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Violence Against Women in India - 2

Violence against the Women in India

India is a developing country. There are many factors which decrease the progress of India like corruption, violence against the women, population increase etc.

Any situation to a fact happen with women by which she is given force to do something any a women with whom too many type of determination are kept this type of grievance and pitiable situation a women is called ‘Violence against Women.’

In the old era, the women were also suffering from violence by the society. Once upon a time some girls were killed at a time of their birth by drawn in a very big bowl of hot milk. As it is now it’s form has only changed but still not coming in views and thoughts. Today, if we know that there is a grill by phonograph, suddenly the step of abortion is taken. This type of nonsense facts will become the opponent in the progress of India. Whenever a women gives birth to three or more daughters continuously they suffer from the humiliation by their family. Dowery is the most spreaded custom financially poor and sometimes she has to do sucide due to harassing her by the family of her father –in-law’s house. In the ancient era and even new also some little girls are made to marry by their parents in the inner village in the childhood. So, they can’t get education according their desire. This child-marriage is one of the particular problems of the India. If the boy becomes handicaps though the parents of the girls and boys force her to marry with him. Moreover, boy died, they believed that the girl is widow. In formal days, there was a costume for women to become ‘SATI’ at the death of her husband, people of society force wife to be’SATI’. They also force her to go in the fire and to die with her husband.

In the metro cities like Delhi and Mumbai parents don’t give permission to their daughters to outside to home at night. Women do not prefer to go out at public places because of financially harassment. Some illiterate and uneducated and costumes believe or narrow minded people do not teach their daughter and send them as a labour or physical worker to earn the livelihood. They have less sufficient social knowledge. So, they must have to these types of work for the whole life.

Often we see some rape cases, the financially or spiritually coating cases, determined and killing cases with women in T.V news channels and newspapers.Some brokers take young girls to other countries for doing incorrect work. They force them to become prostitute. In some villages of India, so many young girls don’t get good food comparing the boys. In some families there is a rule that men eat first before females. In India for Muslim and Vora caste there is a custom for young girls and women to wear ‘BURKHA’ forcefully. Thus, women rights are deprived by the people of these casts. In some families of village have to obey the order of her mother-in-law and husband and they do so as they have passed from that difficulties. So, they touchier their wives to take revenge.

From the origin of social life in the country various centuries came and gone, time never changes but the people changes ,time has changed people’s mind and environment a lot, however violence against women is not seems to change a little bit. Time is the real eyewitness of all the sufferings (like sex discrimination, exploitation, oppression, aggression, degradation, humiliation, etc) bear by the helpless women. Women are so helpless in the Indian society where many female goddess are worshipped. In the Vedas, women are glorified as mother means one who can create and nourish a life. On the other hand, they have found themselves suppressed and subjugated by the men in the patriarchal society.

Violence against women can be domestic as well as public, Physical, emotional or mental . Women have fear of violence in their mind which causes the lack of participation in various areas of life. Fear of violence in the women mind has been so deep which cannot be out easily even after complete removal of violence against women in the society.There are many violence against women in India because of the male dominated society here. Women generally face various kinds of crime like dowry death, sexual harassment, cheating, murder, girl child abuse, robbery, etc. Violence against women which counted as crimes under the Indian Penal Code are rape, kidnapping and abduction, torture physically and mentally, dowry deaths, wife battering, sexual harassment, molestation, importation of girls, etc. The cases of violence against women is increasing day by day and becoming too broad.

The meaning of term violence is striking someone physically and causing injury that hurts and sometimes it is solely caused by undue influence or moral turpitude or morally legitimate unethical standards. It may involve verbal abuse or psychological stress without the actual hitting which cause injury to the mind and harm the reputation. Rape, murder, abduction, kidnapping cases are criminal violence against women however dowry deaths, sexual abuse, wife battering, maltreatment at home or offices are the cases of domestic violence against women. Some of the social violence cases against women are eve-teasing, forcing wife or daughter-in-law for the female infanticide, forcing widow to commit sati, etc. All the violence against women is affecting the large section of the society.

Violence against women in the country is getting more frequent and alarmingly with huge sound. It is creating pressure and and heavy responsibility over the shoulders of social workers. However, there is urgent need for women to be empowered and responsible to themselves in order to understand all the rights and take benefits.

Many oppression occur with women in India.So, women’s views and talents are crushed away because of violences against them. India would be able to become blooming country from the developing country if some customs and violence will be removed.

  • Monil Parmar
  • 12 june 2016