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Play With Numbers (Part - 9)


A Book of Numerology for Everyone from Beginners to Experts

Written By Dr. Deepak Sikka

Lesson 40

As you may realize, this is a very ancient way of analyzing character, but it's also oddly accurate and "in sync" with the meaning of the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and the months that those signs dominate. Aside from having their general representations, numbers also have qualities. They have rich symbolic meaning and relate to every area of life. The focus of this article is how numbers can relate to money - your ability to earn money, be given money and give away money.

You can use the interpretations below to analyze anything including names and birthdates. Simply use the usual formula of reducing the number to a single digit. Double digits are not necessary for this kind of reading as it is very rudimentary.

Each digit has a corresponding energy to it that has can belie how a person will deal with wealth in the long run. Learning the energy of each single number and how it interacts with prosperity is a good way to begin to get a picture of your potential to make money.

Number 1

If you reduce to a number 1 you will definitely have a monetary advantage in life. However as it is also a number of beginnings, you may find yourself repeatedly starting things. It is not a number that tends to get into debt as the money made tends to stay with the person who made it in the first place. The number 1 is a leader and is excellent at building wealth. Often the prosperity attracted by this individual is enjoyed by the people that he or she leads or employs.

Number 2

This is one of the worst numbers to be financially. It does not reflect wealth as it is implied that whatever is made is always shared or flows out to others. The number 2 also symbolizes delays and disappointment as well as putting somebody else's concerns before your own. The 2 is also generous to a flaw. The number 2's love of luxury often sends them spiralling into debt.

Number 3

This is a naturally lucky number that makes money easily. However one of the famous characteristics of a 3 is that the money is spent as much as it is made, so it is not a great number for the accumulation of funds. The 3 tends to always be a "penny short and a day late" even if they are rich. They are also very likely to get into debt yet at the same time they get out debt easier than other numbers...

Number 4

The 4 is not necessarily destined to be poor but this number must work very hard for every single cent he or she makes. Without discipline this number can remain quite poverty stricken. It is the number that is voted least likely to win the lottery. However it is also voted one of the most likely to grow money that has been invested.

Number 5

The Number 5 is good at business. They thrive as long as they stay organized and keep within their budgets. They have a streak of philanthropy and treat their employees well. The Number 5 often believes that money must be given away and that it is a replenishing source. The cosmos often rewards them with everything they need in life as a kind of karmic thank you for the good attitude.

Number 6

This is a number that symbolizes abundance. The 6 sometimes inherits money as it is a number that is associated with gifts and family. The 6 usually flourishes at anything he or she tries and almost never has to worry about cash flow. There are usually no extreme financial highs or lows for a 6 personality.

Number 7

This number is prone to financial challenges just because the owner of it has a vibe that is so eccentric. Usually the individual earns significant prosperity but just does not care about it. The 7 is also most likely to make millions from one wild idea. The downside of this number is hoarding or using wealth for less than ethical purposes.

Number 8

The number 8 is the one that symbolizes big bucks but it can also symbolize extreme losses. It is the number that means "you have to spend money to make money." Very often 8's are plagued with expenses to do with maintaining an expensive lifestyle.

Number 9

This is a number that attracts money easily and effortlessly but it is a "penny wise pound foolish" number. Nines are prosperous but they find it difficult to hold onto wealth for long. The philanthropic part of them just gives it away. However many of them have a natural "Midas Touch."

You can apply the above to your Expression Number, Destiny Number, the year you will born, the month you were born and even the day you were born to see how money and wealth might be attracted into your life.

Lesson 41

One of the oldest applications of numerology has to do with the design of Tarot card. The numbers on Tarot cards are enormously significant when it comes to interpreting the meaning of a card reading. Tarot cards are specifically numbered and the images on the cards reverberate to those images to convey meaning to the reader who then analyzes such matters as relationships, the future, motivations and options.

Traditionally there are 56 minor arcana cards -- the Ace through Ten, plus the four Helper Cards. Many tarot readers maintain that 56 was a number chosen on purpose as esoterically it symbolizes God (or the force of the creation principle.) This idea comes from pagan and Celtic beliefs that the number 56 corresponded to the Celtic sun God.

