Endless Voyage - 15 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - 15

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Endless Voyage - 15

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 15

Some of the world’s most powerful and influential men, President of USA, Secretary of Defense and Secretary of State were seated in a separate room of Pentagon, Department of Defense. USGS’s report had just arrived and they had completed discussion about its implications. The reasons behind this catastrophe were not identified in the given report but John Douglas had worked hard and had used his experience well. He had pointed out all the possibilities of how human lives can be saved. The situation was not clear enough and it changed on day to day basis, which is why it was quite difficult to handle damage control.

Thus, it was necessary to take certain steps how hard they may seem to the people. Safety of life and property, minimizing internal rioting and looting, medical treatment, supply of food items, rehabilitation, maximum use of man power of Army, Police, government and private service people, were many issues which had to be dealt with a hard hand yet with utmost care and caution.

United States of America was itself a large country. Therefore it had great differences in geological temperatures in its large land mass. At present people were tormented by extreme heat and later on they will have to face cold nights. Will they be able to survive such extremities? Planning and preparations must be done accordingly. They took following decisions in the best interest of people.

  • Army & Defense personal posted in other countries and in the oceans must be withdrawn.
  • All American citizens presently in foreign land must be called back immediately.
  • Army at borders must be called back and given other duties in city and rural areas.
  • All city police for example NYPD, LAPD etc. must be red alerted.
  • Scare mongering business and creating hype on TV network must be banned. That they will have to telecast useful information regarding the catastrophe, Maps of safer locations, rehabilitation centers, refugee camps, what help would be provided by which agency private or government.
  • All the necessary information provided by the government agencies must be stored in the computers and on hard copies because it may not be available to the public in future for the reasons that satellite communications may come to a standstill.
  • In addition earth’s magnetic field may change drastically creating whole new set of problems. Measures must be taken to save people from its adverse effects.
  • All private companies producing life savings drugs must distribute them free of cost. They would be compensated in full in future if the governments or people survive this holocaust. Refusal to do so will call for arrests of owners and directors.
  • Other countries would be assisted in the matters of technical knowledge and materials which could save lives.
  • Help from other countries would also be accepted unconditionally.
  • All airlines would be shutdown, except under dire circumstances.
  • All additional quantities of fuel, gas, petrol, nuclear weaponry planes etc. would be shifted and stored in safer places.
  • Under this extreme world crisis all personal of C.I.A, FBI, Homeland Security Department and other similar departments would be assigned different responsibility since the usual duties had no meaning now. These changes would be decided by Vice President, Secretary of State and Defense secretary.
  • Police departments, NASA, USGS, and Missile Defense Agency and other agencies which are needed in this crisis resolving hence they must mostly adhere to their original line of duty.
  • Red-Alert must be declared for all departments especially which forecast natural disaster.
  • Space craft to be readied for manned mission in the space.
  • All the tourists on the Moon must be informed to stay there till amicable solution on earth is reached.
  • The Executive Department got busy in implementing above regulations after getting go ahead signal from the Congress. All government servants who had got affected by these latest developments were dismayed as what to do. Mass transfers, new locations, shifting of families, new duties created chaos and confusions. Highways & streets were jammed with vehicles of all kinds, for hours together. Almost all countries faced this new kind of challenges and difficulties. Millions of People felt that they are being harassed and the authorities are paranoid.

    On one where Sun rays remained for longer period, lengthening the daytime, temperatures increased exponentially. While, on the opposite side of the globe, temperature decreased drastically reaching up to – 20°c or so. People lost counts of the dates. When the watch showed 10:00 pm they experienced day time. If this went on like this new calendars would have to be prepared. In sunlit portions of the earth people started facing heat illnesses. In such hot weather children, elderly, and obese people have a higher risk of developing heat illness. People started developing heat cramps, heat exhaustion due to dehydration, which can progress to heatstroke. Heatstroke, the most serious of the three, can cause brain damage, organ failure, and even death.

    Many lost balance of mind. People started moving toward the colder regions to save their lives.

    Rivers, lakes, streams got slowly drying up. Underwater animals also lost lives. Diseases were spreading fast due to decaying bodies and carcasses of men and animals. Crocodiles and alligators started roaming the cities and freely attacked human beings.

