Endless Voyage - 10 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - 10

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Endless Voyage - 10

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 11

“People of the world,

Unfortunately, we are forced to meet again. We have not forgotten the nightmare of 13th June and again we are faced with this tragedy. This earth which is moving around its axis since times immemorial and because of it day and night happen is behaving strangely. Its speed has slowed; consequently we would face tremendous difficulties, monumental challenges which no one can imagine.

For how long this situation would prevail, we do not know. Nevertheless, we shall come out of it. NASA and other important scientific institutes of the world are working on it. Also, we are in consultation with many countries to resolve this issue at the earliest. Therefore, I request the people to remain calm and help the govt. agencies. At this stage I would quote DH Lawrence’s lines from Lady Chatterley’s Lover: “The cataclysm has happened, we are among the ruins, we start to build up new little habitats, to have new little hopes. It is rather hard work: there is now no smooth road into the future: but we go round, or scramble over the obstacles. We’ve got to live, no matter how many skies have fallen.” And Ladies and Gentlemen; God has made this world and He will not destroy it. He will open another door for our best future because He loves his children and we are children of Lord Jesus. So, pray to Him. Have faith in Him. We are all together, let us fight till the end.

… Thank you all.”

The President vanished from the TV screens across the world hoping that his eloquence will galvanize the nation into action. Rightly so, his inspiring words would always be emblazoned in many peoples’ memory. Some of them started crying, their eyes filled with tears while others felt new confidence emerging from within.

Just after that on the Times Square one news reporter started asking questions to the people who were moving around or passing by just to know their views and response.

‘Hello, what is your name?’ ‘George’.

‘Mr. George what do you think about the newly developed situation?’ ‘Yeah, it is serious, I presume. But how serious will it get only god knows.’


‘Hi, Madam what is your name? ‘My name is Sangita smith.’ ‘What do you do?’ ‘Oh, I do my job’.

‘Did you hear president’s address?’ ‘Yeah’

‘What do you think?’ ‘I firmly believe that, the days won’t be same hereafter, in fact they would be terrible.’


‘Hello, uncle what is your name?’ ‘Luis Franklin’

‘Mr. Luis what does your experience say?’

‘It is not a matter of experience. We have to take into account the consequences of this incident and act accordingly. Because it seems nobody knows how difficult the situation would be? Even, we are not sure of its solution. Let us hope for the best.’

‘Thank you Mr. Luis…’


Few youngsters were walking hurriedly. The media man thought; let us take their views on the subject. He stopped them. ‘Hello, young men, did you listen to the address of the President?’ ‘Yes, what of it? Any way we have heard it.’

‘What do you think?’

‘Nothing at all, I mean it is govt.’s worry. What we have to do with it? Let them find the solution. We are going to watch a football match. Brazil is hot favorite. Come on dudes.’

‘The match is cancelled, just to inform you’

‘Oh, shit!!’


Thus the media hounds all around the world presented different views of people and their impression of this event.

T.V. news had a tremendous effect on the minds of the world population. Some got frightened, some took it lightly, some became dumbfounded…..

In short, the situation developed to a stage similar to when the cat enters the region of mice…

After his address, the US President straight away reached to his White House office. There he called for an emergency meeting. His entire ‘cabinet’, chief scientists, meteorological experts soon responded to his urgent call.

When the President began to start the meeting, David ventured to point out few facts for consideration.

‘Yeah Mr. David what do you want to say?’ The President asked.

‘Yes sir! I want to draw you attention to some vital important facts, if you permit me.’

‘Yeah,’Why not?If it is of grave importance to our issue at hand we would like to hear it out, please go ahead.’

‘First, if we take into account the balance or say stability of our earth, it can be said that it is dynamically balanced and statically imbalanced.’

‘Look, David,’ the Vice President said, chopping at the air with his left hand, ‘for some reason that is beyond my understanding, you think this has some connection with the Newtonian laws, but I don’t. However, you can elaborate on this,’

David smiled, as much at the other’s earnestness as at what he considered to be the total lack of his scientific knowledge.

‘Well, sir, if we take the example of bicycle it would be easy to understand.’

‘Bicycle?’ they were somewhat dismayed.

‘Yeah, bicycle, when it is in motion it is in a dynamically balanced state. Then if we apply brakes to it, then it will become statistically imbalanced, gravity would come into picture and it may try to fall down. Our earth is similar in this regard. It is dynamically balanced as a result of various forces involved like gravitation of sun and moon, its revolution and rotation etc. If things change then its impact would be tumultuous, both physically and psychologically because we are used to it since ages. So precisely what would be the effect is difficult to predict. The earth is rotating at a speed of 1100 miles per hour. If it suddenly stopped rotating, the atmosphere would be moving so fast it would literally sweep the land masses clear of anything not anchored to bedrock; this would mean rocks, soil, trees, buildings, people and animals. All would be swept up into the atmosphere.

‘Then why it is not happening under normal condition?’

‘Yeah, I pointed out first that this happens only when the earth stops suddenly. Under normal condition i.e. when earth is rotating huge centrifugal force is being created; without gravity, centrifugal force could cause objects to fly into space. Because the force of the earth’s gravity is 289 times stronger than its centrifugal force, gravity prevents objects from leaving the surface. So everything remains in its place.’

‘Any other significant changes you would like to bring to our notice because it will have impact on billions of people’s life.’ President said.

‘Definitely Sir, Temperatures all round the world will change drastically. This temperature gradient would affect the wind circulation also. Air would move from the equator to the poles rather than in wind systems parallel to the equator as they are now. There would be other effects of the Earth’s rotation slowing also. The magnetic field of the Earth is generated by a dynamo effect that involves its rotation. If the Earth stopped rotating, the magnetic field would no longer be regenerated and it would decay away to some low, residual value. Our protection from cosmic rays and other high-energy particles would vanish causing serious health issues.’

