how to choose! in English Magazine by Patel Swapneel books and stories PDF | how to choose!

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how to choose!

1)Nothing is Easy when you are Lazy

During my college days, in hostel I would observe some of my classmates and one common peculiar thing among them was nobody could defeat them in sleeping. Some of them would sleep for 18 hours, some 16 hours every single day, then they would have to bunk the lectures which affected their studies and ultimately few of them failed in exams. It's said,'people who are in the comfort of enjoying inaction often pays high price in the end'. They would have the big alarm clock but mind's voice is more louder than alarm, which would say, "sleep for some more time...don't get up early...exam is after 2 months...don't you take rest".

Unless one is determined he can not go against the demands and proposals of mind, then everything becomes difficult for such person. Laziness may look very attractive and appealing but it's just sucks away our energy and time. Someone has said,'laziness will be the cause of your pain'. When one is lazy he gets into to the mode of postponing the things and loses all opportunities slowly...

When person gets introduced to spirituality due to partial knowledge he feels, now it's really easy I won't have do anything and I will depend upon God fully, But it doesn't work like that 'God helps to those who help themselves'. Even if we observe the examples from our scriptures we can find that every devotee had practically struggled to get the mercy of the Lord it wasn't an easy task. Just take the example of Pandavas, how much they struggled for their rights? Lord was with Arjuna during Kurukshetra battle, but lord didn't say,'Arjuna you rest now I will fight on behalf of you', lord inspired him to fight by speaking Gita. See the example of Prabhupad, throughout the day he would manage temples and preach and at night he would translate the books, such a hard work at such advanced age!! So after coming to spirituality person becomes more hardworking and not lazy(as general people think).

Lord speaks in 6th ch that one has to be regulative in his habits of sleeping, eating, working and recreation. Unless one is regulated and determined he is no more than animal as prabhupad would sometime say. Laziness can be overcomed by practice and staying with those who are not lazy. What to say of spirituality one won't progress even materially when person is lazy. Lack of the inspiration is main cause for laziness. Bhagavad Gita is the most inspirational song ever spoken, whoever picks it up and follow it he doesn't become lazy but becomes crazy to remain busy for the pleasure of God and humanity. In conclusion give up your laziness and adopt to the craziness to fulfill your material as well as spiritual dreams!!!


A man was asked to paint a boat.He brought with him paint and brushes and began to paint the boat a bright red, as the owner asked him. While painting, he realized there was a hole in the hull and decided to repair it.When finished painting, he received his money and left. The next day, the owner of the boat came to the painter and presented him with a nice cheque, much higher than the payment for painting. The painter was surprised: You've already paid me for painting the boat!

- he said.

- But this is not for the paint job. It's for having repaired the hole in the boat.

- Ah! But it was such a small service ... certainly it's not worth paying me such a high amount for something so insignificant! My dear friend, you do not understand. Let me tell you what happened. When I asked you to paint the boat, I forgot to mention about the hole.When the boat dried, my kids took the boat and went on a fishing trip. They did not know that there was a hole.

I was not at home at that time. When I returned and noticed they had taken the boat, I was desperate because I remembered that the boat had a hole. Imagine my relief and joy when I saw them returning from fishing. Then, I examined the boat and found that you had repaired the hole! You see, now, what you did? You saved the life of my children! I do not have enough money to pay your "small" good deed. So, no matter who, when or how. Just continue to help, sustain, wipe tears, listen attentively and carefully repair all the "leaks" you find, because you never know when one is in need of us or when God holds a pleasant surprise for us to be helpful and important to someone.You may have repaired numerous "boat holes" along the way, of several people without realizing how many lives you've saved.

3) One sided Love Affair

On Thursday, Mumbai court sentenced 25-year-old Ankur to death for an acid attack on 23-year-old nurse Preeti Rathi at Bandra Terminus in May, 2013. Her eyes, stomach and lungs were severely damaged when he threw two liters of sulfuric acid on her. She died a month later from her injuries in a hospital. Why did he throw acid on her? Because he was having one sided love affair with her, and when she rejected his proposal he raged with anger, followed her till Mumbai from Delhi to kill her. How can lover be the killer?

This is the nature of material world, where satisfaction of own personal senses has prioritised over other's, and if lover rejects the love then there is anger and frustration. One hardly bothers about loved one, but that's not love. Love means sacrifice, service to the lover, Being satisfied in satisfaction of loved one. Love is not force it's a choice of heart. Love is when other person's happiness is more important than our own. What goes on the name of love in today's world is simply lust and gratification of senses.

There is big difference between love and lust. It's like gold and iron both are metals but values are totally different. Practically love doesn't exist in material world. Love exist in spiritual world between God and His devotees, whose only aim is to satisfy God unconditionally. There is no limit between their loving dealings. God is so loving that He has given free will to us, He never forces us to love Him. When we abandoned Him and came to this dirty material world He accompanied us as paramatma, He didn't say, "you people left me, now suffer", no... He respects free will, He never demanded surrender.

