Endless Voyage - Part - 21 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - Part - 21

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Endless Voyage - Part - 21

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 21

The world’s two most powerful nations namely Russia and America strongly felt that it was important to find a way out of this astronomical event. Many lives had been lost and still thousands were dying as minutes passed. No solution was in sight. There was no alternative left other than to send a spacecraft deep within the empty space. Their technologies had failed to detect any signals which could be the cause of this catastrophe. Hence, the two nations started preparations for their joint spacecraft mission.

Vladimir, is seated with his family at the dining table, food is already arranged on the table. His family included his ten years old son and wife Alexandria. Quite strangely today the food is being served by Vladimir instead of his wife. His son felt strange at it. He asked with innocence, ‘why are you serving today? Is there anything special?’

Hearing this, his mother Alexandria started crying. Vladimir went near her and whispered in her ears, ‘why are you getting so soft, in front of him?’

His son asked at once, ‘Is she crying because you are going to space?’ Vladimir nodded somewhat moved.

His son now joined his father and went to his mom and hugging her; he looked up: ‘Do not cry, Dad is going for a good cause, if he goes something good will happen to the world.’

Vladimir said, ‘yeah I am going to the space for everyone’s good.’

‘Then why mom is crying? She should be happy.’

Vladimir said, ‘yes my son! You are right as ever. She should be happy, but she is crying because she is unsure of my return.’

‘Don’t you cry, he will definitely come back, and will bring lot of gifts for both of us’

Vladimir too consoled his wife, ‘you have some courage. I will come back and everything will be alright, God is with us. We will be together and happy again.’

Tereshkova came to pick him up. They were talking with each other in a speeding car. Vladimir still remembered emotional scenes at his home and felt sad looking at the trees which were moving past.

Tereshkova asked cutting the silence, ‘your family must be unhappy at your departure.’

Vladimir replied, ‘you are right comrade, my wife was sad but my brave son gave her the courage, although this is going to be my third voyage; as you know my first one was for chasing aliens out of our solar system, any way tell me about you.’

Tereshkova laughed, ‘No, No I have nobody to be sad or happy after me. Or to give me farewell and wish me, I am alone....’

‘What do you say?’

“One way it is better for me, at least it spares me of going through emotional crap.” Turmoil, in fact had begun lurking in his mind which he was unable to handle.

Their car entered the premises of Moscow Air Port. Important officials were present there. They all went to the conference hall. Last minute discussions were carried out. Then they all moved forward for final departure. All senior space engineers and defense high ranked officials were standing there to bid farewell to the precious astronauts. One of them was Natasha Petrova, tall and shapely. Even in her green uniform she looked strikingly handsome woman.

Vladimir and Tereshkova bid farewell to them and climbed the stairs of the plane. Then after a moment Tereshkova suddenly climbed down the steps and gave a kiss to Natasha and said, ‘I love you Natasha! Feelings…, you know. Oh I am sorry! Good bye.’ They were all stunned to see this sudden outburst of feelings exhibited by Tereshkova. No one said anything, however some faces grimaced with irk at this western style of departure.

For Natasha, However it was a much awaited welcome gesture. It was a reciprocation of her feelings for him. She was now excited to give reply to Tereshkova. She removed her official hat and started giving flying kisses to him. Her golden hairs having acquired the necessary freedom were now flying in the air.

But it was too late now, her ecstasy was short lived. The plane had already started running on the run-way and Tereshkova could not see her positive response, or acceptance of his love for her.

The officers which were decided upon by American government for the space mission were commander Copperfield and Captain Morrison.

Captain Morrison was a young fellow and very tall, about 6’ 6”. His eyes were blue and he was enthusiastic. He said good bye to all and started his long journey for NASA. His car was speeding fast; he switched on the music. Actually it was not a music but ‘Gayatri Mantra’ and devotional songs. Morrison was happy and on top of the world. Suddenly his eyes were glued to one particular milestone.

He slowed the speed of his car, and slipped into the past. This was the same milestone where his life took a turn for the better. At the age of fourteen, he had run away from the house of his uncle. He was a rude person and beat him often. He was made to do menial jobs. He had nobody in the world other than his uncle. Hence he had no option but to leave him and run away.

He got a small job in the ‘bar’ in this new city: There were other boys too who were working like him. But they were cheating the boss. When Morrison tried to stop them and threatened to inform the boss they began to harass him. Morrison was honest and informed the boss. They took their revenge. One night a mob of hoodlums broke into his house, dragged him out, beat him and strangled him until he fell unconscious, then tried but failed to pour a vial of acid into his mouth. Finally the mob stripped Morrison naked, poured tar and feathers on him, and left him, near this milestone to the mercy of God. The God came in form of Dr. Vyas, an Indian settled there since many years. He was lying there unattended for few hours and was badly hurt. However, it so happened that Dr. Vyas happened to pass through this way and halted his car. Took him to his clinic and treated him for several days till he became alright. Mr. Vyas who was a renowned doctor offered him to stay with him. He needed him for small errands at the house. Mr. Vyas did not have any issue and his wife constantly felt sorry about having no child. So Morrison was officially adopted. Thus he came under the influence of Indian culture. He learnt many Indian languages like Guajarati, Hindi and Sanskrit.

When he saw the milestone he remembered his past and thanked Mr. Vyas for giving him a good life. He was largely responsible for his bright career as an astronaut.

From Mr. Vyas he also learnt Yoga and chanting of holy Mantras. Truly speaking he became a more of a Brahmin than any real Brahmin. The turn of events in his life had brought back his faith in God, and he prayed that his mission would be successful. He then raced his car.

Here, at Copperfield’s house it was a small family comprising himself and his father. His father was very proud and satisfied that his son was going for a great mission and if it succeeded, his name would be remembered for the rest of the history of humanity and if the mission failed there would be no one left to remember it in a bad or good light. The pride of a father started flowing in the form of tears as he bade final good bye to his son.
