A Trip to Himachal in English Travel stories by Abhi books and stories PDF | A Trip to Himachal

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A Trip to Himachal

A Trip to Himachal

Mountains are calling. That was the exact feeling I got when I was called up by my friend inviting to his marriage in Delhi. Now, me being an anti-marriage person had no interest whatsoever in his marriage and was thrilled by the idea of a vacation in the woods. He wanted me to be there for 3 days covering all the functions and I was in no mood to do so. I assured him that I will be there on the marriage day but not at all before that. I told few of my friends about my plan and asked them if they were ready to join. Few were interested but not sure if they would be able to make it. So, I waited for them for a week or so and then told them that I would be doing my bookings alone and if anyone is willing to join, please let me know at later point of time.

So, I was all set up for a SOLO trip to Himalayas. The thought itself was rejuvenating. Initially I wanted to go J&K. I tried searching for few of the places but since it was February, reviews were of heavy snowfall and the roads being blocked. There was no point in going that far and stuck on roads somewhere. And so I decided to come a bit down. But still J&K remains in my plans and one day I am sure, I will make that trip as well. As of now, I got settled for Himachal Pradesh. Now when talking about Himachal Pradesh, first thing which comes to mind is Shimla and Manali. And that same occurred to me as well. But then I mostly prefer the places with less people around and so I went on to plan for the other side of Himachal Pradesh. Two places that caught my eyes on Indian map were Dalhousie and Dharamshala. And that was it. I decided to make a plan covering only these two places and spending 5 days in the mountains and relaxing.

Planning for a trip is the most beautiful aspect of the trip. Even though I don’t do the detailed planning of where to stay, where to eat, etc. but still it remains one of the pleasant activity for me before the trip itself. I would google the images of the places and would read about few. I would feel so much excited after reading and viewing the place on google. The starting was to book my travel tickets.

Travel Tickets.

I am not comfortable travelling in an AC bus and so I choose not to take any planned tours from Delhi. Mind you, there were so many options available for trips from Delhi. I booked my flight tickets from Bangalore to Delhi and then train tickets from Delhi to Pathankot. And the same way my return train ticket from Pathankot to Delhi and then flight tickets from Delhi to Bangalore.

Accomodation Booking.

Next was the accommodation. I choose to go to Dalhousie first. Stay there for 2 days and then go to Dharamshala for 2 days before returning back. One thing I always look for while booking accommodation is the view I get from there. I love to have open balcony or a large window at least to have a nice view of outside. The problems with the online booking is they show something on the websites and when we go there in person, reality is totally different. So I thought of not booking any accommodation and just go there and explore.

Time came nearer and my excitement was growing multiple folds. A solo trip in the woods is not particularly a good idea for most of the people and so I was getting negative opinions and views only from most of those I talked about the trip. But the bottom line was I was going and I did not care about others views.


Since it was going to be cold out there, I was more focused on getting my warm clothes being packed. Fortunately this was the time I was going to get a chance to wear the warm clothes I shopped so much earlier but never wore them (in fact around a year before when I was in UK.) This time I made sure that I don’t increase the weight of my luggage and carry just what is needed. Still me being me, it somehow was heavy only. I took along novels, camera and music player with me as I always do in my trips.

Journey Begins

Day 1

On 21st Feb, my flight was scheduled from Bangalore airport at around 9.30 PM. I finished my day early at the office and was somehow so early to airport at around 6. I spent 3 hours just roaming around BIAL and reading novel. The flight was delayed by 15 mins but the weather was clear to fly and I arrived in Delhi airport just 10 mins behind the scheduled time. Flight from Bangalore to Delhi takes around 2h 35m. So, it was just past midnight when I landed in T3 of IGIA. I had a train to catch from NDLS to Pathankot at 4.55 AM in the morning on 22nd Feb, which left me enough time to travel from Airport to Railway station. I chose to go via local Delhi transport bus instead of the expensive cabs. I reached railway station 2 hours before the scheduled departure of my train and spent my time there reading and dozing in between. Fortunately the train was on time and I got into it, occupied my seat and slept off. I slept till 10.30 AM in the morning and then I got down my upper seat to absorb the sceneries. We were past Ludhiana and what I was seeing was Punjab’s green fields everywhere. The train was scheduled to reach Pathankot at 12.35 PM but as always due to fog in early mornings, train was running 45 mins late and we reached Pathankot at 1.15 PM. I took a local auto from Pathankot CANT to Pathankot city bus stand. The bus to Dalhousie was at 2.30 PM from Pathankot and so I had enough time to sit and enjoy the chole samosa chat at the bus station. Pathankot is so near to the INDO PAK border and due to the recent terrorist attacks in the city, security was utmost. You can feel the presence of INDIAN army everywhere in the city.