The reason there are fourteen minor Arcana cards is because this Celtic Sun God also had fourteen rays of light shooting out from his head in the four directions. This is also where the common card layout known as the Celtic Cross comes from. The fourteen cards consist of the cards Ace through to Ten plus the Four Helper Cards also known as the King, Queen, Knight and Page.

Each number in each suit has historically represented a particular aspect of human consciousness or experience. In each of the Element suits, he Ones contain many of the same properties; the Twos are similar, as are the Threes, and so on through the rest of the deck. The Minor Arcana does not usually have imagery so the reader relies a lot on knowing about numerology to make relationships between the cards in a spread.

When the science of numerology is applied to the tarot cards, the number, which governs the card, gives deeper insight into the hidden meaning of the card.

The relationship of numerology is actually an enormous topic in itself but here is an idea of how the Tarot Cards in the minor Arcana relate to the numbers One through to Nine. The meanings stay basically the same no matter what suit the cards are in - Cups, Swords, Wands or Coins.

Below is the key words that are traditionally used by Tarot card readers to read a card when it comes up in a spread. This particular list is adapted from the well known universal meanings for numbered cards from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck.

One: Creation, originality, independence, courage, progress, ambition, positiveness, will power, leadership, pioneering, activity, force, raw energy.

Two: Love, service, gentleness, harmony, adaptability, charm, diplomacy, friendliness, rhythm, music, receptivity, cooperation, consideration for others, will, purpose, initial understanding.

Three: Artistic expression, joy of living, freedom from worry, optimism, inspiration, talent, imagination, good taste, sociability, friendliness, kindness, conception, beginning manifestation.

Four: Practicality, service, patience, exactitude, organization, application, devotion, patriotism, conservatism, pragmatism, dignity, economy, trust, worthiness, endurance, loyalty, production, mastery.

Five: Freedom, progress, versatility, understanding, variety, adaptability, mental curiosity, life experience, cleverness, non-attachment, sociability, change, discord, travel, adventure, companionability, surrender, release.

Six: Love, harmony, home, responsibility, adjustment, musical talent, sympathy, understanding, domesticity, guardianship, stability, poise, protection, healing, firmness, balance, idealism, conscientiousness, justice, burden-fearing, service to All, solution, exaltation, seeing.

Seven: Mental analysis, technicality, introspection, peace, poise, scientific research, spirituality, faith, trust, stoicism, refinement, wisdom, silence, "theories and fundamentals," feeling, deepening, mystery.

Eight: Power, authority, success, material freedom, judgment, discrimination, executive ability, organization, leadership, management, practicality, thoroughness, dependability, self-reliance, control, the power to succeed, repose, consideration, retreat, ripening.

Nine: Universal love, sisterhood, brotherhood, charity, compassion, the Higher Law, artistic genius, selfless service, philanthropy, humanitarianism, magnetism, sympathy, understanding, romance, generosity, breadth of viewpoint, understanding before or beyond words, strengthening.

What is quite interesting is that you can also use these values to numerologically get a reading from a deck of plain tarot cards.

Lesson 42

Numerology has always been significant in virtually ever occult organization.

Every major occult group has it's holy numbers (or unholy numbers depending on how you want to look at it.) The Illuminati, which is a highly respected, ritualistic organization that has been around since the times of Christian crusades has a very special way of looking at numbers and using them for witchcraft.

When it comes to the occult and cults that deploy numbers in the use of magic, Pythagoras is very significant. He is considered to be the father of numbers and his teachings are venerated by all of the mystery schools. In "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", author Manly P. Hall devotes Chapter 13 to Pythagoras. According to this author Pythagoras taught only the initiates in his own mystery school the secrets of number systems. The Illuminati very closely follows the precepts first introduced by Pythagoras.

Among the magical mysteries were prime numbers (numbers that have no divisors other than themselves. These numbers which included 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, and so on were widely worshiped by the Illuminati cult in numerology particularly when it comes to setting dates for events. The members of the Illuminati believe also that a chance of success is more likely if the same number is multiplied several times so they will schedule a special event on a date that has a run of three numbers.

