Endless Voyage - Part - 19 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - Part - 19

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Endless Voyage - Part - 19

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 19

‘Blast Furnace’ was the name of operation to rescue UN’s Secretary-General. Nubi Ansari had schemed very shrewdly this time. Nobody knew his real intentions. He wanted to kill many birds with one pebble. Money, power, position, terrorism, greed, anger, revenge and last but most importantly ‘coca’ were the numerous elements behind this abduction.

The signal was indicating the location in South America’s Bolivia. South to this country borders of Peru, Argentina and Chile were there. The signal was coming from the deep forest of Benny region near ‘La page’ which was the capital of Bolivia. It was a possibility that this signal could stop coming at any time, so it was necessary and urgent to commence the operation without further delay. This region was purposely selected by Nubi to hide the Secretary-General because here, there were many establishments of cocaine hydrochloride laboratories. Drugs were prepared here. This business had a big share in country’s economy. Drugs were smuggled to many countries in Europe and America by the Drug mafias. This was a game of billions of dollars. Till now about 130-140 people were killed by mafias in connection with their business. According to the popular belief this carnage was carried out at the instigation of drag mafia ‘Scorpion.’ He had been caught by the police two or three times, but soon released because of lack of evidence. Last time when he was behind the bars he had managed to escape breaking the jail and was in hiding since then. Nevertheless, his terror and menace did not stop and was always in the minds of people.

America annually gave hundreds of millions of dollars to stop the trade but did not get expected results. It never actually succeeded in preventing drugs from entering the US borders. By small planes it was transported in flower baskets, tourist bags, and furniture and fruit bags. Sometimes small twin engine planes transported cocaine bags to Bahamas islands. From there it was taken into the sea via fishermen and tourist boats. Thousands of kilograms of cocaine were seized by officials’ speed boats. Even US customs service used to hunt them with latest communication facilities and radar. But the success rate was very low, twice a week. For small time drug traffickers it was a profitable business and if the landing was done safely they can earn up to l lakh dollars in just one night. In European markets they get even higher prices, up to 1-5 times. The coca paste and other chemical expenditure costs around $ 5000, when it is processed and made into a ready product it fetches up to $ 45000, so one can imagine what would be happening in such dangerous but highly profitable business. Murder, graft, politics and kidnapping became common occurrences.

However, mainly its consequences and damages were faced by innocent teenagers and youngsters who were addicted to drugs all over the world. Many lives were ruined because of this deadly trade. Asian countries were also not spared. In schools, colleges and in dark corners of narrow streets drugs traffickers were widely spread and active. Because of monumental profits drug mafias spread their network like a cob-web. Nubi, originally a hard core terrorist also had ventured into this trade to earn more and to facilitate his terrorist activities around the world.

In Afghanistan he had started encouraging growing of marijuana and smuggled the products in India, Pakistan Burma and Nepal. His ambition grew and he entered the drug business of South American nations. He wanted to spoil western youths besides huge profits promised by this business. Secondly, he wanted to increase his presence so that his terrorist activities can be enhanced. With consignments of drugs he saw the possibility of supplying arms stealthily in to the western countries. By paying huge amounts of graft he made custom officials look the other way.

Nubi had made one CIA agent his accomplice. This agent used to handle money laundering and drug control. His name was Ad Cooper. He was a very greedy person. Nubi made him a big offer which he could not refuse. He gave him the job of preparing a devious scheme by which he can enter with a bang in to the drug business of South American countries and for that he would get 40% profit from the business. Ad Cooper grabbed this offer and started his work; he was even ready to lose his job if situation called for it. Both met for several times and came out with a solid plan and had already started to implement it. This was two years ago. Step by step they were moving ahead with their plan.

In the first phase of the plan Ad Cooper had to make contacts with “Scorpion” and finalize a deal of providing him mercenaries for his drug business at cheaper rates. The purpose behind this was to familiarize his men with the unknown territory so that his movements of arms can be made easy. These two steps were already completed. Third step was to involve ‘Scorpion’ in an international scam from which he cannot come out alive. In case if he manages to escape then they were prepared to kill him and capture his trade. The real purpose behind the kidnapping of UN’s Secretary-General was this. Scorpion was to be made a scapegoat for this incident. Due to this the South American government and police, even FBI will come running after him. The heat will be unbearable for even South American nations due to media and international pressure. They will be compelled to act quickly and harshly. It could result into doomsday for almost all drug mafias and possibly they would be apprehended or killed in encounters. Nubi had decided to keep low profile during such consequences and then when the heat cooled off he planned to surface and spread his network on an empty ground. And hence Nubi and Ad Cooper were very positive about their plan.

