The Amazing Road Trip -2 in English Adventure Stories by Bhavin H Jobanputra books and stories PDF | The Amazing Road Trip -2

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The Amazing Road Trip -2

The Amazing Road Trip - 2

Summary of ‘The Amazing Road Trip -1’:

Two bosom friends Raj and Vicky left for a Road Trip on a bike. They had wonderful time in Tulsishyam. They changed their plan of going to Diu and they went to the Gir forest. They reached ‘Sapnesh’ and got shelter in a house. In the midnight they managed good relations with a local man and his son. Now they both are out in the jungle and they heard roaring of a lion……

The night was silent and dark. They both became cautious and stopped to the place where they stood. Raj indicated Vicky that they should return because it was unnecessary risk. Soon they saw some lights flashing. They hid behind the bushes. Those lights were of the Jeep of the forest officers. They slowly moved towards the area where they came from. Soon they spotted some lanterns burning, they returned to their spot safely. Soon, the jeep came to that place. The forest officers climbed down and saw the partially extinguished fire which they had lighted. Soon, one of the forest officers inquired the man which gave him permission to stay there. The forest officers asked if anybody from outside had come there but the man save both of them. The forest officers sat there for half an hour, Raj and Vicky secretly peeped out from the little outlet. They had already hidden their bike in the cattle shed, there was no worry that their bike could be found.

After the officers had gone away, they felt relaxed. The man came to their room and told that if they were caught in jungle, they would have been in great trouble. Both of them felt sorry for that and learn an important lesson of life to trust the true people.

They couldn’t sleep properly because of the mosquitoes biting them. Anyway, Raj got up at half past five due to various noises. There was lot fog everywhere. The visibility was reduced but he could eye at some people who were involved in their chores. Raj went outside and took a bath with the chilling water which was kept open in the bucket overnight. He then opened his bag and had a superb breakfast of biscuits and snacks which his mother had insisted to keep with him. They reminded him of his mother. Soon, Vicky was ready and they both sat outside. The sun was visible around half past seven. The man came near him and took them to his house. His wife had prepared tea and a heavy breakfast for them. Vicky had that breakfast and Raj was interested more in knowing details of the other places from the man.

According to the man, they could leave after 8 O’clock for Banej. Banej is a superb place in Gir. It is known for the river Ban-Ganga. There is a legend which states that Pandavas travelled through this place and they felt thirsty so Arjun took a bow and struck it on the land and from that spot Ganga rushed out and presently known as Ban-Ganga river. They set out for Banej.

The road was becoming more and more dangerous. Vicky was riding the bike and Raj was enjoying as a pillion. At times, the road became so difficult that Raj would jump out of the bike and would walk with the bike. In the morning, they saw lot of spotted deer grazing the grass. The atmosphere was fresh and still the dewdrops were shining when the sun rays fell on them. They were enjoying every minute with nature. After three hours of ride, they reached Chhodawdi Check Post.

The rules of the jungle were mentioned there and now they were about to enter the core area of the Gir forest. The guard on duty was shocked to find two guys on a bike who had travelled from a distant place for a road trip. He told the guys that actually there was no road to Banej. The jungle trail or small path to Banej was also destroyed by the flood that year. He opened his log book and showed that nobody except the forest officers had gone there from last ten days.

The guard told the boys that Ban-Ganga river is like a snake which would come in the way for three times and they had to cross the river. He looked at bike and told mockingly that they would face a serious trouble. The boys stubbornly told him to issue permit and he did so. The gates were opened and they entered the road to Banej. The distance was only 8 kilometres but it was enough for the bike to be destroyed completely. There were lot of peacocks who might be enjoying morning dance. They saw a wide variety of birds over there and there were butterflies hovering over them. Soon, the river appeared. Raj got down from the bike and walked in the river. River water was high but they estimated that they could move out easily and exactly they did. The stones on the road were very big and they had to be very careful on the way. Again the river met them on the road and again they crossed it and this time bit easily.

It took them two hours to reach Banej but the place was fantastic. They felt that they had been lost in time and space. There was bountiful beauty of nature everywhere and it was undisturbed by men. In Banej they were welcomed by the Mahant of the temple who was the sole inhabitant of that place. Boys asked them lot of questions and Mahant told them fascinating events of his life. He told the boys that on the peak of mountain everyday seven lions come and sit with him in the evening. The Mahant then explained the boys historical importance of the place and boys worshipped Lord Shiva in that extra ordinary beautiful temple. It was a fantastic experience for them. It was full of excitement and curiosity.