The number 13 is very signifigant to the Illuminati. Each group has a core of 39 members which breaks down into 13 times 3 members. Thirteen make up an administrative group and then that group answers to a Round Table that consists of nine members. The nine is significant because it relates the triplicate of three that is considered very important in all rituals including 3 times 3 times 3. The 3 times 3 times 3 rules in magic apply to an amplification of the original intention of a cast ritual as well as the concept that whatever comes back to you will do so three times three times three.

Here are the meanings of the most significant numbers in the Illuminati system of numerology.

Number 0

For the Illuminati the number zero is symbolic of sun worshipping. It symbolizes the man who is reborn through occult rituals.

Number 1

This is the number of unity of mind, body and soul.

Number 2

This is the number of division rather than togetherness as is typical of other number system... It is the number of the total separation of God.

Number 3

This is the number of royalty. It symbolizes the magical shape of the triangle. It symbolizes the Holy Trinity which is Nimrod Semiramis Tamus ... or Osiris, Isis, Horus ... or Satan, Eve and Cain,

Number 4

The number of foundation. Aleister Crowley wrote a book called Book Four which was a complete guide to Magic.

Number 5

This is a number that protects members of the illuminati from Death. The Illuminati also use something called The Law of Fives which is the mind's power to perceive truth in just about everything.

Number 6

The number of man. Taken from the fact man was created on the sixth day of the week.

Number 7

This number is significant in several ways. There are 7 Creative powers of the Godhead. There are 7 Great Ages of the Earth. There are 7 Races of mankind. There are 7 laws governing human life. There are 7 Schools of Mystery Religions. In Theosophy there is a seven step process of human evolution in which successive races evolve from a lower to a higher form of life.

Number 8

This is the number of the sun and the sun worshiper. It takes 8 years for Venus to orbit the sun 13 times which is significant to many occult groups including the Illuminati.

Number 9

The number of divine completion and the number of the fall of man.

Number 10

The number of law and authority. It is taken from the Ten Commandments.

Number 11

The number of destruction and judgment and the death of man. Any event or thing assigned with 11 is to aid the rising of the Dajjal/anti-Christ In Latin the Devil's name is LVX which translates as (50+5+10=65=6+5=11) Just as a point of interest, Armistice Day/Remembrance Day November 11 at 11:11 (Triple 11)

Number 13

It is simultaneously a lucky and unlucky number. It is considered to be a bad omen because the Knights Templars were arrested on October 13, 1307. However it is also the number of reincarnation and everlasting life. The number of everlasting life The number of the cult (there are 13 members in a covens and satanic cults (12 regular members and one high priest). This is a mirroring of 12 jurors+1 judge=13 It is also believed that there are 13 high occult families that run the world

Number 17

The number of immortality.

Number 19

The number 19 is magickal. Lunar cycles are synchronized with Gregorian calendar every 19 years.

Number 22

22 is a double 11. It is also a reoccurring 2. It is the number of the Master Builder.

Number 23

The number that all big events are connected to, somehow or in some way. The Knights Templars had only 23 Grand Masters (Jacque de Molay was the 23rd) 23 is the 1st prime number in which both digits are prime numbers that add up to a prime number. In the Qabbalistic Tree of Life the 23rd path is associated with the Hanged man Tarot Card (According to Aleister Crowley this card represents the concept that the only way out is within)

Number 27

27=9+9+9 the most powerful magnification of 9 as it symbolizes 3 nines.

Number 39

13+13+13. The highest possible magnification of the number 13.

Number 333

3 is used 3 times. 333 stands for the one third of the of angels that followed Lucifer and rebelled against the true God.

Number 555

555=15=6. When 555 is used 3 times and reduced to a number it is a hidden 666 The only known meaning to the numbers of evil or sinister triple 5 is enlightenment or illumination.

Number 666

When 6 is used 3 times it is the number of the Beast.

Number 777

Aleister Crowley wrote a book called 777 that is significant to the Illuminati

Number 999

999 is a hidden 666 and can symbolize hidden evil.

As you can see the Illuminati were very much into their own classic system of number meanings that have had an impact on the cult for centuries!

Lesson 43

You have probably heard the song lyric - "One is the loneliest number you will ever know?" However is this really true?

According to numerology there may actually be something to this as the 1 is a Life Path number that seems to be fated to shoulder the burdens of fate all by him or herself. It is considered to be a mundane number that is considered with the execution of every day chores and very practical things. This means being with a 1 is not that romantic because there is always "something to get done."

