adventure and progress so far to Paresh

Paresh could not digest at once " Oh my God ! these all things have actually happened ! I cant believe it ! "

" Yes beta " said old man

" No ! I mean does my dear friend 's spirit has really requested these ?? "

" Yes ! Paresh ! my son ! it is true that your dear friend had requested the same " said old man

" Ok than I will do anything for my friend and his family ! I m all yours " said Paresh to the group

" Thanks Paresh " said Ameet

Paresh said " See getting near the pool side bar will not create any problem but there seems a problem with beauty parlor & spa "

" What sort of problem ?? " Jigar asked

" The resort's policy is that the Beauty Parlor & spa is exclusively for Ladies guests only " Paresh s aid

" Oh No ,now what to do ,we are not having any beauties with us " said Ameet with disgrace

" Don’t loose hope ! Big Bro ! so what we are not having any beauties with us ! I CAN BE THE ONE " Hardeek said with the firm determination

" I can be the one " said Hardeek

" What ! you mean , will you become a lady ? How it would be possible ? " Paresh asked

Ameet answered with broad smile on Hardeek's behalf " You does not know about my young brother he is the gifted artist with natural acting abilities and he can transform in to anything while he is acting and he would be so natural that you could not differentiate it "

" Oh Great ! " Paresh said to Hardeek

" Thanks" said Hardeek

" So the stage is ready , and now what requires is our winning performance " Ameet said with philosophical tone

While they were talking , It seems that Jigar was in some deep kind of thinking process , and when asked he replied ,

" Guys what I am thinking is that we are doing the justice to the dead ones , but we have completely forget the living man " Jigar said with grief in his voice

" Please throw some more lights " Requested Ameet

" Sure ! while helping the spirits , we totally forget that an old man also needs and deserves he Justice ! " Replied Jigar

" Means " Hardeek Interrupted

" Means that he needs to revenge his younger brother who had killed his son and daughter in law and took away his property ! " Jigar said and turned towards old man

" Uncle , we can not give your son back , but I am assuring you we will give your Resort back "

" But How " Paresh asked

" That you will leave it on me " Replied Jigar

" That you will leave it on me , I have made the complete plans " Jigar said

" Now everyone please come closer and listen carefully " Jigar said

Everyone came closer to the table and ready to listen what Jigar has to say

"In the morning we need the booking of two rooms.

One room is for the Royal couple from TANKARA state. The prince AJEETSINHJI and his beautiful bride HEMKUVARBA who are on their honeymoon and decided to stay in the Resort "

" Paresh we will need the room nearest to Beauty Parlor. In addition we also requires the royal dresses and outfits suitable for royal couple."

Paresh said " Granted ! I will do my best and for dresses the same can be available here also ,

we have many unused dresses of my friend and his wife that can be used"

" Excellent ! one problem solved " Jigar said than again he added,

" For the second room, the Resort will get the call from Oberoi Group of Hotels stating that his one representative Mr. Jigar ,Executive - Merger & Acquisition " wants to meet the owner for business opportunity."

" Superb ! " Paresh said with excitement

Old man said with tears in his eyes " I don’t have words to thanks all of you "

Paresh added " Yes ! you are really a few good men that being the strangers are risking your lives and helping us for nothing "

" Uncle & Paresh ! please don’t ! We have promised you that we will provide the salvation to spirits and also will give your Resort back " Jigar assured and said loudly

" So Dear Team , LETS BEGIN THE SHOW "

"Lets begin the show " Jigar said

In the morning , the Resort staff was working hard to decorate the cottage for the royal couple who are on their Honeymoon. The cottage was next to Beauty Parlor and exact opposite to swimming pool .Everyone at the reception was eagerly waiting for the arrival of them.

Paresh has created such a hype among the staff that everyone was really convinced that indeed some most important and royal guests are coming.