While on their pursuers’ side all preparations were completed to carry out operation “Blast furnace”. The team included mixture of army veterans, police, commandos, informers, technicians, pilots. The Police chief of Washington D.C., William Lamer, Team of US army special forces, FBI, Bolivian anti-narcotics police, and Thomas Hardy as a leader were determined to rescue Secretary-General. They had all gathered in the city of Bogata, Columbia. Bolivian team was to join them later on. Columbian government had agreed to assist fully. One small time drug dealer was released from the jail with an understanding that he would divulge all information about drug laboratory’s locations; Scorpion’s hide out, secrete routes etc. When the rescue team had all the information and were ready in all respect they moved forward on their way to ‘La page’ the capital of Bolivia.

The signal indicated a new location near ‘Chimor’ town. But the general plan was not to go near the target area lest the abductors get alerted and runway. So they first decided to attack on locations of hydrochloride laboratories in the Benny region’s forests to misguide them. It would seem usual operations, with helicopters roaming in the sky. For this part of the action one separate team was decided. The other team started preparing arms & ammunition.

The US had given six helicopters and one guide plane. Thomas went to Benny region with some Bolivian soldiers taking these choppers. Pilots belonged to Bolivia and they knew their way. They searched for an hour or so in the jungles, at last they located two laboratories side by side. Lot of materials was seized. It included 130 barrels of ether, 145 barrels of Acetone, a freezer, cloth drying machine, generator for power supply which was hidden in the bushes. Suddenly a fusillade of shots rang out. Mercenaries had arrived. Commandoes were retaliating with considerable force and wounded four of them. But their volley caught Thomas in the shoulder and leg. However, he had managed to shot three of them before he got seriously injured. He was bleeding profusely so he took cover behind a tree and sat down. Soldiers who were left behind at the banks of a river heard the sounds of firing and came to help. They came with helicopters which were laced with machine guns. The enemy was soon overpowered against heavy firing and extra force. However, Thomas’s team had lost one chopper with a pilot and five soldiers, few were injured also.

Thomas and injured soldiers were quickly picked up and were deported to the main camp by a helicopter. The decoy operation resulted in a fatal one. Media certainly would be attracted to such heavy military action. Originally it was planned to send extra choppers to Bolivia to divert attention of drug mafias and follow the signal to rescue Michael Dillon, UN Secretary-General. However, the situation had turned drastically sour. On his way to the main camp Thomas had lost his consciousness. In addition he was also developing a temperature.

The real commando operation had to be delayed for the time required for regrouping and treatment of injured commandoes. They rested for few hours after treating the injured ones.

On the other end the FBI spokesperson was briefing the world media about the operation, however hiding some finer details: “Behind this whole incident Bolivia’s drug mafia ‘Scorpion’ is believed to be involved. For rescue mission the government of US has initiated its efforts. We have not received any demands from the abductors. Also, we till now do not know where the honorable Secretary-General is taken. We have no information about his whereabouts.”

Media was not satisfied with such typical answers and shouted many question. ‘No more questions, please No more question… Yeah, we will let you know,’ the spokesperson said in response.

TV Channels also reported the matter as they had perceived this event. However, all the attention was drawn to “Scorpion”. And Nubi was happy that at least he had succeeded in his plan up to that extent. He did not worry now whether UN’s head is freed or not. He did not care whether he lives or not. In either case the UN Secretary would be found from the premises of scorpion and the world’s attention would be drawn to him and he would become the target. He called Ad Cooper.

* * *

The Rescue team for mission ‘Blast Furnace’ was resting. Then quite unexpectedly one of them from the FBI uttered,’ Chief, I think you have committed great mistake in sending back the Bolivian anti-narcotics police.’

‘No, we have sufficient strength, moreover, we have their guide to direct us to the target area. Anyway, Thomas must regain his consciousness.’

“But, he is injured and not fit for any combat, he will become a liability, these mercenaries have no mercy. They cut the limbs of those who come into their hands. They pierce the eyes and sometimes even hang the dead bodies from the trees in the jungle.”

‘You should not have come for this mission I presume, who selected you anyway?” Lamer remarked.

‘You are not my boss,’ FBI person retorted back. Chief’s anger flared up and he landed his heavy fist on the face of the FBI man. The fellow slumped to the floor instantly, like a falling tree.

