Endless Voyage -18 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - 18

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Endless Voyage - 18

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 18

The Earth had maintained its present state of punitive condition. One part of the earth facing direct sun rays was increasingly becoming hotter and hotter while the opposite part was becoming colder, enveloped in total darkness. As a result the world populations were facing opposing situation requiring different set of precautions to protect themselves. On hotter side to save themselves from scorching heat they needed goggles, lighter clothes, caps, skin creams, lot of water and so on.

While their brothers caught on the colder regions needed woolen clothes, blankets, wind cheaters, heaters to avoid freezing and frost bites. Many had made up their minds to fight these adversities while some had totally given up and started committing suicides. However, majority of people tried everything to propitiate the gods whom they feared. One of them was Mr. Brown, Area manager of ‘United chemicals.’ He was so concerned for his family and himself that he could not rest nor could he take proper food. Sleep was out of way. He was slowly moving toward the condition of severe depression.

Mrs. Brown used to give him courage and saying that if he loses his will to survive then what will happen to the children. He should come out as a real man and think of something to save them. She used to encourage him to play games with children, if this could lighten up his mood. But there was no effect on him. In addition, their son Jimmy fell sick because of extreme heat, his skin developed rashes and boils. Everyone got upset.

When everybody except Jimmy sat at the dining table Miss Bonnie gave a proposal, ‘As I had told earlier let us all go to my mother’s place in Canada in Romela town. Nice little place, we will get a change and that would be good for all of us. I have made inquiries and found that the situation is far better than it is here. Jimmy would get better soon.’

Mrs. Brown looked very positive to this suggestion and she persuaded Mr. Brown. The family took essential things from the house and sat in the car for their journey ahead.

The car was moving in the torrid weather. When it came near the Cathedral Street the maid asked to stop the car. There was a hostel near it. When she came back she had ten years old boy with her. Mrs. Brown was surprised to see the boy and was wondering who he would be? When the car moved further at one point it was stopped by an agency which covered it with spray of heat resistant solution. They were also advised to rest the car often so it does not get too hot. From then on they continued their journey.

Mrs. Brown wanted to know the identity of the new comer but could not ask it directly, it may look odd. Any way she got the answer to her anxiety, however quite indirectly when the boy himself addressed Miss Bonnie and said, ‘Mommy where are we going?’ Miss Bonnie replied, ‘Miki we are going to grandma’s place, you want to meet her? She will be happy seeing you after a long time,’ “yeah mommy, she always gave me my favorite food & cookies. I don’t like in the hostel, I don’t want to go there again.’ ‘Yeah, you will stay with me, Are you happy now? Good boy. And look here, this is Mrs. Brown and these two boys, Jimmy and Niki are her sons. You all would get to play together at Grandma’s place.’ Miki looked at them and smiled.

Mr. Brown had become silent and withdrawn after that strange astronomical incident, but after this new event he became lively. He said, ‘Bonnie, you had a son, you never told us about that.’ Mrs. Brown also supported her husband and said, ‘It is correct, you never mentioned this to us.’

‘Yeah, Madam, Miki is my son, but it is a long story? I will tell you some other time.’

Mr. Brown persuaded her, ‘come on Bonnie, tell us now.’ So Bonnie began to tell her story. ‘Me and Daniel were in love with each other and were going to marry. He was a famous sharp shooter….’ Mr. Brown’s battery was charged now and he interrupted her, ‘I remember something, once in Texas in a shooting competition a young fellow named Daniel came out as a winner, if I trust my memory.’

Bonnie replied, ‘yes, same Daniel, I must praise your memory sir.’ ‘So where is he now?’ Mr. Brown asked eagerly.

She gave a big sigh, ‘That is a question whose answer still I do not know.’

‘What? You also do not know about that?’ Mrs. Brown asked with concern.

Bonnie replied, ‘that is a truth, we were in love. Life went on smoothly. He used to take part in different shooting competitions and many a times won first prizes. One day a letter came and that separated us. I lost him.’

‘A letter? What was there in that letter which separated both of you?’

‘It was an offer of a job of being referee at Dubai Olympics. Daniel was still looking for a steady job. And he was offered a free ticket, boarding and good sum of money. This was an offer which we could not resist. The night before he was to go, we spent the happiest time together and went to sleep. The flight was early at 5:30 am. I said good bye to him when he was entering the plane. Yes that was the last time I saw his smiling face.’

‘Did not you check it up with the Dubai authorities?’

‘Yeah, I wandered here and there like a dog but in vain; even Dubai sports committee declared that they have not sent any such letter.’

‘But you saw Daniel yourself boarding the plane. So where did the plane go? There must be other passengers. How can it just vanish, did you get any news of plane crash?

Bonnie could not hold herself, and began crying as she said, ‘Nobody knows where the plane went, there is no record of its arrival or departure. No news of plane crash or it being lost. I went to many offices but did not get good reply. I was completely exhausted in searching for him I was broke, no money and no support. But I did not lose my courage. My health was deteriorating,’ she continued after drinking some water, ‘I had a reason to move on. Instead of annoying me, and causing me to falter and break down completely, as the authorities hoped, it only lent new strength to my purpose, new fire to my soul. I was to become a mother and raise the child. Then I went to my mom. There I gave birth to Miki. I became mentally okay and came back to the city. Then one day I read your advertisement and got the job. I got good people like you and admitted Miki in the hostel.

‘But you did not tell us all these, I mean about David and Miki.’

‘Pardon me, madam, but your advertisement said that a young girl with education with unmarried status is required as a baby sister. So I had to hide some facts. Sorry about that but I had to do this, because I wanted money to support Miki, and search for Daniel.

‘Oh! My God! It is a very touching story, Bonnie now you don’t have to be afraid of anything. We will find Daniel any how even if he is taken by the devil himself and ferret out and punish the criminals. Don’t you worry now, understand?’

Mrs. Brown just could not believe herself seeing the change in Mr. Brown. However she was happy that it had happened so early and quick. He became normal and started talking with others. He even joked with Miki. He asked to him, ‘Do you like in the hostel or with grandma? How is your grandma looking? What do you play there...?’

The car was moving fast. A small jungle came and they decided to stop there to rest and eat some food. The car also needed rest.