After an hour , the Royal couple arrives and the reception staff went to welcome them with " red Tilaks , Garlands and other traditional items "

The His Highness Yuvraj Ajeetsinhji wear the pant , shirt and blazer while his wife Her Highness Hemkuvarba wear the pure traditional Chiffon Sari and hide her face with traditional " Ghunghat "

Welcome girl requested the Her Highness to open the Ghunghat so that she can apply the red tilak on her forehead but she refused and replied behind the Ghunghat .The soft , female voice

" Ji ! we can not open the Ghunghat while other Men are around "

The Royal couple was escorted to their cottage by Paresh the Housekeeping Head himself and once they all were inside the cottage , Paresh locked the door and said " Superb act Hardeek ! Everyone is really thinking that you are the real Her Highness "

Ameet opened the Ghunghat of Her Highness and gave a kiss on the chick " Nice Job ! My brother ! The first power play belongs to us"

Hardeek said " Thanks ! but now what will be next ?? "

Paresh replied " We needs to execute this plan after some hours , so please listen carefully the whole plan , and here it goes ..........,...,"

Paresh narrated the whole action plan to both and after hearing it completely Ameet took the long breath and said " Woof ! My God ! Lets hope the executions of all these actions happens as planned !

Hardeek replied " Don’t Worry Bro ! It would definitely will be executed as per planned ! Because Fortunes Favors The Brave so Lets do our Best"

" Lets do the best " Hardeek said

11 am

Her Highness went to Beauty Parlor complex and demanded to have the Sauna Bath first and later having the spa therapy

11.15 am

The Sauna expert has informed her that sauna Tub is ready to use

Her Highness texted to His highness " starts "

His Highness forwards the same massage to Paresh

11.25 am

Her Highness with her signature Ghunghat entered in Sauna Room and demanded to be alone and ordered an expert to leave

Expert said she should remain there for temperature setting but Her Highness refused and asked her to leave

11.35 am

Her Highness screamed from inside that she has lost her wedding ring somewhere inside the Sauna Tub

The staff requested that she come out so they can search the ring

Her Highness refused to come outside until her wedding ring not found and demanded His Highness's presence

11.45 am

His Highness goes to the Reception and started yelling so Paresh tried to calm down him and asked His Highness to reach at the Beauty Parlor and assured him that he will do anything to find the ring

Paresh texted Jigar " Starts after 5 min "

11.55 am

Paresh went to Resort Owner's office to tell him the latest situation and asked his permission to empty the Sauna Tub and entirely remove the Tub if needed to search he Ring

The Owner started to argue that digging and removing Tub will cost him a lot

At the Sametime Owner's secretary rush inside the office with cordless phone in her hand claiming that someone from Oberoi Group is coming in 15 mins for business meeting

12.05 pm

Paresh got the call from beauty parlor that screaming and sobbing of Her Highness is not stopping and she is asking for her husband

Paresh asked once again to the owner about the digging in the spa room which again he refused

12.10 pm

Now His Highness has virtually taken the Resort on his head and he started shouting continuously and demanded to meet the owner

Owner also heared the same and started to think deeply

12.15 pm

Paresh again asked for his permission for digging

Secretary rushes in and informed that the Oberoi representative is arrived

Owner asked to Paresh is there are other ways to prevent the digging which Paresh declined

Owner Half Heartily approved and suggested the Paresh that please start the digging carefully and make sure for the less possible damage

12.25 pm

His Highness reached at beauty parlor complex with a what looked like a water bottle in his hand and tried to enter the complex

The receptionist didn’t allow him to enter by showing him the resort rule of exclusive for Ladies

His Highness looses his temper and started to shout again

12.35 pm

Owner welcomed the Oberoi executive and escorted him to his office

The anger shouting of His Highness was audible everywhere

It seems that Oberoi executive didn’t liked whatever is happening in the Resort and inquired it to Owner

12.40 pm

Owner assured the Executive that it is not the serious condition and can be controlled

Owner requested Executive to go to his room and will start meeting after the matter is sorted

Owner asked Paresh to control the situation as early as possible

12.55 pm

Paresh and his two assistant with all required digging equipments reached the venue and saw His Highness was standing outside

Paresh ordered the receptionist to allow the His Highness in the room as he has taken approval from the owner and asked to hang the notice out side mentioning " Close due to Under Emergency Maintenance"

1.00 pm

Paresh and his team along with His Highness & his water bottle entered the Sauna room

1.00 pm

The team entered the sauna room.

Her Highness was on her full dress with her signature Ghunghat , ran and hugged His Highness and started crying

The Entry gate of Beauty parlor was closed and notice was hanged " Under Emergency Maintenance "

1.15 pm

Paresh ask his team has removed the Sauna Tub and many tiles adjoin the tub now the clear soil was visible

Paresh and his team started the work

Royal couple was observing with their fingers crossed

1.30 pm

Paresh saw something round shaped , pale yellowish colored object in the soil

He screamed with excitement and asked the His Highness to see his findings

1.35 pm

His Highness bent and started to observe the object closely

At the same time Paresh 's phone rang , after finished talking , Paresh informed the team that Owner himself wants to inspect the situation and coming there in 10 minutes

His Highness texted Jigar " S.O.S"

1.45 pm

Owner arrived at the venue and started to inquire about the situation to the Beauty Parlor receptionist.