The bus was a normal Punjab State Transport one and with a special request to the conductor, I got the window seat. The temperatures were already low around 10-12 degrees and I was fairly covered by sweater and a jacket. The bus started exactly at 2.30 PM and we started our ascent towards Dalhousie. The roads were pretty good in condition. Dalhousie is just at a distance of 83 KM from Pathankot. Initial 50 KM till Dunera were nothing but just a road trip on some hill station with the road curving at various points and the mountain views all around. But once we pass Dunera and enter into Himachal Pradesh, the scenery changes drastically. Now we see around the far away snow cladded peaks and below are the scenes of valleys and water flowing. I was just thrilled by the view of snow and wanted to go further up. The scenery just went on getting beautiful. And along with it the temperatures started dropping as well. I was now with my monkey cap and gloves on me. We reached around 6.30 PM at Dalhousie. And it was pitch dark there at that time. Dalhousie is a hill station based on 5 hills and with not much of street lights. Since I was going to arrive late at Dalhousie, I felt it would be safe to book a youth hostel just for that night and then search for a hotel with a better view the next day. The youth hostel was just a walking distance from Dalhousie bus stop. I got in there and to my surprise I was the only one guest in the hostel for that night. The staff gave me the room key and asked me if I would like to have my dinner there.

The room was pretty clean and spacious with a double bed and two duvets. Attached bathroom was also clean and with geyser fitting. The temperature now was 4 degree. And I was feeling very cold. I took bath with the hot water and that felt very relaxing. I changed and put 3 layers of clothes before going down to have dinner. The dinner was served exactly at 8 PM and was so tasty to eat. 3 rotis with one curry and then dal and rice to accompany. After dinner, I went outside just to have a walk in the town and to my surprise, there was so much of silence contrast to our buzzing lives in the cities. I purchased few necessary things for the next day and went back to the hostel. The temperatures dropped to 1 and were expected to go to -2 degree in the night. I had already booked a cab for next day trip which was supposed to start at 9.30 AM.

Day 2

I woke up early morning at around 7 AM and then went to the balcony. The view I saw there was just awesome. From my balcony, I was able to see the snow Cladded Mountains again and was very thrilled to wake up with such views. The same time I decided not to go for any other hotel and better be at the youth hostel for one more night. The breakfast was pretty ok with bread butter and a hot mug of tea. I took bath and got ready by 9.15.

And as decided we started our trip at 9.30. We first went to a hill known as Dainkund peak as it was a 2 km trek on the mountains and thought it would be better to complete that when nobody else was around. It turned out to be the best decision we took as the place would look so peaceful and calm when nobody is around. Dainkund peak was about 14 km away from Dalhousie and 12.5 km can be covered by a vehicle. We reached there pretty early and as was expected no one was around. The place belonged to us. We started our trek slowly. Initial 1.5 km trek to the temple was an easy one with little snow in between. A temple is located at the Dainkund peak and a local shop offering tea. We further went ahead to trek. And now the real fun began. It was fully covered with snow and we have to move further up in the snow. I thoroughly enjoyed that 500 m of trek and when we reached at the top, view was breath taking one. One side of the Peak was a valley and one side was facing the snow Cladded mountains. I loved it so much and just sat in silence for 10 mins to absorb the view. There was no noise apart from the whistling made by winds. To do justice to the place, one must sit in silence for some time and just stare at those mountains.

We started back descending and then we were seeing few couples coming up. It was good to have seen the view just before everyone. We went back on the route to Dalhousie and on the way we also passed Indian Army Base. It was just thrilling to watch Indian Army setting up bases at such remote and high altitude places. Then we went to a place called Kalatop. Again there was a 3 KM walk involved. But this time it was a bit different as it passed through dense oak trees and again what we had was pleasant silence spread across. After a quite walk to the top, we were opened up to a forest rest house on the top. Movie Lootera was shot at this place. It is amazing to know how a decent place in reality is converted into something extraordinary on the screen. But not to take away anything from this place, Kalatop is an excellent place to sit idle and not do anything but just enjoy nature at its best. We walked back to our car and had Maggi with tea at a local shop. We then started for a place called Khajjiar. This place is known as Mini Switzerland. There is one lake and the grasslands surrounding this lake. But it was very crowded and so we did not spend much time over there. We sat there for 30 mins and then we started back our way to Dalhousie. The driver dropped me at Gandhi Chowk. I had my lunch over there in a restaurant watching India-Australia test match. There was a street for local shopping but I did not find much as it was an off season still for tourism. I walked back to Subhash Chowk and visited a church there. This place has a big statue of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose and the view of valley and a lake far away is visible. Tired since morning, I walked back to the hostel and read novel sitting on the terrace enjoying some sun light and mountain views. After some time as the sun descended and the temperatures dropped again, I rested in my room with the duvets wrapped all over me. I then again had the dinner at the hostel, talked with the staff for some time and then walked over to Subhash chowk for a hot tea. The best thing in the nights on the hill station is the stars and clear sky. I came back and read for some time before calling it a day.

Day 3

Again I was up at 5.30 AM as I had to catch the bus to Dharamshala at 7. Bus trip to Dharamshala was not any extra ordinary but still with the Himalayan Mountains in the background, it looked beautiful. I had no bookings for my stay in Dharamshala as I wanted to check by myself the hotel with a view and then book it. I reached Dharamshala around 12.30 PM and directly took the bus for Mcleodganj. Searched for a while in the narrow streets of Mcleodganj and was finally able to get one hotel with a nice view of valley and mountains from the room itself. After getting fresh, I started out for exploring Mcleodganj.