The noise made Thomas regain his consciousness. He suddenly sat up and said, “What is going on here?”

‘Nothing, just who is the boss that is being decided,’ chief said, and asked him, ‘are you alright?’

‘Oh! Yes I am fine but whoever is the boss, however I am your team leader, at least for this job, by the order of the President and now all of you be ready for ‘Blast Furnace.’

They were amazed looking at this man. They could not believe that he is having so much stamina and will power in spite of fatal injuries.

Police chief smiled a bit and forgot his anger. He called one man and asked for the tracking device. The location was near the Chimor town. They calculated that it would at least take 3 to 4 hours to reach there by choppers. For safety reasons they will have to land by parachutes a few kilometers away from the main target, then they would move toward the target following the signal. Thomas asked his team to recheck all electronic devices, rifles, machine-guns, grenades etc.

Police chief William lamer said, “Thomas, how can a drug mafia like Scorpion dare to kidnap UN’s Secretary-General?”

‘You are wrong chief’, Thomas replied.

‘Then who is behind it?’

‘So you do not know, but I will tell you later, but you sit with me in the helicopter where US Army special force is seated,’ said Thomas. About 1.5 km. away from the target and possible location of abductors they landed by parachutes from the chopper. There were no strong winds so they managed to land almost to one place. Thomas and FBI captain instructed the commandos to surround the target when they approach it. The signal increased its noise when they moved south to the Chimor town. So everybody started moving in that direction.

One solider saw a snake and he stopped. Lamer said to him, ‘keep moving, keep moving and don’t make any noise. That soldier started moving with little bit of annoyance, he had never seen such a big snake.

Moving ahead in the direction of the target they were all excited and charged up. It was very humid and sweaty atmosphere in the dense forest. Due to exertion of walking they all started sweating profusely. Thomas was also moving ahead applying great effort because of his poor health & injury. His mind reminded him of President’s words: Don’t come back defeated. And he increased his speed. The sound was now much louder, and it showed that the target is no more than 500 meter away. They were all wearing night vision goggles, but nothing significant could be seen. They had walked for few minutes and now they were hearing sounds of machine guns. They started running in the direction of loud sounds. Then suddenly a big blasting noise was heard, with that they saw huge flames of fire.

They saw that a small building was surrounded in its flames. The suddenness of the blast took them by surprise and they started scattering. But Thomas with intention for regrouping said, ‘calm down and take your positions.’

William lamer and FBI chief were puzzled at this unexpected turn of events. They could not comprehend as to what was happening. The attack was to be initiated by them and here they were facing something else. They came near to Thomas. ‘What the hell is going on? they said simultaneously.

Thomas was suffering with pain still he managed to say loudly, ‘you should know it, anyway, and it seems somebody else has attacked. Now, you start your work, the Secretary’s life is in danger.’

They started giving orders to their team. They saw some figures moving in the darkness and fired. They received return fire with machine guns and rockets. Thomas’s team had an added advantage of modern weaponry and night vision goggles. The rescue team kept on firing with accuracy and efficiency. Casualties were by the minutes. Thomas heard a sound and he followed it to the back of the building. He saw that someone was trying to start a truck. He aimed at driver’s head and shot. He pulled out his dead body to the ground. This gave him an electric current like jolt in his injured shoulder.

He climbed up into the truck. He saw in the yellow light of the burning house that someone was already there with hands and legs tied up. He quickly recognized him and exclaimed, ‘sir, you!! Don’t worry, you are safe now!!!”

The Secretary-General was trembling and said, ‘son, you have saved my life!!’ Thomas was in no mood to answer at this time and he started the truck. Soon the mobile ring’s sound came from nowhere. ‘Sir, your phone is ringing,’ said Thomas. ‘My phone, they have already destroyed it.’

Thomas checked his phone. It was on silent mode but no call was coming. Between the sounds of cracking fires nothing could be clearly heard so he came out. The ring was coming from the dead body. He searched the pockets and found the cell phone. The ring continued in the chilling night, he saw the incoming number. It was a familiar number. He pressed the button. The caller was saying, ‘Hello is the work over?’

‘Oh yes, but the Secretary is killed in the firing.’

‘Does not matter to us but your voice seem to be changed?

‘I am having sour throat, besides, can’t you hear the noise?’ Thomas said it in the American accent.