The Mahant was a very good man and he managed for food for these boys. After lunch Mahant took them to the river Ban-Ganga. On the other bank of river Raj and Vicky saw hundreds of peacocks enjoying and there were feathers of peacocks almost everywhere. It was like a paradise. The river water was crystal clear and the boys were amazed to see big fishes teeming in the river. The Mahant dived in the water and was enjoying bath in the river. Raj and Vicky were reluctant to dive in water, they were afraid of big fish but Mahant insisted them to remove fear and both of them dived into the river. It was marvellous and a life time experience for them. The Mahant then took them to the ‘Gaumukh’ the place where the river originated and then he showed three baby crocs that were born few days ago.

Mahant handed Raj a baby croc and he was thrilled with that experience. Then they climbed the cliff of Banej which was very dangerous with sharp edges. Anyhow, Raj and Vicky reached the top of the cliff and saw a great panorama of Gir. They decided to spend overnight there but Mahant refused to give them permission. They started their journey towards Check post once again. They were greeted by the same gentleman who doubted their journey and then he confessed that they didn’t like people to go and disturb the jungle, so they sometimes threaten people about dangers on the road.

They got the permission for the next destination Kankai. The road was similar one to that of Banej and there was river which was far bigger and it flowed through the middle of the road. The distance was only twelve kilometres but they tested two friends to their limits. The river water was upto their knee height and there was every chance of river water getting into the silencer of the bike and resulting into breakdown of the bike. The two friends had thought something different. The raced the bike into water and the place where water was very high they lifted the bike with their hands and carried to the place where water was less and in this way they crossed the river. Then, the sloppy and mountainous path started. They both fought with each other to ride the bike. Vicky the experience campaigner finally led the bike to Kankai.

Kankai Temple and that area is really home of the lions. There is a river which flows behind the temple and lions come there to drink water and thereby worshipping the Goddess. This legend is described by almost all the eye-witnesses. Vicky and Raj reached there and were amazed by the natural beauty over there. Everything was aged old but unperturbed. They worshipped Goddess Kankai and sought blessings. They were worried about the night stay and anyhow they got permission to stay there. There was one condition that in no case they could move out the compound of the temple. There were almost seventy lions in that area and that area had a large number of leopards too. Forest officers had made quarters just opposite to the gate of temple so that they could patrol in that region easily.

The night came and both the friends in their room were desperate to move out. Kankai had some lights and bulbs due to windmill over there. At 12’O clock both friends were excited as they heard loud roars of lions were close. They looked out from window and lions were roaring at the gate of temple. In the low light they could hardly count the number of lions. The next morning, they started their further journey.

After crossing the river, they took the permission to Jamwada. The road to Jamwada was also far more challenging than other roads. They could hardly cover a distance of 30 kms in next two hours. They drove carefully and after a long time they saw a bike rider. He told them about Jamjir Waterfalls. Raj and Vicky reached there in next half hour. Jamjir is famous for not only Waterfalls but also Jamdagni Ashram. Jamdagni Ahsram was place where once famous saint Jamdagni lived and his son Parshuram was one of the ten incarnations of Vishnu.

Jamjir waterfalls contain large amount of water throughout the year. The scenic beauty around this place is famous all over and they are visited by thousands of visitors. Raj and Vicky jumped into the shallow water on the upper side of the falls and enjoyed the falls. A local boy informed that the waterfall is very dangerous because it takes lives when a person makes a mistake. Most of these deaths happened when people take unnecessary risks for clicking photos. Two friends took care of each other and enjoyed a lot.

Then, they reached Jamwada village, that area is known for two reasons. One reason is this place is known as ‘Gateway to Gir’ and other reason is quite delicious – it is hometown for Kesar mangoes. Raj and Vicky paid some amount to a local person and visited a mango orchard. It was a fantastic sight over there. They took lunch in a local hotel and the owner told that they had to close their shops anytime because of lions. He showed them many photos and newspaper cuttings when the lions move freely on the roads with the shops closed all over the small town but nobody had every disturbed the lions. The owner informed them to visit nearby town of Jambudi.

Jambudi village is full of Afro- Asian aborigines ‘Sidis’. One might think that he was in Africa with Negros and lions but peacocks distinguish Gir from African Safari. Raj and Vicky visited Jambudi village and made some new friends over there. Sidis are famous for their natural way of living in the wild and their ‘Dhamaal’ dance. Raj insisted to see that dance. One of the member told that ‘Dhamaal’ dance would be performed that night in a hotel compound in Sasan that night. At that time something bit Vicky…. And he shouted loudly……. Raj saw that it was a snake…………..What will happen next? Will their journey end in tragedy…………

What will Raj and Vicky do next…..?

The adventure has just begun…… Keep reading…… The next part will be published soon on Matrubharti….. And guys if you liked this please rate it and review it….. Your reviews and comments are very important for me……… Keep reading………. And one more thing……..this is based on real life incident…….I have changed the names of characters and some places in order to avoid any controversies………..Enjoy reading…………………

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Sardar Complex,

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