In fact He provided all necessities to all of us, not only this but those who deny his existence, He is taking care of them too!! He has provided all kinds of pleasure in all species of life, even in the life of pig, He is never envious of anyone but always compassionate and forgiving like true lover. So if we consider all these points we can find that He is the only 'One sided lover' because we never bothered to love Him. Just see His kindness He also never forced us to love Him, He just want to see us happy. This is real lover, not one who just want to exploit us. And when someone starts loving Him, He is ready to reciprocate with him, it's said if we take one step towards God He takes 100 steps towards us. Is there anyone in this world who can do this for us? So it's our choice with whom we should fall in love, the Supreme person who is loving us unconditionally from time immemorial or person who is after his own sense gratification which is full of conditions?

4) 2G, 3G, 4G...what about BG !

G in 2G, 3G and 4G stands for the “Generation” of the mobile network. Today, mobile operators have started offering 4G services in the country. A higher number before the ‘G’ means more power to send out and receive more information and therefore the ability to achieve a higher efficiency through the wireless network. The speed of data transmission on a 3G network ranges between 384KBPS to 2MBPS. This means a 3G network actually allows for more data transmission and therefore the network enables voice and video calling, file transmission, internet surfing, online TV, view high definition videos, play games and much more. 4th Generation mobile networks are believed to provide many value added features, it provides speed between 100MBPS to 1GBPS.

But the question is what are we going to do with so much data and connectivity? Just information and entertainment by playing online games, viewing hd videos and surfing? Researchers say that an average person spends 759 hours on mobile yearly, means approx 2.5 hours daily (a college students spends 7-8 hours daily) to reduce their boredom rather than reading books or mixing with friends. There is psychological disease called as 'No Mobile Phobia'- person gets tensed, fearful, anxious ,he feels unsecured when his mobile is not with him(this data was collected for 2G and not 4G, God knows what will be the stats in case of 4G ). Many top people in America are deciding to take 'smart phone vacation' one day every week to reduce distress and habit of scrolling down the apps aimlessly to become more productive by utilising time. Yes off course world has come closer due to mobiles and networks and many things are simplified, but Is your mobile changing you in anyway? Is it able to get any positivity in life or is it just wasting our time? Is it taking us anywhere?

You must be wandering what's this BG connection?...BG stands for Bhagvad Gita, the network which has faster connection than any other and it's there from millions of generations(BG-4.1) without change because BG is given by God himself. BG provides you the interplanetary connections, also It provides various featured info on karma yoga, astanga yoga and especially Bhakti yoga to connect with God which is aim of human life. BG provides 18 apps(chapters), all relevant and surcharged with holiness and positivity (because they are words of God), you can scroll down any app to get inspiration for your life in any situation, May that be happy, sad or neutral. BG connection has all the power to transform it's user's life. People are wasting their 1/3rd of awake time on mobiles which creates mental and physical problems, but spending a little time with BG enlivens the soul. BG is fail safe connection with unlimited satisfied users(BG-4.10) and no disadvantage or errors in connections.

BG not only tells us how to be happy and satisfied in this life but also offers us the way to reach eternality at the end of this life. Many of us may have the habit of doing time pass on mobile before going to bed at night but researchers say, 2-3 hours before sleeping one shouldn't use electronic gadgets else one will suffer insomnia and eye related problems (so at least use BG connections before sleeping, because it's not electronic and emits 0 radiation). So many advantages, then why not utilise our time to be with BG and establish the most authentic, error free and genuine connection with God to be happy forever!

5) Focus not on comfort or discomfort – focus on purification

Suppose we are sitting on a chair and studying. If the chair is twisted, the resulting discomfort may hinder our study. But if the chair is too comfortable, we may nod off.

Either way, if that is the only chair available, we will make do with it. But if we could choose, we would choose the chair with the comfort level that maximizes our concentration.

Consider the Bhagavad-gita (06.11-12) recommendation to go to a secluded place, sit at an appropriate height, use a deerskin as a mat and assume a yogic posture – all for pursuing purification. Such sitting might be initially difficult, but it serves the purpose of toughening the body and focusing the mind. But sitting contorted because of sitting on a damaged chair doesn’t serve any such purpose. Spiritual growth comes through purposeful austerity, not pointless discomfort.

Bhakti-yoga is eminently pragmatic – it centers on cultivating remembrance of Krishna, the most potent means for purification, and subordinating everything else to that purpose.

While practicing spiritual life, we may get caught in external considerations of comfort or discomfort. We may be proud of our ability to live austerely or discouraged at our inability to do so. Or we may become obsessed with the pursuit of comforts or disheartened at our inability to get them.

By remembering the purpose of purification, we can choose the comfort level that maximizes our focus on Krishna. We can accept comfort when it is available and favorable. And we can accept discomfort when it is inevitable and essential. Conversely, we can avoid comfort if it lulls us into complacency and lethargy. And we can avoid discomfort if it is unbearable and avoidable.

Overall, when we subordinate considerations of comfort and discomfort to the purpose of purification, we can keep growing spiritually through life’s ups and downs.