Receptionist informed him that the door is closed for almost an hour and even she has no clues what was happening inside the sauna room

1.55 pm

Owner started to loose his temper and about to enter the sauna room

All of sudden , Oberoi Executive arrived at the scene and requested owner that now he has freshen up wants to inspect the Resort and needed his company

2.00 pm

Owner little bit hesitated for a while but Executive convinced him that , being a Owner he should not interfere in this kind of small situations , and Let his employees did their job

Owner agreed to be with the Executive and went with him

Jigar texted His Highness " All cleared "

2.10 pm

His Highness bent down to examine the object which was having the light impression of Lord Rama Family

His Highness looked at Paresh and Her Highness and both just nod their head in " Yes "

2.15 pm

His Highness opened the water bottle which he was carrying , Folded his hands and closed his eyes and murmured " Jay Shree Ram "

Paresh and Her Highness also murmured in behind

2.20 pm

His Highness started to pour the Holy Gangajal on the object

The atmosphere became little bit heavier , some kind of unexplained sorrow feelings was felt by everyone

His Highness empties the bottle and again folded his hands.

2.25 pm

They felt a light tremor for fraction of second

Paresh said with his hands folds " My Bhabhiji got the Salvation "

Owner and Executive were discussing while walking,

Executive said to owner " We at the Oberoi group really likes this place as it has the perfect strategic location for both commercial and tourist attractions and the Resort rt itself is highly popular in the entire region. "

" Thanks" replied the owner

" So our management has decided that you merged your resort with the Oberoi Group and in the result the totally management will be yours and you will have the all the commands

Only you need to share the some profit with us and you need to add the Oberoi group name with your Resort and the new name would be "The Oberoi Dungarpur Resort"

For that arrangement you would receive the fixed loyalty benefit of 5 Lac per month from the Oberoi management" Executive said

By now they reached at the Beauty Parlor where the Royal couple and Paresh were standing outside the complex.

By spotting the Executive, His Highness said with hint of recognition on his tone “Hey ,Mr. Jigar ! What a pleasant surprise! How you have been here ? "

" Oh my Goodness ! His Highness from Tankara state! Welcome Sir “Executive also replied cheerful tone

Owner was surprised with sudden developments and asked the His Highness " Your Highness ! do you know each other?"

His Highness replied " Of course ! I know him very well !He is Mr. Jigar from the Oberoi Group looking after the new business acquiring department "

He came to our state and gave us the best business offer for our Heritage Haveli at t Morvi city to converted in to Heritage Hotel but my grandfather was against the commercialism of our ancient Property so the deal could not be places. But one thing is sure that he gave us the best offer in market which no one can denied " Replied His Highness

Owner was looking impressed with Executive and said " Sir ! You please have a lunch and some rest , I am planning the formal business meeting on evening "

His Highness requested Executive " In that case , please be our guest and have a lunch with us in our special cottage ! It would be very nice of you "

His Highness turned to Paresh and said " Mr . Paresh ,thanks for your splendid help , without you we can not have our wedding Ring back ! So I request you to join us for the Lunch in my cottage "

Paresh looked at owner for approval , which he approved " Ok ,please take care of Royal Guests and an Executive "

The team went in to the Cottage.

The team went in to the cottage.

Once inside ,they all thanked one another for the completion of first task successfully and ordered the drinks and Lunch

They all were exhausted and hungry by the hard work at beauty parlor so they quickly finished the food.

After the lunch , Ameet asked first " So got the success in first task and now what would be the next action plans ?"

Paresh answered " Its our big Fortune that we have finished our first task without any visible and noticeable difficulties but I could not predict the same for our next task ! "

" Why that so ? " Hardeek asked

" Because my dear friend ! what we did in the first task was behind the closed doors and did it privately but the next task is at open swimming pool which we need to complete in front of everyone and in open space" Paresh replied

" Cool guys ! We would find the proper way to overcome that condition also! Meanwhile please take a rest everyone and meet in evening" Jigar replied

" OK than ! You guys take rest while I am going back to office" said Paresh and leave the cottage

When Paresh reached the office , he was shocked to see that Owner was about to place the call at the Oberoi Group's Headquarters to confirm whether they have send any Executive or Not ??

