Endless Voyage - 9 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - 9

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Endless Voyage - 9

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 9

In the Washington, D. C. to the east of National mall ‘Capitol’ is visible where congressional sittings are held.

Today, the President was going to address the congress about 13th June’s unprecedented event. He wanted to assure the congress and the people of USA that the situation was under control. And the government is well equipped to fight any adversity.

At 10:30 sharp, he delivered his address. His address showed his confidence and the proud he felt for his nation. Actually everybody was aware of this and since it had ended in a day nobody paid much attention to the address. Thereafter, routine issues were discussed,

Death of presidential candidate Tom Blake in a bomb blast at Las Vegas, and rumors of involvement of California’s governor in that blast, Attack on American embassy at Beirut, Terrorist’s ultimatum of releasing their men, all these issues had put oil to the fire. As a result, atmosphere was tense and volatile in the senate.

Most of the Senators had wanted to express their views on this. Because of this the atmosphere was charged up. Moreover the arguments and discussions about other issues like biological weapons, chemical weapons and ethical dimension of evolving human babies in the laboratory went on for considerable length of time. This took almost two and half hours of valuable time.

One separate special congressional committee was formed giving necessary powers which would investigate and submit an exhaustive report to the senate regarding such matters of high importance.

Next important issues were that of China’s recent nuclear blasts and deployment of more government ships and fishing boats to a disputed shoal in the West Philippine Sea (South China Sea).

‘We all are quite aware about China’s colonial and arrogant attitude,’ Senator John Marshal was very angry.

‘But how the two matters are related, I do not understand, ‘Mr. Dick interrupted sarcastically,’ ‘I think my learned friend is changing the subject and one should stick to the subject and express his views else should keep quite in everybody’s interest.’

‘Mr. Dick! One thing you must remember is that as a senior senator I know how to speak and what to utter. You have no sense and further a complete disregard for your seniors. Besides, you are a first timer so how will you know about the proceedings of the house,’ Marshal fired back.

Instantly the speaker intervened, ‘Mr. Marshal, please remain calm. The senate understands your emotions. You can now proceed further; and Mr. Dick, you be seated. You must at least, follow some manners in the ‘house’ to maintain its dignity and decorum.’

To hear John Marshal in the senate was kind of a treat. He spoke precisely, logically and passionately. Sometimes he used to be carried away with lot of details and historical facts but no one complained except for rare occasions like this. He did not belong to the ruling party even then everybody listened to him intently and respected him.

‘Honorable Speaker, what I want to emphasize is,’ Marshal continued, throwing a swift glance at Mr. Dick, ‘as far as China is concerned its nuclear blasts and its policy of encroaching upon other’s territories are two sides of the same coin. It has adopted a policy of territorial expansion. If we look at the history, in 1962 and 2015 it went to unprovoked war with India, which is well known for her non-aggressive attitude.

It is the increasingly aggressive behavior of the 3.5–million strong People’s Liberation Army (PLA) along the unresolved 4,057-Km Line of Actual Control (LAC) that remains a major worry. I feel China, after building massive military infrastructure in Tibet Autonomous region and over 58000-Km of roads, is now resorting to “a slow but steady cartographic aggression” to keep India under pressure.

Also, Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea has become the bone of contention between the Philippines and China. Some Filipinos view the recent event at Scarborough Shoal as an act of aggression and violation of their country's sovereignty by China. Countries at the South China Sea such as China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines and to a lesser extent Malaysia and Brunei have overlapping claims over the outlying group of islands and reefs in that sea. However, China claims sovereignty over almost all of the disputed islands. The conflicting claims resulted to an armed confrontation between China and Vietnam in the Paracel and Spratly's Islands. I welcome the move of US Senate which has passed a resolution condemning China's use of force against smaller countries in the area and affirmed US willingness to use its military might against China's aggression in the South China Sea.

It was necessary to have a peep into the past to expose the real face of China. Years have gone by, but its policy of forcefully expansion hasn’t changed. By amassing nuclear power it is trying to threaten the world and wants to carry on with its evil designs in order to take care of its ballooning population; morally this behavior is incorrect and highly condemnable.

Therefore, honorable speaker, this Chinese dragon is not to be trusted. Hence, my request to the Senate is for the sake of peace for Asian regions. China’s actions must be officially condemned and criticized.’

John Marshal’s speech had impressed everybody. They listened to him silently. There was no scope for any objection and nobody wanted to add further on the subject. The Senate was adjourned for the day. Senator Dick came to Mr. Marshal and asked for his forgiveness, even though he did not believe him.

While the senate crowd was dispersing one lone Senator was standing near the hall window and called his friend near him. As soon as he reached there he asked his friend to look out of the window. The other looked out and turned his neck to and fro.

‘Oh! Not like that buddy! Look up straight in the sky. Can you see anything wrong?’

‘I don’t see anything unusual’

‘You don’t see anything out of order, I mean nothing?


‘First, you look at your watch and then look at the sun?

He follows the instructions which seemed quite out of order though.

‘Yeah, my watch says 4:45 and sun is exactly overhead that implies it should be one O’clock, I mean noon.’

When this was going on between the two, some more came there and they also started looking out and at their watches. Few more joined them. You do not need anything to gather a crowd.

One senator who was almost out of the doorway got interested by this gathering crowd, came back and asked bluntly, ‘why have you flocked together like ladies? Is there anything worth seeing outside?

They would see anything these days; he murmured the last sentence to himself.

‘Yeah, yeah, a wonder is waiting for you to see.’

‘Wonder? What wonder? Is there a topless lady on the side walk perhaps?’

‘Yes, sir- yes, sir…’No, no. Something even greater, Mr. Clive says that there is no synchronization between the time and sun’s position in the sky. There has to be something wrong, Remember 13 June? The time is about 6:00 pm and sun is behaving like noon.’

‘How is that possible?’

‘Oh!’ No!’ now everybody got curious. In midst of discussion President’s attention got diverted to this ruckus and he also joined the party. John Marshal too followed him. He also looked at his watch and pushed himself ahead to see for himself. What he saw was amazing. The sun was glaring at him.

He could not bear the direct sunrays of mid noon. He quickly withdrew his head inside the hall. Now he was directly face to face with the President.

The President smiled at him and asked, ‘Mr. Marshal what is it? What happened?’

Marshal replied in a hurried voice, ‘It is astonishing. I cannot believe it. At this time of the hour Sun’s position has not changed. Look here President, the Sun is on this side of the Capitol building’s dome,’ he explains by gestures of his hand. He added further, ‘it is six now but the Sun is almost overhead, I mean actually it should be near the horizon.’

The President did not look out, he believed John Marshal. John Marshal was no fool. The President responded in a gloomy voice, ‘Definitely it is reenacting of 13th June’s Drama excluding my daughter’s birthday, no pun intended.’ Immediately he asked his personal secretary to make a call to NASA headquarters.

‘Yeah, this is your President speaking, Richard are you listening?’

‘Yes sir, go on’

‘It has come to my knowledge that, that dreadful event of 13th June has reappeared again, it is right?’

‘I am afraid, but you are unfortunately correct.’

‘Okay, Do not worry, be in touch with USGS* and IERS**