There was a short silence again, but only because thoughts are always silent. US Presidents were tumultuous enough. David connected his stare with the eyes of his President and asked, ‘Do you see?’

‘I am beginning to. Oh my God!! This is very dangerous, yes I see your point, but surely it’s not going to be that easy to get rid of this ominous disastrous situation.’ President Spoke.

‘I thought it is of gravest importance so I brought to your notice,’ he wiped out sweat from the face.

A shadow of thought seemed to pass over President’s brow. ‘Good work!’ said the President, making a move to return to his wash room to relieve himself, we’ll see what happens.’

But before he could go Russian Prime Minister’s call came on a hot line. He stopped mid-way and attended the call.

‘We heard your address and we too have investigated the matter. NASA’s reports are correct. Now it is a fact that rotation of earth has slowed. We have not come to know about the exact cause of this. Investigations are still on.’

President replied, ‘we must find out the real cause of this otherwise we won’t be able to find the solution. We must come forward and collaborate because this disaster is for whole mankind. Am I right?’

‘Yes, you are absolutely right, we are with you.’

The proceedings of the meeting got delayed but it started nevertheless. The first item on the agenda was that of temperature.

The part of earth which is facing the sun will become hotter and hotter, for how long people can survive in such extreme temperature?

While on the opposite side temperature would gradually go below zero degrees. In short what measures should be taken to combat such extreme temperatures.

The scientist and weather experts seated there opined that temperature increase and decrease would greatly vary from equator to poles and would in turn depend on the lengths of days and nights. This will all depend on rotation speed of the earth.

The President was a man of patience and persistence. He said, ‘supposing such situation remains or prolongs for eight days – fifteen days – and so on, then what? Therefore, I want for the time being all information about possible consequences at least for 20 days. Moreover I want temperature of the same time across the world.’

Weather experts moved out to make necessary arrangements. One was Mr. John Douglas, Director of USGS and the second one was Mr. Billy, he was head of IERS. This one was more important under present conditions. Several space techniques contribute to the permanent monitoring of the earth’s rotation by IERS. The measurements of the earth’s rotation are under the form of time series of the so-called Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP). Universal Time (UTI), polar motion is determined by VLBI. The satellite-geodesy techniques, Global positioning system, Satellite laser Ranging and Doppler Orbitography and Radio Positioning Integrated by Satellite determine polar motion and the rapid variations of universal time. Now earth’s rotation was disturbed so it was becoming difficult to set all things in order or even to gather data from thousands of satellites which themselves were in jeopardy. Everything was going haywire.

President immediately started talks with army chiefs. He said to the Defense Secretary, ‘before all information about temperature comes let us safeguard our fuels, gun powder, what do you say?’

‘I was thinking the same, you are right sir.’

Other chiefs also added, ‘Actually, it should be the first priority let us make an action plan for this.’

US air force chief said, ‘what I think is, in US, there would be great temperature difference in various regions. Therefore, we must locate regions of least temperatures or colder regions by infrared images and shift our fuels and explosive materials there. My advice is also for closing the nuclear plants to avoid any further disaster.’

‘Hum! These things are important, find out the safest locations. Alert all the wings of the army, soldiers, and platoons for such shifting. Also, immediately put Director of Homeland security on the line, I want to talk to him,’ the President said. After a moment something came up in his mind and he said to George, ‘Ask Mr. David about our space mission.’

Army chief and his subordinates started keenly looking at the maps of America and images to chalk out a general plan.

President then had a meeting with conglomerates and huge companies. They manufactured all most everything from pins to planes. With them he discussed in detail and instructed them as under:

  • Increase production of all items like clothes, goggles, umbrellas, woolen clothes, wind cheaters etc. which can resist heat as well cold weathers.
  • Increase production of medicines for protection and cure of weather oriented diseases like, dehydration, frost bike etc.
  • Electric materials must be strongly insulated.
  • In short, nobody knew what kind of natural disaster they are facing hot or cold, time will decide. But in any case necessary planning should be done in advance was the entire message that came out of this important dialogue.

    Thus President of US was constantly busy in meetings, dialogues, planning; Action was the key word for him now. Even one second wasted could prove fatal for humanity.

    Today’s work schedule just proved that the whole world’s burden is on his shoulders. After few hours he was spared alone or one can say that he spared others to have a moment of peace. His personal aide came to him, and asked, ‘Sir you have not taken any food or drinks since last sixteen and half hours, would you care to have snacks – coffee etc. He was moved by his concern and took a bite at sandwich & sipped coffee.

    Oh! But the phone rang. The aide told him that it is UN’s Secretary-General on the line. President put down the cup of coffee. ‘Hello! Yes president speaking.’

    ‘Yeah, we do not know how the things will take shape in future, but whatever the conditions we will have to fight’

    ‘Yeah, sure, it is a problem for the whole world. All the nations will have to join hands together and fight. As I believe this would become the greatest disaster may be apocalypse for the world. It is a global and deadliest disaster for mankind. Anyway, let’s see what we can do,’ the Secretary-General said with lot of humility and circumspection in his voice.

    President could not rest and he called Secretary of State and explained him that it was more necessary and urgent to fight the consequences than to find the cause. Billions would get destroyed otherwise. Not only human lives were at stake here but wild-life, life in oceans, crops, plants and trees were in danger. They all could perish in few days. Human population would simply die of starvation and thirst.

    This problem was global. Its impacts global so all the government agencies of all the nations got busy in assessing the possible damages of lives. America had naturally taken the lead because of its technical supremacy. USA’s United State Geological Survey department could give much guidance. President had just now instructed Secretary of State to get a complete report from USGS. An action plan to mitigate this disaster can then be prepared.
