Android as a babysitter in English Magazine by Maharshi D Trivedi books and stories PDF | Android as a babysitter

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Android as a babysitter


Rapid changes….rapid changes……..rapid changes……by listening to this word I come across the word called invention, every day when we start television or if we read newspaper we come across the word so called as product, thought I know that there was a time nearly 15 to 20 years back, we people always try to think that if this thing would invent it really decrease burden over the human, but we never think that actually this low burden would increase our psychology disorder day by day, let me talk about something which is very interesting for reader to read.

Generally 10 to 20 years back, what parents do usually when child is alone in the house, they start tap recorder, where the child can listen the interesting stories, rhymes, songs any many more., so from which it generally makes the mind of child very sharp, then there is seen a huge change in the field of electronics. The parents who use to play the tap recorder for their children now they accept new trend and that is trend of television, where parents is only responsible for the destruction of their children mind, because to increase the TRP, producers of T.V plays with the psychology of humans mind especially there target is the children, what they relay on television fighting, revenge, any many more which is actually increase the mental problem of child because if we see the children who use to see the serials there minds are not stable there are minds are of unstable and after watching the serials they try to do those thing which they have seen actually in the television, and the credit goes to parents because for them children are burden in the life, thought they want to live comfortable life, so for no disturbance they are started ruin their own children mind by providing them this gadgets which actually spoils there mind and heart.

Because if we see now a days children have accepted their new world so called as an artificial world, now a days they even don’t know about the actual world rather we say an real world, they just spent their whole time behind the artificial world. As we all know that whenever there is having a new invention of product in market, we people always try to purchase those thing as much as early, because statues is very important fanda for people to live in the society. Thought we ever think that one day market would launch that product which actually ruin the mind of children and parents, and that product is very well known by its name so called as “ANDROID” this 7 digit word has create its own identity in the market so called as “ infirm word” where the person is not strong physically or mentally because what android works decrease the work load and increase the illness of human especially of children, and so children feel more comfortable with their android phones more than their parents or friends, because they think that this mobile phone is only his/her real world where message tone is her mother and message is his father, thought I am not criticize android phone but now a days this problem has reach its limitation, because if there is no balance in the mobile phone or if the internet is not recharge they may become the fight between children and their parents because if child would not get food he/she will accept it, but if someone tries to withdraw his/her even they are trying to commit the suicide also, thought after doing deep research if we see then there is not seen any fault in children the fault is only of parents because the one who converts the life of children from heaven to hell it’s all credit goes to parents only, because parents generally trying to see their statues in the market so they don’t come directly on field they sent their children with android phones to do showoff in front their friends, which actually harmful for us and for society too, because it create comparison and thought by the increasing the comparison there come the next step called ego rather we can say it as attitude, not positive attitude, it’s negative attitude which is considered to be as a first step towards death.

Thought if we see years ago if the lady is pregnant doctor recommend her that always be happy and try to read good books, but if we see now a days though doctor statements remains same but we have taken it something differently, even during the time of pregnancy lady is suppose to use their android phones, whose rays is actually harmful for the new born baby but for the sake of her comfort she even tries to ruin her own baby’s life, and as a result we can see that when a child is of 2 or 3 years they suppose to use those android in that sense, these is actually an process which is beyond our psychology level.

Day by day if we see that how a sharp mind this child is having but actually it is all result of artificial world, because television is artificial world which we can see and also feel it sometimes but the android world is that artificial world where once a person goes into that world; it is really an difficult for him to come back from that virtual world, because television spoils our mind but androids actually spoils our heart more than our mind, and once a person is attack with heart, there is only one signal that is death signal, because if we see the invention from book to tap recorder take many years for evolution, then there is decrease in the time span between tap recorder and television then mobile phone and now smart phone, now next might be very smart phone.

By seeing all this now a days android is become a babysitter