The Golden Thoughts ( Part-1 ) in English Motivational Stories by Prasil Kapadiya books and stories PDF | The Golden Thoughts ( Part-1 )

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The Golden Thoughts ( Part-1 )


( PART-1 )

  • Prasil Kapadiya

  • I am Prasil Kapdiya. I am from ANKLESHWAR. I am studying in Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute Of Technology( SVNIT ) in Chemical Engineering. I like to read horror and motivational stories. I am fond of classical music.


    This book is collection of Golden Thoughts. No one thought is stolen from anywhere. My intense is only to motivate myself and others. I am 100% sure that you will get almost new thoughts through this book…


  • Touching the sky only doesn’t define your success, but the real success story will be if you don’t take your feet off the ground, while touching the sky.
  • Each successful person has a painful story..
  • Each painful story has a successful ending..

    So, accept the PAIN and TASTE the success.

  • DOUBT and FAITH both are status of mind…
  • Doubt creates the darkest moments in our finest hour..

    While faith brings the finest moments in the darkest hours..

  • Not all fingers are same in length. But when they are bend, all stands equal. Life becomes easy when we bend and adjust to situations.
  • Whenever you feel you have failed, say these words..
  • “ I am not failed, my success just postponed..”

  • Everything is valuable only at two times..

    Before Getting It


    After Losing It

  • A stone is broken by the last stroke of hammer..
  • This doesn’t mean that the first stroke is useless..

    Success is a result of continuous efforts…

  • Some people will appreciate us and some will criticize us.
  • But in both cases,

    We are the Beneficiary because one will motivate us & other will improve us..

  • Mirror never loses its ability to reflect even if it is broken into two pieces or thousand pieces..
  • So, never change your originality in any situation..

  • SUCCESS is like a Train. It has several coaches like Discipline, Hardwork, Focus, Skills & Luck.
  • But,

    Leading them all is the Engine called SELF CONFIDENCE.

  • Erasers are for people who make errors.
  • But a better saying :

    Erasers are for people willing to correct their mistakes.

  • Life is a series of problem solving Opportunities.
  • The problems you face will either defeat you or develop you, Depending on how you respond to them.

  • It is true that every effort is not converted into success. But it is also equally true that Success doesn’t come without efforts..
  • God has planned happiness for each one of us at the right time in our life..
  • The only thing is that:

    He doesn’t share his calendar with us.

  • After failing twice, Edmond Hillary said looking at the Mount Everest :
  • I will come again and conquer you because as a mountain you cannot grow but As a human I can..

  • What is the difference between PUNYA & PAAP ?
  • PUNYA is a debit card : Pay first and enjoy later.

    PAAP is a credit card : Enjoy first and pay later.

    KARMA is a restaurant, where there is no need to place order. We are served, what we have cooked..!!

  • Hard work is just a word to scare people, who don’t love their work. The actual fact is when you love your work so much, you almost never find it hard.
  • Live life like a pair of walking legs..
  • The foot forward has no pride and the foot behind has no shame..

    Because both know their situation will change.

  • If the pressures in life are crushing you down, Think of the crushed flowers. They produce the best perfume. Let the pressures in life bring out the best in you.
  • Crying and Trying have only one letter difference in spelling but a lot in meaning..
  • CRYING collapses our confidence & TRYING builds our confidence.

  • Life is “EEE” :
  • Yesterday is Experience,

    Today is Experiment,

    Tomorrow is Expectation..

    Use your experience in your experiments to achieve your expectations & enjoy your life..

  • Heavy rains remind us of challenges in life. Never ask for a lighter rain. Just pray for a better umbrella. This is attitude.
  • Don’t take rest after your first victory because if you fail in second, more lips are waiting to say that your first victory was just luck.
  • -A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

  • On a highway, even if we drive as fast as we can, We will still find someone ahead of us.
  • This is true in our lives too.

    We can’t get ahead of everyone.

    So, let’s simply enjoy the turns & twists, slopes & elevation in our driver of life.

  • Success is a Tasty dish..
  • Patience, Intelligence, Knowledge & Experience are its ingredients. But “ Hard work “ is that little salt which makes it delicious.

  • Being good is very difficult. It is like being a Goal Keeper :
  • No metter how many we save, but people remember how many we missed.

  • When you challenge people, you will lose one day.
  • When you challenge yourself, you will win everyday.

    “Waiting To Win” is common but “Working To Win” is a Genius.

  • Your ‘kindness’ may be treated as your weakness,
  • “Still Be Kind.”

    Your ‘help to others’ may go unneeded & unnoticed,

    “Still Be Helpful.”

    If you are ‘Honest’ & ‘Frank’, people may cheat you,

    “Still Be Honest.”

    The ‘Good’ you do today, people will often forget tomorrow,

    “Still Do Always Good.”

    Because it’s between “You & God”, It was never between “You & Them”.

  • “Who will work in my absence? “
  • Sun asked the entire world during sunset.

    Everyone remained silent, but the Candle whispered :

    “ I will try my Best. “

    It’s not the size, but the attitude that shines..

  • Life will never provide Warranties & Guaranties.
  • It can only provide possibilities and opportunities to convert them into success.

  • Self confidence is a small lamp in a dark tunnel.
  • It doesn’t show anything at once, but gives enough light for the next step.

  • Excellence is never an accident, it is the result of high intention, sincere efforts, intelligent direction, skillful execution, and the vision to see obstacles as Opportunities.
  • Every phase of our life is bound to teach us something valuable..
  • But it depends on whether we analyse the lessons or just turn the pages.

  • Life is like making tea..
  • Boil your ego, Evaporate your worries, Dilute your sorrows, Filter your mistakes & get taste of happiness.

  • Difficulties are of amazing nature,
  • For some, These are speed breaker & for others, these are to jump..


    If you really like my this book, please share this book and give me your feedbacks on facebook and whatsapp…

    My intense of writing this book is only to spread good and motivational messages to others and change the world by THE GOLDEN THOUGHTS…..