Your Time Will Come in English Motivational Stories by Bhavin H Jobanputra books and stories PDF | Your Time Will Come

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Your Time Will Come

Your time will come

“I will prepare, one day my time will come”

- Abraham Lincoln

Before few days I got a wonderful message in whatsapp. It was about “Time zone”. It stated that everybody is going through a specific “Time zone”. It gave some solid examples and it was so convincing that it motivated me to think on this topic and finally I decided to share my work with all readers in this eBook/ article “Time will come”…

As per success and failures are concerned, they are just illusions of our mind. Success and failures are like seasons. You all know that no season is permanent. The seasons keep on changing as per their natural order. Similarly, success and failures also go with hand in hand. We cannot consider somebody or our own self as a successful or a failure. This is the charm of “Time zone”. Let me elaborate this idea some more. Close your eyes and try to imagine a successful personality in the film industry. For most of you, the answer will be Amitabh Bachchan. Yes, definitely he is a successful person in his field. Now, let’s analyze this fact in detail. Amitabh started his journey as a new comer in the movie “Saat Hindustani”. The movie was a failure. At that time he had a very hard time in Bollywood because of other superstars like Rajeshkhanna and many more. He struggled and struggled but nothing went right. He decided to return to his native and was leaving Mumbai at that time a director approached him and offered him a lead in the movie “Zanjeer”.

Amitabh accepted the role and the movie turned out to be a blockbuster. See, how the time is playing. Now Amitabh’s time zone was different. The game of time is still interesting. Amitabh continued to act superbly and made a great name and earned a lot of money. Then, a time came when his movies turned out to be superb flops like Tufan, jadugaar, ajuba and many more. It seemed that his career would be over. He bounced back with more hits and people loved and appreciated those movies. Time was still changing for him. Then, at the peak of his career he decided to start a production company Amitabh Bachchan Corporation Limited (ABCL). The time was still changing. Amitabh’s ABCL just crashed and he was in heavy loses. The debts were so high that there were rumours in media that he has to pawn his bungalow. He struggled in movies. In few months Amitabh’s show “Kaun Banega Crorepati” appeared on small screens and it was a game changer. The show was so hit that Amitabh became the man of the millennium. This is the game of time. Even celebrities like Amitabh have been tested by “Time Zone”….What is the moral from this story???? Think… Everybody is under a specific time zone; we cannot justify a person’s life by specific time period.

Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time…

You might have heard the quote several times “Time is a great leveler”… What is the message conveyed to us? We demand lot of things from Almighty God. We always pray for something or we wish that we should get what we need. We demand many things from the God. When, we don’t get them, we feel frustrated. This is a common psychology.

Now, think differently… (1) Make a list of things or whatever you need

(2) Start acting in that direction (3) Have patience, believe yourself

(4) Achieve it…

This is the simplest method to achieve anything. The third point is the most interesting phase in this method. You should have patience. Many people commit suicide or they select wrong ways for fulfilling their dreams. My idea is “Believe yourself”. Believe that it can be done by you or believe that you will definitely get whatever you want. Think positively. Everything you need will come to you at the perfect time. You might be thinking “What is the perfect time?”… Yes, dear all… Perfect time means “Time zone”.

Let me give you a simple funny example to clarify your doubts about the perfect time. You all know that man has evolved from monkey i.e. Monkeys are our ancestors. Somebody asked me “Why all monkeys can’t transform into humans? “Why we find monkeys even today?” The question was really interesting. I told him about Darwin’s theory of evolution. If you study it properly you will know the secret why all monkeys can’t transform into humans. In the theory of natural selection it was stated that those species which were ready to adapt against the circumstances and those species which struggled for existence were selected by nature. In common words some monkeys which adapted themselves to the changing circumstances and changed themselves were selected by the nature and they transformed into humans… Hard to digest… “Time zone”…once again…

“Ordinary people think merely how they will spend their time; a man of intellect tries to use it.”

- Schopenhauer

This is the thing which we should concentrate upon – the best use of our time. If you are unemployed…Don’t worry… improve your skills in your field…Learn something new… meet successful people in your field…meet the failures in your field… Learn from their mistakes… they will share their experiences with you… If you are a student, your time is golden. Concentrate on your studies. Increase efforts to achieve excellence. Today, hundreds of new things are going on in this world. Learn and try to improve yourself. These things will bring you in a great “Time Zone”.

If you are not satisfied with your present job or present salary, ignore it. Think of the job which you like and prepare yourself best for that job. If you want more salary, think the ways which will lead you towards more salary. If you want promotion, think of the ideas and means which will lead you there. The message is quite clear – Change yourself according to the time or else time will change you. Our duty is just to act (Karma)…Here comes a new dimension in the Time Zone i.e. ‘Karma’ or our deeds.