    Volcanoes started spewing lava which began to spread in the cities. Its ashes roamed the skies and spread like black clouds hampering air traffic and progress of mass exodus... All electronic instruments started bursting and became inoperative due to melting of circuits and wires. This way, men, children, birds and animals started dying. The earth depicted a picture of fast approaching apocalypse.

    On the other side where darkness and cold prevailed small children and aged persons could not withstand the cold waves and simply froze. Such horrific deaths were witnessed many and they suffered heart attacks. Some committed suicides. Essentials things were being looted. Crimes were committed even now in the face of death. Prices were skyrocketing. Humanity had lost its direction and will to survive. There were physical changes too. Rivers started flooding; ice at the poles melted and raised the surface of seas & oceans. Cities were drowned and island countries were totally submerged. All coastal cities became a part of the history.

    The ‘death’ enjoyed feast with both the hands. People could not bear the present conditions whether cold or heat, daylight or darkness. They just wanted to run away from where they were. Madness to run away gripped their minds. They thought if they moved to some other place they can be spared from death. Only one question lingered in their minds, what will happen?

    The end of the world seemed near and imminent, even religious leaders thought so. Many of them started scaremongering to obtain benefits. They told people to come to their shelter so that they can be saved from the end of the world. They declared that whoever accepts the omnipotent power of almightily God, Allah, and Jesus would be spared and no harm would come to them. As a result people could not think which way to go. Peace and patience had no place in their mind. Rational thinking was abandoned like s worn-out shirt. The great dance of destruction (Tandav) of ‘Shiva’ had just begun.

    All nations started shifting the explosives and inflammable liquids and chemicals to colder and safer places. Some such materials went into flames on the way and resulted in heavy loss of lives and properties.

    Almost in all the nations telecommunication based systems meant an easy way to link people experiencing an emergency with the public resource that can help. However it was on the verge of collapsing. Be it 911 in US or 112 in European Union or 108,100 and 101 in India people were not getting immediate response, eventually they no more dialed such numbers to get help.

    All the leaders of the nations had prepared guidelines and maps keeping in mind their geological locations indicating safer places of rehabilitations. People were advised to move to such locations to save their lives. All such travels would be free of cost. People rushed to bus stands, railway stations, and Air ports. But they were already swarming with people. Free travel had turned into money making business by authorities concerned. Only those were allowed who parted with their valuables. The greed of the people was having a last laugh at them. Total anarchy prevailed at such locations of travel. Looting, arson, quarrels, murders riots, all was there. Many got frustrated and returned home to meet their end. Rehabilitation centers and refugee camps were established to protect and save human lives. Facilities of water & food were given, but it did not do much good. Supplies were in shortage and mouths to feed kept on increasing exponentially.

    People were however informed about safety measures through various communication channels like, TV, radio, and newspapers etc.All safer zones’ maps and photographs indicating possible temperature and weather conditions were displayed at public places and places of travels. Governments tried their best to safeguard the interests of public.

    However, people’s frenzy to save their lives was so intense that it had reached to its maximum. They forgot every rules and regulations and behaved like animals, increasing troubles for the rescue work and rehabilitation. As a result most of the times many of the governments could not do much for their people and watched this chaos in utter helplessness and confusion.

    Media went berserk and reported events magnifying it many fold. They started interviewing politicians, scientists, and weather experts. Scaremongering became their hobby.

    Since last five days the US President was staying at secrete quarters of Pentagon to facilitate additional security for him. He was seeing the huge screen for observing any new movement in the space. Then a call came. His Personal Aide told him that it was from the First Lady. ‘Tell her that I am too busy.’ Once again the call came; the reply was the same. This happened two or three times. Then the phone was disconnected. But by now President’s temper had reached its height, he spoke forgetting the presence of his staff, ‘In this critical period why she is disturbing me?’ five minutes passed and a call came on his personal mobile. His facial expressions showed feelings of annoyance, but he still managed to take the call just to get over with it finally.

    ‘Tell me quickly Lucy,’ he ordered.

    ‘Catherine has a fever,’ she said in a low tone.