Started on a walk among the woods of around 2.5 KM which will open up to a lake – DAL lake. This is a lake amidst the mountains with no source of water visible. The view was perfect for relaxing. Further 1 KM up was a view point – Naddi Hill View Point. This was a stunning view of snow cladded Himalayan Mountains. They looked so huge and near from the view point. It was already evening time by the time I returned back to Mcleodganj and then thought of roaming through the market area. Market area is nothing but two narrow streets running parallel to each other bustling with the local item shops and fresh hot Momos.

It was a long tiring day and so I decided to have dinner early and retire for the day. The night view of stars from the room was awesome.

Day 4

The day began with a view as stunning as the one it ended with the previous night. Morning view of sun coming up from the mountains is a view which should not be missed. The main purpose of visiting Mcleodganj and Dharamshala was to visit the Himachal Cricket Association Stadium, which is considered to be one of the best International cricket stadiums in the World. After having morning breakfast of hot Parathas and tea in a quite cold weather, I started for the Stadium visit. And I was not at all disappointed with the Stadium visit. The sheer presence of mountains in the background made it so aesthetic to view. Sat there for some time just enjoying the cool breeze and imagining the atmosphere when the match between India and Australia will be played on that ground after just 25 days. Was totally not in a mood to leave the stadium but as there were other things to cover, I slowly started back. On return to Mcleodganj, I visited a Church on the way. Between the woods, it was the perfect place to just experience silence and solitude.

After having my lunch, I decided to stay back in the hotel room watching the ongoing test match between India and Australia in Pune. Unfortunately, match was over soon and Australia beat India convincingly. I decided to visit the Monastery of Dalai Lama. Not being a spiritual self by nature, I just roamed around the Monastery taking in the architecture and the craftiness of it rather than enjoying the spiritual side of it. Good things about small towns is there is not much to do here. You can pretty well relax and enjoy even by not doing anything. Again I was on my own in the woods for a walk and enjoyed the liveliness of nature around me. After doing little shopping and having my dinner, I again headed to the hotel and read there for some time with the view of valley from my balcony. Next day morning I was planning to go for a longer trek and so slept a bit early.

Day 5

On this morning, I had a plan to trek to Triund. Google map showed it as 7 KM and I thought I would be able to return back at 11.30 in the morning if I start a bit early. I got ready by 5.30 AM and went to the hotel front gate. Surprisingly, it was closed and no one was present there to open it. Disappointed by this I went back to my room and waited for the doors to open. Finally at 7 AM in the morning, the doors were open and I was out in a flash. Now the unexpected started.

I started the navigation on my phone and followed the path shown to Triund. After a walk of 2.5 KM uphill and it was literally uphill, I passed BhagsuNag waterfalls. The navigation was still showing to go further up and I followed. There is a place called Shiva Café up there. I reached there and then it was all blank. I was not able to trace any path further. But to my astonishment, Google Maps was still showing the way. Finally I thought of not following the navigation and waited for some locals to come over there so that I can ask the way ahead. The view from that café was excellent. After sitting around for 30 mins there, 2 locals came on their morning walks and I was told it was no way possible to trek Triund from this way without the help of a local guide. The other way was longer but easy to follow. Since I had to check out the hotel at 12 PM, there was not much time left for taking that longer way. So, I planned to get down to Mcleodganj and took another route via Dharamkot. It was not as intended but still the walk for around 5 KM in the woods early in the morning was refreshing and I was quite satisfied by it.

After finishing my breakfast I retired to the room and read novel for an hour or so before getting ready and checking out from the hotel. Spent some more time roaming around in the local market before finally bidding good bye to Mcleodganj. Took the bus for Dharamshala and then to Pathankot. I was feeling heavy to leave such a majestic place. I reached Pathankot by 6 PM and my train to Delhi was at 9 PM. Now being in Punjab and not eating in a Punjabi dhaba is a sin. I had Naan and Rajma Masala at a local Punjabi dhaba with some butter and onions. It was so tasty and filling. Sitting at railway station, waiting for my return train to Delhi, I was just thinking about past 5 days. They were a complete opposite of my busy daily life. I wish I could have stayed for more and enjoyed the majestic Himalayas more. But anyways I had to return back and was happy thinking about my next trip to Himalayas, which was already planned later this year.

As soon as I boarded the train, I was asleep and only woke up by the coolies at Delhi railway station. I had a marriage to attend in Delhi and then next day return trip to Bangalore.

I was back to my daily routine life and the last 5 days spent in the Himalayas were like some fairy tale days. Looking back on those images I captured was satisfactory and slowly I got back to my routine. While writing this article about the trip, I can feel the exact moments I had over there and a smile comes to my face.

Love you Himalayas. Waiting for coming back soon. And remember, Walking is fashion in hills, not necessity.