Owner was trying to place the call at Oberoi Group but due to network issues all the lines were busy so call was not connected

Paresh called the Jigar and give him the information regarding the latest development

Jigar replied " That not the good news ! Hmmm...from which phone he is trying to make the call ??"

" From Resort's LAN Line via telephone operator , Why ?? " Paresh asked

" Listen carefully ! Paresh ! Can you please divert that call in to our cottage in such manner without raising any doubts ? " Jigar Requested

" Hmm ! Let me think !This could be possible as we are having our In-House little Telephone Server and one of my man could easily hack the server and divert all outgoing calls in to the cottage " Paresh answered

" Thank you very much ! My Friend ! Please arrange the same before an owner's phone get connected" Jigar Requested

" OK ! I have texted my man to divert the call in to your cottage ! But what will you do after the call is being diverted to you ?? " Paresh asked with curiosity

" Her Highness will handle the situation " Replied Jigar with a smile

Owner asked to operator " Why the call is not connecting ? What is the issue ?? "

Operator replied " Sir ! Our server is running very slow ! Please wait for a moment while I connects the call "

Owner said angrily " Do it fast "

After few tries , there was a ringing in other end

Operator informed the Owner that call has been connected and he can put the receiver on

Paresh texted Jigar " Connected "

The phone inside the cottage was ringing and Jigar show the thumbs up to Hardeek wishing him the best of luck

Hardeek pick-up the call and answered in call center type of tone and in soft and sweet female voice

"Good afternoon ! Welcome to the Oberoi Group , I am the Heer Sharma a front office executive , How may I help You ? "

Owner's anger washed by the sweet voice , Owner replied " Good afternoon ! I am Surendersingh , the owner of the Dungarpur Resort wants to talk with " The Chief Financial Officer" regarding the business opportunity"

" Please hold a line , Sir , while I transfers the call to the "CFO" office"

After the few moments , Owner heard a Firm and Confident Male voice " Yes ! Harvindar Singh here ! Please speak the issue and make it fast as I have to attend the meeting "

Owner said with the hesitation " Good afternoon Sir ! I am Surender Singh ,an Owner of Dunagrpur Resort , ! See actually I just ... I just wants to be sure that .... did you actually have send an Executive for the business venture ?...... Look I am just asking, "

CFO Interrupted with angry and loud voice " Look Mr ... what you said your name .. Surender Singh , So you are doubting the Oberoi Group .. Ha !

See we liked your property and location and wanted to have our presence there so I send my executive but instead being thankful to us , you are doubting in our faith , OK I will call the Mr. Jigar to stop the dealing "

Owner replied " No..No Sir ! It is not like that ... I was ... I Was "

CFO again Interrupted " Its fine ... If you are not willing to be our business partner ... We are capable of building a better Resort exactly opposite to yours in Overnight! Do note that !! "

" No Sir ! Please .. I am extremely Sorry ... Now all my doubts are clear .. I will start the meeting with your executive on evening " Owner Replied

Hardeek ended the call & showed the two Thumbs Up ....

In the early evening , the Team compiled in the Bar

They have chosen the last table so that their conversion remains un-audible.

They started talking while sipping with their respective drinks,

Jigar said " It was really a good show ! Hardeek ! Now we could trap him easily "

Ameet said with glass on his hand " Nice ! But what about the pool side Bar ? Still we have not planned anything on that regards "

Paresh took a large ship of his drink and answered " I have made a rough plan but first understand about the layout of the location first "

Hardeek took a glass inside the Ghunghat and took the sip and said " Why to understand the location ? We have already seen the pool "

Paresh & Ameet finished their drinks and ordered another , after taking the gulp from fresh drink , Paresh replied " To execute this task successfully it requires the correct understanding of the layout of the location!!"

" How" Jigar asked and took the sip from his glass

Paresh pick up the paper napkin from table , took out the pen from his pocket and started to draw

" Look ! Here is the swimming pool and on the left side , exact adjoin to pool is the Bar and next to Bar is a Lifeguard Cabin "

" The Bar or what is you can say a big counter with limited stock of drinks is totally WOODEN make " Paresh informed

"This wooden counter is directly fixed in the soil with two sharp edges , just like a we fixes a Cricket Stumps in the ground " Paresh informed and took a sip

" Why that kind of arrangements ? " Jigar asked

Ameet and Hardeek were listening the conversation and sipping their drinks.