    ‘But, what can I do, call the doctor’.

    ‘They are already here but…’

    ‘Look, Lucy, you understand quite well that when the whole world is moving toward possible destruction I just can’t keep sitting by the side of Catherine.’

    ‘Please, try to understand me’

    ‘I am telling you the same, try to understand me now. And please do not disturb me,’ he cut the phone. The entire conversation which went on the line was heard by the members of his ‘Cabinet’.

    Silence prevailed for few seconds but it was soon broken by the Vice President Antonio, ‘Mr. President, if you are required there, please go’

    ‘No… No… my presence here is more important and otherwise of what help I would be to her. Catherine is sick that is true but doctors are there. No need of me.’

    For few moments such talks went on, and then they heard a little noise and one old person entered the hall bypassing all the security. He blatantly asked, ‘Where is the President?’

    Everybody present there was surprised enough of his entry having crossed all levels of security however they were more surprised by his questioning.

    President asked, ‘who is that?’

    The security person immediately rushed forward and replied gently. ‘Sir, He comes from the White House staff.’

    ‘Who sent him? Perhaps, the First Lady I assume’ he retorted with a question.

    The new entrant now came forward and sort of saluted the President and said, ‘No sir, nobody sent me here, I came on my own accord, and my name is John Muffler.’

    ‘But why you came here?’

    ‘Sir, Catherine is very sick, and I have come here to take you to her.’

    ‘No, No, you forget it, I cannot come. I know all that what you have in mind. My first responsibility is toward my country and people of the world,’ President said angrily.

    ‘Sir, pardon me but you are equally responsible for your wife and daughter too. This country may get a new president but Catherine will not get another real father. She is suffering from fever since long. Doctors are trying their best but no recovery is seen. Up till now madam had not called you seeing your engagements. She is also having sleepless nights due to Catherine’s illness. And Catherine too is remembering you now and then. Please, believe me sir; she needs you more than anybody else at this very moment. Come with me.’

    President could not speak anything, he sat there motionless.

    Mr. Muffler continued, ‘sir! One thing is final I am not returning without you. Please, even for five minutes come home. I can’t say anything more.’ Speaking thus he looked at the president, his eyes were filled with tears, his old face showed emotions of pleading and sorrow.

    President was quite and perturbed at this new development, he did not know how to and what to reply to this adamant little fellow. Again the Vice President broke the silence, ‘please go. I request you sir.’

    President stood up and came near to Mr. Muffler, put his right hand on his shoulder and hiding his tears went out with him.

    War of thoughts was going on in his mind; no one can tell what he was thinking. He was in great dilemma due to personal turmoil.

    Till now, United States of America had major role in the affairs of the world. It had earned a dubious distinction of being the ‘police man of the world’. It interfered in world matters, be it Yugoslavia, world wars, Kuwait’s freedom, attack on Libya, and Iraq. But today America and its President were on the back foot.

    President was so engrossed in his thoughts that he did not realize when the White House came.

    Even White House was standing there as a silent witness to many lows and highs of its history. It saw many presidents starting from John Adams to the present president in their moments of happiness and sorrow. It had seen Abraham Lincoln and John. F. Kennedy fighting for the great cause of African Americans whose communities was represented as drug-infested, inner-city ghettos that spew bullet-ridden black bodies across the urban landscape.

    Today, also the White House was sad due to the illness of President’s daughter Catherine. It had hundreds of men and women working here. They behaved as one family. However, the President did not know many of them but he surely knew Mr. Muffler, because he was one of the most senior persons of the White House staff.

    Muffler was a cool and pleasant man. He spoke straightaway, in his early career at the White House he used to look after electric faults. But as time went by, looking to his age he was given the task of maintaining and cleaning antique wall clocks. He kept them functioning with special care. Some of them were more than hundred years old and looked impressive and elegant.

    But today, he performed a commendable job, worthy of praise, he brought the President here. Without wasting much time the President directly went to the Catherine’s room. Doctors and nurses moved aside and he sat on the bed. ‘How are you my child?’ He put a hand on her forehead. It was hot. The doctor replied, ‘she is running temperature, sir.’