Life demands a lot from a number 1 and the number 1 in turn demands a lot from other people. This can lead to some isolation simply because most people like to have more fun in life. However a 1 considers working a lot to be a great deal of fun. There is no other number that can mix business with pleasure as well as this one. They rarely do anything without a business motivation in mind. Even their vacations usually have to do something with social climbing or scouting for business opportunities.

The busy schedule of a 1 also often leaves their partners feeling secluded and lonely. It takes a very strong person to be with a 1 and few of them exist. Often the 1 is like a politician or is an actual politician that needs a partner that focuses on him or her exclusively. Unfortunately that means that they attract a number like a 2, 9 or 11. These numbers tend to focus more on other people than themselves. Unfortunately the 1 ends up alone after teaching the 2, 9, and 11 a karmic lesson about learning to love themselves more in life.

Often a 1 ends up lonely because the Life Path Number also means standing up for your beliefs despite the fact that everyone else is against you. It is the number of the noble martyr who stand up for what is right in life. It is the number of a great leader who is so self assured and innovative that their ideas often seem radical to others. Many ones have notions that are far ahead of their time and often they stand alone - like a David against a huge Goliath of public objection.

A similar number is the 8. An 8 can be a lonely number simply because they are so busy being pillars of the community that they do not have time for family or lovers. Instead many of them are busy building empires.

The timing in the life of an 8 is also similar to that of a 1. They are often slave to economics and as they tend to employ or take care of a lot of other people. Their lives are ruled by deadlines and practical matters.

The 8 can end up lonely because the partner soon realizes that this number is public property. Yet another problem is that the 8 is always in the spotlight.

Anyone with a Life Path number 3 can also feel incredibly at times in their life. This is the number of fame and it is the penultimate number when it comes to being a living illustration of that old saying "It's lonely at the top."

A number like 3 can draw a lot of attention yet find nobody that they can identify with personally. That is because many of them are phenonomenal talents that rocket to the top. This means that many of them are used for their connections and money and are rarely loved for who they really are.

It also does not help that the number 3 stands for the "odd man out" in a love triangle and end up spending holidays all by themselves. The Life Path number 3 is notorious for being unable to settle down. Many of them are so attractive that they also attract infidelity. They become a "score" and are often not treated like human beings that way.

Yet another "lonely number" is the number 5. This is because the 5 is fiercely dedicated to his or her own individual independence and the right to exercise free will. Anyone who interferes with this number's whims is likely to be viewed as an obstruction by this number.

The number 5 also likes to travel a great deal and loves being on the road. During these extended periods of travel the 5 will often have a series of lovers rather than just one.

Yet another quirk of the number 5 Life Path number is the constant desire to be alone. This number is very much torn between their love of solitude and their love of other people. Of all the numbers the number 5 also sometimes displays an exaggerated need for privacy.

The number 4 can also be a lonely Life Path number. Usually this number has a very hard childhood and because of poverty and societal discretions does not make friends easily. This number usually has to struggle with some kind of big problem in their life and usually it has to do with a chronic health problem or addiction that also prevents them from meeting other people and forming relationships. This is not absolutely true of every number 4 as many of them are also quite adept at transcending every single challenge to become quite beloved by many. Oprah Winfrey is an excellent example of a number 4 energy that has triumphed over a number of setbacks in life to become one of the richest and most famous people in the world.

The number 7 is not necessarily a lonely number so much as a number that likes to be left alone. Many of the number 7s are eccentric geniuses and prodigious talents that find people in general to get in the way of their big vision. Sometimes a 7 finally notices that they have failed to attract a partner in life but usually the contribution that they make to society in the form of an invention or piece of literature far outweighs the importance of their personal life.

So the next time you hear that 1 is the loneliest of numbers think again! It is not necessarily true!

Lesson 44

One of the biggest conceits in numerology is the subscription to the idea that being a master number is somehow better or superior than being any one of the other numbers. It is also a myth to think that the Master Number is luckier, more powerful or has an easier time of it than other numbers.

If anything the path of a master number is more karmic than others. They often have to transcend more difficulties than other numbers in order to excel in the first place. As many of them are also original thinkers they also end up working alone or find themselves in a position to have to defend ideas against a hostile majority. They deal with obstacles that would daunt the stoutest of hearts including physical disabilities, mental afflictions and very mean childhoods.