" Because ! Initially when Resort started there was only a pool , there was no Bar at pool side.

After the tourist flow increased and it was highly demanded by the tourists , the temporary arrangements were done and this Bar was fixed direct in soil"

" So what’s the point ? " Ameet asked

" The Poem indicates the grave's location to be at the Pool side Bar , so first we will try our luck in the pool side bar and that on swimming pool if requires " Paresh replied and finished his glass

" OK ! Friends , lets meet at the location after the dinner ! We will resume our discussion and next actions plans on the location itself " Paresh said

One waiter came to them and informed the Jigar that Owner has requested him to come to office for the meeting.

Jigar reached at the Owner's office, seeing him Mr. Surindar Singh rose from his chair and welcomed the Jigar

Jigar seated on the chair and speak nothing

The silence broke by the Owner as he said " So Mr. Jigar should we start the meeting ? "

Jigar replied calmly "Do I looked liked a Crook to you on our first meet ? If not than why you called our HO for my authentication ? "

" Oh No ! It was really my biggest mistake , please forget it ! " Owner requested in low tone.

Jigar replied " OK ! but I really didn’t expect such a silly thing from the businessman like you anyway please show me your property papers"

Owner opened the safe near to his chair , took out the file and handed it to Jigar.

Jigar started to examine the same and after moving many pages he stopped at one page and asked to Owner " Who is this Rajendar Singh? So you buy the property from him ? "

" He is my elder brother and this land belongs to both of us but few years ago in one accident he has lost his son and soon after he gave this land to me " Owner replied

Jigar said " Look Mr Surendar , I have done my homework and I knows that there was a conflict between you two brothers and you took his signature without his knowledge and in addition rumors also says that his son and his wife also died because of this land "

" No..No , these all are just rumors, Sir ! His son accidently came under the bulldozer ! It was just an accident ! Believe me ! " Owner answered

Jigar took out set of papers from his briefcase which he has already prepared and said " The first set is the contract papers between you and Oberoi group in which your signature is required,

By signing this we are agreed upon the terms and conditions we discussed earlier "

" In addition we requires the copy of your property's paper having your sign in our consent " Jigar added

Owner took the set of papers from Jigar and said " Seems fine to me !! Ahhh..but I would like to consult my Legal Advisor once"

Jigar replied calmly " Listen carefully Mr. after you have created the scene at HO , I have clear instructions from my office that we should not make any deal with you but I am ignoring the instructions and making the deal with you. Even after your mind is generating the doubts , Its fine leave it"

" Please dont ! I didn’t mean that " Owner replied

Jigar said " I will leave the resort , probably after the dinner so you have that much time to decide"

Jigar said and went out of the office

After dinner the team met at the swimming pool and started the discussions.

Ameet asked to the Jigar " How was your meeting ?? "

"Very positive and it seems that we are on verge of victory in that department " Jigar replied

Ameet said " Excellent ! but now what about the this task ? How could we remove the Wooden bar and digging the soil in public and without creating any buzz ?"

Paresh replied with smile in his face " My dear His Highness ! keep cool ! We do not need to remove the counter of the bar and dig the soil by ourselves !

" Than how could we achieve our goal ?? " Hardeek asked

Paresh replied " We just need to watch the show ! Our friends would work on our behalf"

" What kind of show ! Who are our friends ? " Ameet asked

Paresh went inside the Lifeguard Cabin and when he came out he was carrying two big Jars covered by the black cloth

" What’s this ! " Jigar asked

" See the magic! " Paresh removed the cloth of the first jar , which was full of TERMITES

" What ! TERMITES ! "the deemaks" " Jigar said

" Yes ! We will release this Termites on the wooden Bar ! By morning the Termites will do their job and make wood so weak that it would be easier to remove " Paresh answered

" Cool ! What’s in the next jar ? " Ameet asked

Paresh removed the cloth of second Jar it was full of the EARTHWORMES

" So friends ! We will releases these worms at the base of the Wooden Bar and by morning the Worms dig the soil so wooden bar will loose his support in the soil and It would fell in the pool by itself as it is already weakened by Termites "