    President kissed her forehead. She was sleeping quietly. So He said aloud, ‘Catherine! Catherine Oh! Jesus.’

    Tears rolled down his cheeks. Catherine opened her eyes slowly and as she saw her daddy, she started crying.

    ‘My beloved child, you know that I got busy with my work. You will recover fast; I know that and see I am not going anywhere. Are you happy now?’

    Laughter came into her eyes. Madam Lucy also got emotional and was happy to see this union.

    President asked for the juice and gave it to Catherine, she drank it quickly. Till now she was refusing to eat or drink. Everybody got relaxed after she drank the juice. Madam Lucy got so emotional that she could not stop her from crying and said, thanking her husband, ‘you came here…Thank you’ President wiped her tears off her checks. It was a moment of family union, amidst the inferno. He then turned to the doctors to know their views.

    The team leader explained him in details, ‘Sir! Catherin’s trouble started few days ago. She developed complications and her response to medication was poor. We carried out all the tests but could not find valid reason for her increasing illness. If this had gone on for few more days she would have slipped into comma. That is why I asked the First Lady to inform you sir.’

    ‘Do not worry, she will be fine’ President showed confidence.

    After an hour Catherine’s condition seemed to improve. Her temperature came down and she looked okay. Everyone felt happy and relaxed. Particularly for the First Lady it was like a day-dawn after a night of the blackest darkness.

    The doctor said, ‘It seems miracle has happened, it is because you came here sir! Thank you very much. When medicine fails love helps. You see, parents mean a lot to children, actually it is either way’

    ‘No. say thanks to Mr. Muffler, it is on his insistence that I came, God knows when this fight will end and who will come out as a winner! ’ President said with a big sigh.

    ‘Mr. President, you will win definitely. It will be a victory of mankind. Don’t worry and don’t you become dejected. America is with you, the whole world is with you, so there is no question of defeat,’ Muffler said with a lot of passion.

    President was amazed at this fellow; he had never seen him speak like this. He developed a kind of a respect for him for his courage in speaking the right things at the right times.

    He felt spurt of courage in himself also. So now, there is no need to worry, it is time to fight, the President thought. He shook hands with Mr. Muffler and turned to the doctor, he asked, ‘What do you think about Catherine?’

    He replied, ‘Now she is alright, nothing to worry much. You can go if you want. She will be fine in matters of days.

    President looked at his wife, she also nodded in affirmation. So he came near to Catherine’s bed and caressing her head said, ‘my brave girl I must now go and get on with my work. Do you need me? ‘No daddy, you can go.’

    ‘And now, good bye, take care!’ He came outside the room and returned back and asked again, ‘where is Mr. Muffler?’ Muffler was around the corner and came forward, ‘Yes sir!’

    The president looked at him and gestured the sign of ‘Thumps up’ at him. Muffler also repeated the sign back at him and smiled. President then went on to sit in his car.

    He entered the NASA hall and looked at the wide screens and asked, ‘Any News?’

    ‘No!’ Vice President replied.

    ‘Good!’ No news is good news!

    ‘How is Catherine?’ Defense Secretary George asked.

    ‘Oh! She is fine, now not to worry,’

    ‘Good very good!’ George said. Meanwhile, NASA’s Chief Administrator David came there and said to the President, ‘Excuse me sir! But what if we send a space craft in cooperation with Russia, sort of joint venture I mean? What is your opinion?

    ‘Joint ventures with Russia had been stopped years ago, and now to ask for…’ President did not complete.

    ‘Sir, these are unusual times, nothing wrong in that. Also possibilities of detecting elements which are responsible for Earth’s strange behavior would increase since they have become technologically more advanced in recent years.’

    ‘However, if a thing like that which is capable of slowing the rotational speed of Earth can also stop our space craft and pull it to destruction. What is the surety of our success?’

    ‘Sir, you are right in your assumption, this is going to be risky, and we may lose our astronauts. However, there is a possibility of detecting unknown forces which are responsible for this catastrophe. We will have to take risk to save lives of billions of people.’

    Hence, the joint venture was agreed upon by the two nations. Russian Prime Minister agreed to send few of his astronauts.
