Possibilities in English Moral Stories by Hitarth Padaliya books and stories PDF | Possibilities

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By - Padaliya Hitarth H.

Before billions of years, a group of aliens attacked the planet earth. Very difficultly, the people fought bravely against them and gave freedom to the planet earth.

When people were going to their offices, schools, collages, factories and etc. and just a minute later, a horrible attack started. This attack was of the old aliens and dangerous one. They were doing this to take the revenge from the people because they had destroyed a powerful device called as “Schorbine”.

This was the device that can launch thousands of missiles, rockets, bombs and such other things that are used during a war between countries or the whole world. This was the most powerful missile produced or made by the group of aliens.

The attack started and immediately, the people of the city Chicago began to run here and there. They were all pushing each other as they had to run for their lives. They ran fast as fast as they could. At that point of time, the buildings began to fall as they began to singsong also by the power of aliens. Everybody worried the most as they had no chance. Till night, the collapsed and everybody were injured because the buildings fell upon them. Some of them were died because of the injuries caused by the buildings when they fell down. Some people of them were alive. Collapsing was not stopped but half of the city was collapsed due to the power of the old, dangerous, powerful and cunning aliens. The aim of the aliens was to destroy the planet earth by both, their old power and the new ones.

Suddenly, a spaceship came near where the people of the city had made a tribe. A bright light came out of it and some aliens muttered and mumbled. Then, a strange and unknown voice came out from the spaceship with an image of the chief of the pack of the clever and cunning aliens. “Haa-Haa-Haa! You can’t guess who am I because you all together have killed my father, ’Schor’. We all came here together to kill you all and collapse the earth. We came here today to take revenge from you all. First, you killed my father. Now, we will kill you all. You all destroyed my Schorbine. Now, we will kill you all in a way that you will yell, shout and scream at all. Try, if you can go far away from us. But, no, we will never let you go far away from us. You just try and we will have a benefit. Not that we will leave that person. But, we will array a fence around the whole city. It will be invisible. You can’t also feel it. Only aliens can see it and feel. Who passes from there, that person will get a shock of a thousand volts. Our group and other group of aliens from the planet “Jupiter” will not get shock as we and they can see the fence of death. Haa-Haa-Haa!” the chief of the aliens said angrily and laughingly.

From that morning, people of that city decided to make a plan. They used this plan so that they can defend themselves and defeat the old, dangerous, powerful, cunning and clever aliens.

This plan was a little bit same as we play tricks on the other team in Kabaddi. One or two people stay opposite to the catcher in the game of Kabaddi. The last member of that team stays behind the catcher. When the catcher comes in between of the box, the last member goes behind. Then, he pushes the catcher and when the catcher falls down, they all grab him tightly so that he cannot touch the border of the box or he cannot go out of the box, in his team’s box. This was the plan that they made and were in to apply it on every alien.

The sun rose slowly and the people woke up early in the morning. They woke early in the morning to fill the guns with bullets and making rockets, missiles, swords and other items usually used in a small war or a big war. They also made some guns especially AK47.

These war items that they made were usually made of metal pieces. These metal pieces were found deep inside the planet earth that as they dug many holes to take it out of it. Then, they melt the metal pieces as they needed the liquid form of metal pieces. When the metal pieces were melting, they made some boxes with a picture of the weapon that they needed and this picture was cut down by them to give the shape and size. When the metal pieces had converted into its liquid form, they put that sticky substance into the cut in the boxes that they made. This process continued and made many weapons that the human beings needed.

Again, a strange and unclear voice of the chief of the alien group came. It came with the racket of spaceship moving here and there. Some of the people acted that they had a great fear about him and his family in this kind of situations. They also worried in the acting. Some of the brave people from that town came and said to the chief of the aliens that, “My lord! My lord! Fear is fear. No one can change it. But in this kind of situation, no comes from everybody’s mouth. We had no fear, we have no fear and in future we will have no fear about ourselves and our family. We will fight with you all and will win the war. If we will have to kill ourselves, we will kill. But, we will not give up until we will get our success and that’s our dream.”

“What can you do, my little children? You have no chance. You have to die. Haa-Haa-Haa!” said the chief of the aliens.

A great war started between them. Every human started fighting according to their plan. Everything went in the direction where it has to go. Everything came right. The aliens began to die rapidly. The humans swooped down on the aliens and they were all died. After all, the chief of the aliens left after a great war between two planets. To kill the chief of the aliens, they all went into the spaceship of the chief. The chief came in a great worry. Suddenly, he got an idea as he the spaceship in the air and they all were lucky that they do not fall from the spaceship or they can die due to a fall from a height. All were gathered into the spaceship of the chief. They were shocked because they can’t see the chief. “It has vanished.” One thought in a great worry. They went there to handle the spaceship. But, no, they can’t handle the spaceship as it was out of control. There was a huge building in front of them. They all jumped out of the spaceship as they came near to the building. They all had landed safely on a roof of a building. By this way, they all had defended themselves or they can die because of a crash with a huge building.

They came down from there and in the way they all saw the chief of the aliens defending him in the next building. They went inside that building and found the chief. They all attacked on him and the chief gave up. He was badly injured as the humans attacked on him. At last, they all killed him by attacking continuously on him. Then, they went to their city with the dead body of the chief. One of them showed the dead body to all the citizens. All the citizens were happy to see that the chief has died. After that day, all the citizens of Chicago lived happily and peacefully in that city.

Possibilities are biggest things that let you fight when negative power comes against you.