" Ok than in the early morning , we will meet here and will execute our Job without creating any buzz to others and even if we get caught ! we could say that we are repairing damages caused by the Insects" Paresh replied

" Very Long Shot Paresh ! Excellent idea of getting things done without raising any eyebrows ! Simply the great" Jigar replied

Jigar's phone rang , after finishing the call he said with smile " Paresh please complete your task here by releasing the both Jar and in mean time I am going at the office of the owner to get him in the Jar"

Jigar entered in the office and saw owner was talking to someone in the phone

Owner said after ending the call " Unfortunately , my legal advisor is on the vacation at abroad

anyway than after I have a word with some of my friends who owns the resorts in Udaipur and they said indeed its seems the best offer on first sight and now not thinking the very much , I have decided to go for it "

" That nice and practical decision so now let me see whether all the documents are in order as suggested ? " Jigar commented

Owner handed the complete sets of documents to Jigar and after examined it he said

" Everything is seems perfect to me , I am taking this with me and communicate with you later from my office for queries if any "

Owner said with little hesitation " Please take care of the documents ! I have handed over my entire fortune to you and by the way are you leaving now ?"

Jigar answered " Dont worry ! You are in the safest pair of hands and yes I am leaving as I need to reach at Udaipur for our next project "

Jigar put all the documents in his briefcase than he rose from the seat and shake the hands with the owner and left the office.

Soon after , The team met in the cottage

Ameet said " Lets have a quick cheers as our second goal complete ! Big big congrats to the Professor "

Paresh and Hardeek lifted their glasses and said " Cheers "

Jigar said with serious note " Listen guys I am leaving the Resort and going to the Lodge but right now I will not update the old man anything till the morning. In the morning after you achieve our goal we will give him all the joyful news together , OK "

" So please do your best on tomorrow's assignment and than we would have the real big CHEEARS " Jigar said and left the Resort.

In the early morning , Paresh went to the location to examine the latest developments.

The Wooden counter bar was totally covered by small Termites and it also seems loosens from its base.

In the surrounding soil, Earthworms were moving everywhere which generates the bad aroma and the affected soil was cultivated totally.

Paresh make a call to the Owner and gave him the details

Owner was in his room and was in deep sleep and after hearing he came out of spell and said

" How this could be possible ? We are maintaining a good hygiene in the entire property and implied the pest control on regular intervals . Anyway We are having the contract with ABC Pest Control , please informed them and until they arrives do one thing we have some chemical sprays in our store room for such emergency use them"

After ending the call with owner , Paresh called the Ameet and told him to arrive and once

Paresh once again called the Owner and said " Sir, there are many chemicals tins are there in store room I am unable to identify the proper tin for the same"

He than added " His Highness the Royal guest was on his Jogging and inspects the situations , He said that he is certified chemical engineer and willing to help us in this critical situation! Should I accept his services? We need to act by ourselves first as the Pest Control team will take some time to arrive ! Please suggest!

Owner think something and said " OK but please be careful !His Highness being the royal guest make sure that he not harmed in any condition " Owner replied

Soon after , Paresh and his team arrived at the location with the digging equipments and started to work.

Few moments later , His Highness reached there with Water Bottle in his hand

The condition of the Bar counter was very critical so they removed it easily and started to dig that part of the soil which was full of the earthworms

The Earthworms had did their job perfectly and effectively and in result they found very easier to dig

After some constant dig , His Highness spot a round shaped , pale yellowish object surrounded by the Worms

His Highness saw a round object in the soil with was identical to the object they found in the spa room and also having the picture of " Lord Rama Family " ,

His Highness looked at the Paresh for his opinion which nod his head and said yes.

His Highness bent down and ignored the few worms who were trying to climb on his legs than he opened the water bottle , folded his hands and said " Jay Shree Ram "

His Highness poured the Holy Gangajal on the object , emptied the entire bottle and again folded his hands and prayed.

Paresh came near to Ameet , Hugged him instantly and said " Thank you very much ! Bhai ! I really mean it "

Ameet gave him a high five and said " We are now living the Resort and going to the Lodge so you come there as soon as possible "

The Royal couple got the amazing farewell . Her Highness was with her Ghunghat so that one of the staff also commented that "still we have not seen the face of Her Highness "

One hour later , the team were seated around the dining table of the Lodge .

Jigar took out the papers and put on the table and said to old man " Uncle ! please sign here "

Old man slowly signed the papers.

