A Heartfelt letter to mom in English Letter by Pooja Bagul books and stories PDF | A Heartfelt letter to mom

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A Heartfelt letter to mom

A heartfelt letter to a mother

Do you know who my idealized personality is?

Not a film star?

Well, neither a celebrity, nor a cricketer and not at all a politician!

Yes, it’s you …and only you.

Mom, it had to be you and nobody else!

You are the best in the entire vast universe.

Today the most beautiful day of your life and here I wrote something for you. Wish you many many happy returns of the day mom.

Being the woman who made me meet the world, I owe you a lot more than I can ever put into words. This 12 inches long letter can never express my love for you on any given day.

I am not a great writer yet, but wasn’t that you who stood by me always making me believe that my writing has got a spark?

I wish I can give all mom to the crown and announce all queen of the world. But I can’t do that so here I can surely announce you the queen of the house and my heart , you are the important part of the family.

It is said that a father is the backbone of the house but mom, you are the one who the heart is making a home of bricks and cement.

I have already written lots of things and with that, I gave all to that thought to remember about their mother.

I am not sure about anything in the future but I am sure you will be with me.

Sometimes I got irritated with that silly question but even after only I saw that and solve that.

Even if you are ill but you take care of me first. You first wake up and Do my breakfast arrangements.

About your cooking, I always appreciate you especially the food I like the aroma of your food that is wonderful as nothing else.

The pain of leaving you one day is making me sad and irritated. Whatever wherever I will be but you will always be with me that is for sure for me.

So many boys and girls stay away from home they know the value of the mother.

How many times we get angry but she never gets irritated or show us that anger of her she just come to us and let us help for our further work.

In this world, everyone will leave us but mom will always be with us.

A house is called a house with four walls and a roof but your presence makes it feel like a home exactly how homely my soul feels in my body.

Mom, I cannot thank you enough for introducing me to the wide world that beholds so much inside.

I am grateful that you became my first teacher right from the time when I was comforting myself in your womb. You taught me to be well dressed in my outfit and my modesty. You taught me to brush my hair and fears every day.

People are ignorant to believe that homemakers do not work and that their job isn’t as demanding as a 9-5pm job is. But, little is realized that a mother has to take care of her entire family right from their physical to their mental health. And ma I can never describe that in words how much you do.

Waking up at 5pm and sleeping after everyone dozes off, isn’t this more than a full-time job?

Do we think??

Are we ever going to think?

For the immense love that she bestows upon us, all that she expects in return is love and respect. She expects nothing more than a homely feeling in her home and is that too much to ask? She makes sure that she takes care of my tiny little things always like she knows my fetish towards tea. Every morning waking up to her tea is the reason why I love mornings after all she blends her unconditional love in the tea leaves too.

As I need water, food, sun, moon, day, night, whatever the other necessary things like I need you the most.

In Gujarati there is one quote I Remember now “one mother is = 100 teachers”.

She is the only one who becomes your first teacher and first advisor for everything to teach you from ABCD to fruits name and every small thing she is the mother.

She asks me silly questions and often that irritated me to the core but then I release wasn’t she the one who tolerated my nuisance day in and out all these years?

No words can wrap my feels for you Mom and you are always going to be the center of my universe in this life and in times ahead.

In last "I am sorry" for my mistakes and "Thank you" for being my mom.

A short message

For all,

Might be some of the people felt the same what I wrote today here.

Do one thing today go and just hug your mother without saying anything.

There is no age bar for hugs and to express the love.

Whether it is mother-daughter love or its son and mothers love.

Just appreciate what you have. Make love and be happy make her happy.

Sometimes mothers don’t speak what they feel and what they want but they want their kids can understand the feelings of them. Do love your mother as you much you can because the mother is only the precious thing you get with you.

Written by – Pooja Bagul.

Be Unique <3