Endless Voyage - 4 in English Fiction Stories by પ્રદીપકુમાર રાઓલ books and stories PDF | Endless Voyage - 4

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Endless Voyage - 4

Endless Voyage

Rise and fall of humanity


pradipkumar raol


prakash vaidya

Part - 4

It was the morning of 13th June and was a very pleasant one. There was euphoric atmosphere in the air, making the American President’s house more joyous and exuberant. The antique watch of White House struck. 8 O’clock. At the room no. 5 all the family members and the white house staff were standing eagerly with Bouquet in their hands. The clock was ticking 8:25…, 8:27…, they were all becoming anxious. Exactly at 8:30 the door opened slowly in the midst of soothing music. And there she was, President’s only daughter, very charming, fair complexioned, hazel- eyed with enchanting smile on her face. “A vast assemblage” of close friends and well- wishers greeted her simultaneously with, ‘Happy Birth Day to you!!! Congratulations!’ Her parents kissed her with love and congratulated and wished for her.

Yeah, Today was the thirteenth birthday of daughter of American President. It was going to be celebrated with great éclat.

The phone rang; the personal attendant takes it and gives it to the President. “Hello, George!” ‘Yeah, Catherine is here’, he passes the phone to her.

‘Happy birthday to you!’ George congratulated her.


‘What shall, I get you for this event, when I come there for the party?’

‘Want only your blessing, uncle!’

‘That will always be there, but I will get you something exciting, well, please hand over the phone to your daddy!

‘Hello! George what is matter?’ as he begins to talk, the First Lady arrives there

‘Whose call it is?’

‘It is George. Should I finish my talk?’

‘I am not stopping you,’ she retorted.

‘Yeah, continue please.’ George says something. The President replies with seriousness in his eyes,

‘Yeah, yeah, I know that you also do necessary preparation, and I will come to the senate at 10:30’

‘But, if you do not go there! As it is Catherine’s birthday today. There is a party in the evening, many guests would be coming. My relatives from France and Canada have already arrived in case if you do not know, how will they feel?’

‘Look, Lucy! I am a representative of people of USA and I am a ‘daddy’ also. I have to be faithful to both the responsibilities; I will have to go to the senate. There are few things of importance to be discussed. Of course, I will be there for the party and we will celebrate her birth day. Any question? It is almost 9:30 now, I must hurry,’

‘Sorry! Really, I am very sorry! I too understand, that you would go only if is very essential.’

‘Really?’ ‘Yes!!’

‘Thanks!!’ okay you get ready, I will arrange for your breakfast.’

As soon as President’s car left, the first lady got busy for the party. White House staff was called. And she started inquiring about the progress of their work and where necessary she gave instructions.

‘Madam, this is a photograph of birthday cake we had ordered. It is in fact ready; please have a look at it’.

‘Oh’ That is nice, but it should reach in time.’

‘Yeah, sure’

‘Madam, men for decorating the garden have already started their work.’

‘Good! Mr. Watson, Please report me after say an hour as to how they are doing, okay!’

‘Yes, Madam I will report.’

‘And please, arrange the table for birthday cake, on the left side, where the musical fountains are, also arrange some flower pots. Catharine likes orchids and roses very much. So you can cover the fountain area with that also.

‘Okay Madam.’

‘Mr. Peter, look into the matter of invitations also, see that no one is left out. Peter nodded.

‘Good!’ She laughed sweetly; and please, send for Mr. Watson.”

Watson arrives minutes later. ‘Yes madam! You called me?

‘Watson, tell me about the garden, how things are going there?

‘Yes madam, everything is fine. Decoration, sitting arrangements, lighting etc. are almost near to completion. You can take a look.’

And then Miss Kitty arrives at the scene, she spoke with urgency in her voice, ‘madam, your brother, his wife and your uncle and aunty are waiting for you upstairs.’

Catherine’s party dress had arrived. She wore it and stood before a large mirror. She looked gorgeous and captivating. All of them admired her and the dress. The First Lady could not hold herself there any longer and after praising her daughter dutifully, she came back again to the garden and instructed for minor changes in the sitting arrangements.

The time was moving very fast. The President should arrive at any moment now. At the White House everybody was anxious. And he came, right at 5:00 O’clock; his car entered the big compound.

He asked to the First Lady, ‘Is everything fine?’

‘Of course, everything is fine and nicely arranged. We are all ready, you also get ready. Still there is time. The guests would start coming after six’

‘Okay, where is Catherine?

‘She is at the piano.’

‘Okay, okay, I will get ready for the party very fast, you know my speed, and he climbed up the steps.