Jigar checked it and replied " Uncle ! as we have promised , we have given your land back , now you no longer need to live in this lodge as You are now the legal Owner of the Resort "

An Old man took the papers from him and looked at Paresh , and they both began to laugh very loudly.

Ameet , Hardeek and Jigar could not understand the sudden change of event , they started to look at one another in disbelief.

Paresh laughed like a devil and said " Ha..ha...ha...Daddy ! these people has done it ! Oh my God !

"These bunch of Fools has made our dream comes true "

The Trio was stunned to hear that from the two laughing men

Jigar , Ameet and Hardeek were shocked to see the two laughing man.

Hardeek loose his temper and asked " What is all these ! Why paresh is calling you a Daddy ? Isn’t your son is dead ? "

An Old man brings the whisky bottle from the closet , made his drink and answered " I have only one son and he is in front of you... Paresh " and again started laughing

" Than what about the man of the painting ?? What about that story??Why for everything .. Why..why ?" Ameet asked angrily

"Cool ! His Highness !" Paresh said and added "All your questions will be answered , after all you guys have did so much to us at least you deserves the explanations from us"

" Kajal ! please bring the breakfast for the guests " Paresh shouted

A lady came out from the kitchen with the dishes in her hand.

Paresh said " Hardeek ! oh sorry ! Her Highness ! This is the lady which you saw on upper stairs when you first time came to Lodge "

Jigar asked calmly " So you have cheated us ! "

Old man replied " Yes ! We have cheated you right from the beginning , from painting to that story to poems to graves. At each and every stage you " Intelligent fools " have been cheated by us "

" But Why .. Why .." Ameet asked again

Old man replied " The answer would be same as it was earlier because of That Bloody Resort .. "

" What ? " Hardeek asked

Old man replied " Lets start from the beginning , We two brothers were sharing one piece of land but having two separate business. My brother Surindar was running a Motel and I run this Lodge.

He was earning more money than me from the Motel and business grows days by days while mine is steady and not doing well "

Jigar Interrupted " So Land belongs to you both but business was separate ! But I have seen your signature in the Land papers ! What about It ?? "

Old man answered " As his business grows , he decided to expand his business and wants built the Resort so he requested me to sell some part of my Land and I willingly sold him and got the enough cash "

Jigar replied " OK ! Understood , and what about rumors about your son is died on that Land ?? "

Old man replied" Oh him ! He was the best friend of Paresh and was an orphan and most of time he leaved with us and I was also treating him as my second son. He was under the influence of liquor on that time and accidently came under the Bulldozer when the Resort was building.

Jigar replied " So you build an emotional story and won our confidence and convinced us to help you"

Paresh answered with smile " Yes ! Professor ! You all became our Puppets "

Old man resumed his narration " My brother is the true Gentleman , by knowing that my business is not running well , He gave my Son Paresh a good job in the Resort. In addition he also refers my Lodge to fellow tourists who cant afford the Resort"

" Even though you are playing games with him !Why ?? " Ameet asked

" Because ! I could not digest his progress , being a younger than me , he is far ahead in the business that I could not see and I was always looking for the other ways to hold the resort from him " Old man replied

Paresh added "we could not have the Resort in direct methods , so we planned for the Indirect methods "

" What sort of methods ? " Jigar asked

" To look my story be realistic and authentic, one method is ,the painting mechanism in which the recorder has been set behind the paintings and easily controlled by Kajal but The all previous tourists ran away with the fear after watching the talking painting ,but you did not " Paresh said

" So the hope was generated in us and to give more authentication to my story , we added the cloth of Poem and hide it behind the painting " Old man took a sip from his drink

He than resumed his narration "To add more religious & super natural element we included a concept of Lockets . When Ameet went again in the room , the concept of the Locket was live narrated by Paresh through the speaker from room behind the painting "

Paresh said " What you did right was asking for the helping hand from someone inside the Resort , so I entered in the picture and guided you towards the goals.