You might have heard the proverb, “Our deeds make our destiny.” Therefore it is quite clear that ‘Karma’ has some relations with the time zone. It has been clearly stated in Bhagwat Gita by Lord Krishna that a man achieves fruits in his life according to his ‘Karma’. ‘Karma’ follows the man soft-footed behind. It means that if your deeds are good, you will get good results and if your deeds are bad, you will get bad results. This is a universal fact. If you want good future, start doing good things for yourself and for other.

Jealousy and ego will destroy all the good things done by you. So, never in your life allow these to enemies – jealousy and ego. They will spoil your life. Let me give you one example. A boss used to torture his clerk mentally because of his false ego of his position. The clerk was humble and ignored the rude behaviour of the boss. Years passed, the firm was in heavy loss. The top level management found the boss responsible for the wrong decisions in the company and he was given demotion from his post. The clerk was promoted and he became the boss of the firm. What is the message? Ego is the root cause of all evils. Jealousy is also another enemy of humans. Yes, I agree this is an obvious feeling but we should not let us dominate. Jealousy always causes destruction of self as well as other. So, let us ignore them. If someone is ahead of you, don’t envy him because it is his time zone. If someone is behind you, don’t mock at him because it his time zone. In both of the above mentioned cases… You and the other person are in your separate “Time Zones”.

“I’ll always be thankful for what I have right now. I feel that it’s been a blessing. But I know that my time will come. It’s just the way life is.”

- Lorena Ochoa

This is the thing we can start right from now onwards. We should be thankful to the God for the things which he has given us. For example we are fit and fine. We can use our senses properly. We can do our work properly. We can think creatively. While there are others who lack good health or they are disabled or with some challenges offered by God. I have met many rich people who complain about sleeplessness or ‘insomnia’. We should thank God that we can sleep easily at night. In the real world, we find many wealthy people putting over weight and having diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. We can thank God that we have not put on weight like those people. We are perfect in our “Time Zone”.

If you are facing challenges or struggles in life at present, thank God for them also. The challenges and struggles of life are the blessings in disguise. They will bring out the best from us. My personal belief is that the God has set a unique question paper for all his sons. We all will be tested by the God in one or another way. It depends on us, how well we prepare ourselves for this test. God will give us chances. Let us grab those opportunities and shift our “Time zone.”

Many people are confused about proper time for proper action. A graduate struggles for 10 years before getting the best job and the other one gets the best job in a single year. Is this luck?... No, they both are under different “Time Zones”… The person who struggled for 10 years will deserve the best job forever and he will sustain himself in that position for the upcoming years. He has a great gift of wisdom. Take the case where a graduate gets the best job in a single year. For this person the struggle starts with the best job. Thinking the matter in a positive way, this person has to put extra efforts to make him suitable for the best job or he will invite new problems in his job.

There is a person who marries at the age of 25 and waits for the child for 10 years and other one marries at the age of 35 and the next year he has a child. We cannot justify that ‘who is luckier?’ but we can conclude that both are lucky in their ‘Time zone”…. My cousin started a business at the age of 25; he started with the business of bulbs, and then changed to lubricating oil with heavy losses in that business. He then started a factory producing potato wafers with four partners and stopped it after two years with lot of debts. He then had agency of FMCG products and got nothing out from it. He continued business of different things with a mixture of profit and loss. You would be pleased to hear that at present he is a successful businessman in selling branded tea of a reputed company. He has been awarded and felicitated several times because he has broken all the records of selling that brand tea in Saurashtra region. What is the message? Carry on with your efforts….. Your time will come….

Sachin Tendulkar is known as the “God of cricket”. Please google out his career. When there was a bad patch in his life, he couln’t even score runs against the weakest teams. Whatever the circumstances were, he continued to play. A time came when the experts started demanding the retirement of Sachin. Former captains, star cricketers of the world and even some of sceptics and journalists stated that his career was over. Sachin showed his character even in his last match. He played like and champion and he has made us proud thousands of time. Our life is also like that we will be doubted of our expertise when we are not in our time zone. Sometimes, we will be insulted by the sceptics; we will be ignored at the parties or social gatherings. My opinion is ‘Wait for the right time’…. I am sure that “Your time will come”.

Yes, your time will come… Time will come when you will accomplish your goals… Time will come when you will win…Time will come when you will be the master…Time will come when you will show what you are…Time will come when all the dreams will be true…You are in your “TIME ZONE”…

Stay blessed…….

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