Endless Voyage - 8 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - 8

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Endless Voyage - 8

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 8

On the second day of this strange event, different newspapers TV networks were full of stories; facts and fiction were all there. On first pages there were photographs of sun shining well above the horizon. They were threatening but beautiful pictures. In Washington D. C. the Tribune gave it three headlines. They read, successively:


In New York City the Herald was even more delirious. Easterners were favored with four headlines, reading successively:


In other leading newspaper Washington Post’s editorial details were given indicating people’s views and government’s explanation about the event.

It was as under,

14 June Washington:

“Very astonishing and miraculous incident occurred with regard to the Sun and the Earth. Here in Washington, during this part of the year the sun was supposed to set at 8:30 pm or so instead it took quite a bit longer and set at around 10:45 pm. It is a very strange incidence in the realm of space. How it happened is yet to be found out. It could have happened because of slowing in Earth’s rotation, NASA says. It has become the talk of the town. Some believe that since the incident happened on 13th June, it is a bad omen for the entire world. In the Old Testament there is a connection between Apocalypse and number thirteen. Some say earth’s position in the sky might have started changing or its alignment could have caused this. That is to say that equator is shifting to become poles and poles are similarly trying to take the position of equator, hence this delay in sun set. People and even scientists assume that major physical changes internal or external are happening. Let us wait for concrete information from the Govt. agencies, till then it is matter of contemplation and predictions.

However, government sources assure that facts of the matter will be put before the people as soon as possible.”

In this manner different newspaper and TV network channels reported this unusual historical event in their own style and limited perception.

Once again NASA’s Chief Administrator Mr. David showed them the current rotation of the earth and also showed the portions of night and day. Then after he showed them the space and established that there is nothing up there which is unrecognizable and or not to their knowledge which could have been responsible for earth’s strange behavior in regard to late sun-set.

After listening to monotonous and often boring debates and reporting on TV channels & contradictory views in newspapers, in addition the govt. not clearing up the air, almost 80% of people all over the world took this event as a big joke, ten% could not comprehend what effects this will have on their lives. The remaining ten% only looked the event in a scientific outlook. They started referring books and took help of internet to get an idea about the matter. Some even started reading holy books to find answers.

Actually nobody knew exactly that in the whole history of humanity and in the history of earth itself they were about to face the most devastating natural disasters of all compared to which ice age, or comet or asteroid impact would seem trivial.

A short session of senate was held and it was decided that United States President must address the world. Because there was so much confusion and chaos surrounding this unprecedented occurrence that all across the world many of the countries were expecting Unites States to come forward and help. In view of this special arrangements were made for President’s address from the official studio. But somehow the matter became an open secret. So many media people like newspaper reporters, TV channels, photographers came there well ahead of the schedule of broadcasting. President’s arrival at the studio was getting late. So they started harassing the director of the studio. ‘Why President’s address is delayed?’ is he coming or not?

Are we to stay here or not?

The director was at a loss to answer such questions. He had kept his staff ready upon receiving the urgent message. Besides; this was not an usual practice. Addressing from the studio why? And who called all these morons. They had no business here – But he kept his cool and deemed fit not to reply.

But these paparazzi journalists did not want to stop. They fired more and more questions. However, soon President’s motorcade arrived and learning about this they left for the President. Cameras started flickering and they started asking questions as he was walking toward the main gate. It was even difficult for the security to handle this ruckus.

‘President, what do you want to achieve by this address?’

‘You will soon hear it from the TV’

‘Is there any emergency?’


‘Is this problem a man-made or natural?’


‘Can it compare to 24 December, 2012 the end of the world of Mayan calendar?’

‘No, certainly not, you know nothing had happened in 2012. It was just a prediction. Now we are facing stark reality.

‘Can it be from a terrorists or aliens?’

‘Do no ask rubbish question’

‘Why address the whole world, is it constitutional?’

‘Because it concerns the whole world, Okay, enough let me do my job,’ the President entered the studio hall. He started his address, first ever by him or for that matter any of his predecessors to the people of the world.

‘My fellow Americans and people of the world,

Yesterday’s night of 13th June was beyond any conceivable imagination. Something happened in the space resulting in the delay of 2:15 hrs for sunset. This is an unprecedented event. The real cause of it is still unknown. Nevertheless ‘NASA’ and other agencies are working very hard to find out. What we have been able to infer is that some unknown force has been responsible for this decrease in rotation speed. What is this force? From where did it come? What has created this tumultuous force? These are few important questions whose answers are still out of our reach. This peculiar phenomenon is not only for United States of America but affects to every inhabitant of this mother earth. We are not to be terrified by this because we are all together. We have to keep our cool and patience. America invites all the countries across the world to join hands to fight the evils of this gigantic disaster. America and its people will fight tooth and nail to get a way out of this for the entire world. Let me assure you once again we are going to make it. Thank you all!!’

Thus, he delivered this short address in order to calm the situation around the world and especially in his own country. However, many could not believe what he was saying. With such technological advance how can America be at a loss to explain the real causes behind this strange happening.

This strange behavior of Earth in its rotation had varied effect all over the world relating to their location. However, David with the help of satellites, and images arrived at possible timings of days and night’s duration. Then he called for a press conference.

David thus informed in the press conference: usually the earth rotates on it axis and completes one circle in 24 hrs. But as you know what happened on 13th June it is impossible to predict whether things will remain same or alter. So our whole attention is on finding out the reason behind this. Continuous observations are made with the help our numerous satellites. If we find anything concrete we would let you know, till then please, bear with us. And please, no questions are allowed in this session.

So it got over, media persons soon dispersed with lot of sighs and dissatisfaction having not allowed to ask questions. Everybody judged and weighed this unprecedented event according to their perception.

However, some kind of a magic appeared. The situation got normal in matter of days or two. The days and nights no longer prolonged. People gossiped and discussed for two three days and got absorbed in their usual business. Something of this kind had ever happened was soon out of their minds. Nobody knew or anticipated that this event will ever repeat itself or not.

What is hidden in the womb of future nobody knows?

Now the Sun is quite regular in rising and setting as before.