Jiagr commented “Superb plan ! but answer this important question , It was my Idea to give the property back to you , what if I have not suggested that ? "

Old man replied " Professor ! We were really very fortunate that at one point of time you have stated that ! Truly a Luck of Fortune were surely favoring us ! Otherwise I would have to build another emotional way to drive you on that subject "

Paresh said " Yes ! Thanks to your superb plan and excellent act by Hardeek , you have achieved what was our only dream "

Paresh picked up the papers from the table and announced loudly " So Gentlemen , we are now the Masters of the Resort "

As soon as , Paresh finished his statement , Ameet , Hardeek and Jigar started the laughing in the same manner as the Paresh and Old man laughed earlier,

Now Paresh & Old man was looking Stunned & Shocked

When they stopped laughing , Ameet said to Paresh " Dear Mr. Paresh , just have a close look at the papers because not only you have lost the Resort but your Lodge too "

" What the hell are you talking about? " Paresh yelled and started to look at the papers which indicates the Transfer of Interest of Lodge to Mr .Surendarsingh the bother of old man

By the time , Old man also came near the Paresh , started to inspect the papers and said

" Oh my God ! the signature I did was not for the taking the Resort , but for the Lodge ? "

Paresh was out of his mind and started shouting " But How you have did these ? How .."

Ameet replied " That will answered by Mr. Surendar Singh him self "

Mr. Surendar came with the few police officers , and said " Thanks Detective , thanks for the everything "

" What ! A detective ! Who ? " Paresh asked

" Yes ! Detective Ameet & Hardeek from " Honest Consultancy "at your services dear " Ameet said smiling

" I am not getting anything ! " Old man said

Surendar Singh replied , " I will tell you the whole story , I was having the doubts about your malicious intention on me soon after I built the Resort and also I was getting the constant tips from the outside that you both are planning some horrible things to hold the Resort "

Surender Sigh waited for sometime and added "So I offer the job inside the Resort to Paresh because at least I could monitor his activities"

Paresh and Old man seems to be some kind of spell.

Surender singh resumes" I was still not taking any actions against both of you as you are my blood relatives but soon the water rose above the head level and one day , I overhear , the conversation of both of them discussing the different horrible ideas to capture the Resort "

Paresh was looking stunned by hearing this.

Surender Singh added " So later I consulted Ameet's agency for the permanent solution of this problem "

Ameet said " We did the perfect set up , picking up the perfect time of midnight and choose a day when Resort was indeed packed so Paresh could not have the doubts about us and our true identity "

Paresh was shaking his head .

Hardeek got in the conversation" We got the first clue soon after we entered in the Lodge as our dear Bhabhiji Kajal's ZANZAR was found on upper stairs " Hardeek took out the pouch which contains the silver Zanzar

" Next clue , while I was trying to fetch the cloth of poem behind the painting , I saw a thin wire was going via the small hole from the painting to the room behind " Ameet added

" Than you did your worst mistake by implementing the theory of Lockets , Paresh chatted from the recorder and acting as if he is the man in the painting , so I have recorded his voice with my pocket pen recorder and when he first met us in person , being the detective I could easily identify the voice " Ameet said laughing

Paresh said " What about this guy , Jigar ? "

Ameet replied " Oh him ! He is indeed a professor and authority in his field , we have already communicated to Mr Surendar about him"

Jigar said " Yes ! When we went for the walk while you all were busy in spa room , I have communicated my Plans to him and he promised to cooperate "

Paresh said " If it is the trap that I show the owner was trying to call the Oberoi HO , how this could be possible ?"

Jigar replied " Ha..ha ! It was trap set by us to convince you he was just following my instructions nothing else "

Jigar added " So Surendar Singh has prepared the documents for the property transfer of the Lodge and handed me in which I have taken your signature . You were in belief that , I am giving you the Resort ! No in fact I was taking your Lodge "

Old man started crying ," Oh my God ! We lost everything ! "

Ameet said " You deserves the same ! After all you have betrayed your brother , Inspector please arrest them "

Inspector put the handcuffs on both male while lady constable arrested Kajal.

Surendar Singh came to them and said " Bhaiya ! Being elder brother you could have asked me , I would give you my everything , Anyway I will take care of your Lodge and when you release from the jail , I will surely give it back to you "

Police left the place and Surendar Singh said to trio ,

" Thanks Ameet , Hardeek & Professor Jigar ! You are indeed



Ameet , Hardeek & Jigar were resting on pool side chair of the Resort with the drinks in their hands

Hardeek said " This is really an amazing place , I think we should come here frequently"

At that time , Ameet 's phone rang , after ending the call he said

" While constructing the new shade of factory ,BHAVESH has found a strange small rustic Box which contains an ancient hand-written Manu-script , looks like a some kind of map of something , He has asked for our help to solve it"

The Team said together " LETS GO "