The more Master Numbers a person has in their name or birth date, the more likely they are to be seen as outsiders, outcasts, and even as completely crazy. They frequently isolate themselves from ordinary society because they feel so misunderstood. Often they just can't lead a normal life and end up fighting against the tide their entire lives simply because change is so painful. It can take a long time for a master number to be accepted by other people so many of them are also late bloomers. Very few of them, especially the elevens ever enjoy a great deal of financial success because they are such pioneers. Very often others that succeed them in developing their original concepts take credit for the work.

The two main master numbers are 11 and 22 which in addition also add up to 2 and 4. The single digit numbers symbolize the shadow side of the number's personality. This is sometimes why numerologists refer to master numbers as "double trouble." Not only do they have to deal with the karmic reverberations of being karmic ally blessed with the master numbers they also have to deal with the specter of their lower selves.

Many people who are master numbers can't handle their fate and retreat into the single digit behaviors that get them nowhere in life. For instance the higher vibration of the 11 is to guide and heal other people and treat everyone as a soul mate that is worthy of unconditional love. The lower vibration of the 2 is more about focusing on someone else full time rather than just yourself.

Addiction, codependency and obsession are part of the Master 11's shadow side. Some 11s spend their entire lives mourning the past or chasing an emotionally unavailable individual. They entirely squander the potential to make something better of their life.

Likewise the shadow side of the Master Number 22 is quite harsh. The number 4 is symbolized by money and health challenges. The 4 is the damned if you do and damned if you don't number. The number 4 Life Path number often feels overwhelmed and sinks into despair simply because they feel they will never be able to climb out of their rut. The amazing thing is that if the 4 manages to turn the Titanic that is their life right side up they can become more accomplished than many people who have had plenty of privileges in life. The 4 is also sometimes incredibly respected by others simply because they do achieve so much with so little effort.

Still despite their challenges it is the master number's duty to somehow change the world for the better which is a reward in itself.

Famous master number 11's including Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Bob Hope, Colin Powell, Jackie Kennedy, and Jennifer Aniston. Madonna. Meg Ryan. Michael Jordan, Prince Charles. Richard Burton. Robert Monroe, Ronald Reagan. Rose Kennedy, Rush Limbaugh, Sally Ride. Terri Irwin,Tim McGraw and Tony Robbins

Famous master number 22s include Arnold Schwarzenegger. Bernie "BJ" Dohrmann. Bill Gates. Billy Graham, Bono. Brad Pitt, Bryan Adams, Caroline Myss, Dale Earnhardt,Dean Martin, Demi Moore. Elton John. Frank Sinatra, Gary Craig , Jewel John Asmara, John Kerry, Marie Curie. Montel Williams. Nicole Kidman, Oprah Winfrey, Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Richard Branson and Val Kilmer.

As you can see from looking at these lists that many of these celebrities have had great challenges that go along with their fame. For example, among the 11s -- Jackie Kennedy saw her husband's head blown off right in front of her eyes. Jennifer Aniston lost her husband to one of the most famous actresses in the world. Richard Burton was plagued by alcoholism despite his great thespian talent. Same thing with Frank Sinatra. Oprah Winfrey went from being dirt poor and sexually abused to being one of the most famous and rich women in the world!

Many of the above mentioned Master Number 22s also have challenges that are well known to the public. Dean Martin was a comic genius but also an alcoholic. Like Oprah Demi Moore was dirt poor and abused as a child. Frank Sinatra was in bad relationship after bad relationship and could not stop drinking. Sir Paul McCartney has been at the center of many embarrassing controversies – including his recent break up with amputee and model Heather Mills.

It does however seem that the challenges faced by the 22s are not as severe in some ways as those faced by the elevens who are haunted more by internal psychological and emotional problems. The elevens are all

So you can see how wishing to be a master number might be a bit of a case of "be careful what you wish for just might get it!" Very few of us could handle or could want some of the challenges that many of these celebrities have dealt with over the span of their lifetime. The reason for their success is that they simply have not given into the lower vibration of the single digit number and instead gone for exploiting the potential of their highest vibration.