Nubi Ansari got satisfied with answer and he thought that Ad Cooper has set the stage for future planning. Now, Scorpion will be charged with assassination of UN Secretary in addition to his kidnapping. All evidence was leading to this fact. Initially he had instructed Ad Cooper to take him to some other hiding place so that later on they can demand huge ransom money but now Ad Cooper was telling him that he was killed in the ensued fighting. So he will have to forget about the ransom money. However, his main goal had been achieved.

Thomas keenly watched the face of the dead body and recognized it. He was a controversial double agent Ad Copper. Alright, he was senior CIA agent working in this area since long. He must be working for Nubi, no doubt. He called the President. It was not advisable to waste much time. He was an outsider and must end this chapter as quickly as possible

After much trouble he was able to connect to the President. ‘Yes, Thomas, what is the matter?’ Thomas explained him all. The president replied, ‘No, No. we don’t want any scandals, not at this time, destroy the body,” the phone went dead.

He then dragged 6’ 4” of dead mass near the burning building and cremated him in the Indian style. When he returned back to the truck, someone started firing at him, but he somehow managed to start the truck. He called out to Lamer and others, beckoning them to get into the truck, now his main aim had been achieved. They all came running after the truck and climbed in, however they were eight less than they were in beginning of this operation. In the dim lights of the truck they moved slowly with caution though ready for an unexpected attack. They saw a Bolivian helicopter, some policemen and a pilot waiting for them.

After a very long night the day was beginning to break and they welcomed the first rays of the sun, few media people were also there. Thomas tied a handkerchief on the face of Michael Dillon in order to hide his identity. They all moved toward ‘La page.’ Mission ‘Blast Furnace’ was accomplished successfully.

* * *

Media was very angry at what they were hearing. Nubi knew Secretary-General to be dead as told by Thomas in the voice of already dead Ad Cooper, so to create hype he had leaked this misleading information to his known TV channels. All leading Newspapers& network channels like, The New York times, USA today, The Washington post, Log Angels Times, CNN and Fox Media were claiming that now since Michael Dillon has been assassinated by the drug mafias all limits have been crossed. They must be nabbed and put behind the bars. US government must stop all aids to the South American nations. All corrupt officials should be punished harshly. They claimed with conviction that the kidnapping and killing of UN’s Secretary-general is a result of government’s soft policy. This is criminality at its extreme height etc.

In the third world countries nobody even knew the name of Michael Dillon, not much hype was visible. Whatever reporting was coming that was through the foreign media. Only BBC was close to the facts, they reported attacks on Benny Region and ambush at Chimor town later on to be fact. They did not however support the theory of Secretary-General’s death.

* * *

At the White house, in the office of the President many important persons were seated. The security personal came inside and gave a signal that someone is interested to meet him. He nodded and few seconds’ later two new comers entered the hall. President requested others to spare him so they went out except Secretary of State.

President welcomed them and shook hands. ‘Are you alright?’

‘I am perfectly fine, thanks to mister ….?’

‘Thomas Hardy,’ President replied for Thomas. Secretary of State also thanked Thomas personally.

‘Who was behind this heinous act?’ president asked.

‘Of course, Nubi was behind all this’

‘How did you come to know?’

‘First, an attempt to attack NASA and kidnapping of honorable Secretary-General had little time gap,’ ‘So?’

‘Secondly, when I was in Nubi’s bunkers I did little bit of investigation myself and had hackneyed his computers. I came to know that somehow Nubi has contacts in South America and possibly one mediator was also involved. I had been to those countries in connection with military operation through NATO. Therefore, general picture was clear. Moreover I intercepted one message sent by one officer who also seemed to be involved and his body…’

“Okay, okay, president cut him sort, ‘No details.’

Thomas understood all. President did not want any American’s name to be highlighted anywhere in any scandal.

Thomas took it well and continued, ‘I had told Shakila to implant transmitter in the coat of Dillon Sir, so we can find his location. Shakila later on informed me that she and Mirza had been sent to Pakistan, but before leaving the team she had put the transmitter in the proper place.

‘But now she is no more,’ U.S. Secretary said. ‘What happened?’ Thomas asked even when he actually knew about the latest facts.

‘Well, she and other terrorists died in the attack, but we could not find your girlfriend there, I am sorry.’

Thomas suddenly lost all interest in the conversation. He now wanted to find Cuckoo. Latest information from Shakila was indicating that they were headed for Pakistan. She might be in danger. And he took everybody’s leave.

President said after him, ‘A brave Indian!!’

Then he turned to the Secretary of State, ‘what about Nubi, That Jehadi? Was his body found?

“Oh, sir we have not found his body yet.’

A line of worry appeared for a second on the face of President of USA.
