Oh! yes, I Ve Changed in English Fiction Stories by Jitesh purohit books and stories PDF | Oh! yes, I Ve Changed

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Oh! yes, I Ve Changed

I'm standing in my room , waiting for my suite. Today getting married have to be happy but hardly 'am well just keep on thinking that only, how i was before and now just looking myself in the mirror " A man without soul".

while changing all my past came in front of me and realised that who i am and what am doing??...

past revels...

" A strange request came in my fb ID , well that's not srtange cause mean time i was a famous actor (fake id). I accept , and i apologised for my stupidness. so again around 4.55pm i got the request and it was nothning strange so i accepted it.But you can say it was fate or my luck i didnt saw the name also not even FB profile just started to talk.

meanwhile in my room a strange shadow was coming first i didnt recognized it who he was but yes then who he was my bestiiee deepak(Mr. D!PS). he came near to me and as sson as he saw me he undrstood what was goin on with me and where i was in my memories, suddnly he just hugged me and told me to control on my emotions and told "this all is fixed you cant do anythning so whatever is going on just go with the flow"

we both sat down for a while he spotted the tears in the cornres of my eyes which i was afraid to met with his eyes but he cought me ASAP. he again started to talking and wanted to changed the topic but that was not helping and he understood very shortly. i could barely utterd a word except the name , the name yes which was well known to him n for me . yes the name " swathi" ...

it was enough to recall our past memories, painful memories, sweet memories, lucky memories, sorrowful memories. Again i was back in my memories and was exploring it again for feel better but as i know it will not but yes " Hope" this word describes my feelings right now.

HSC Exams- A Nightmare

A remarkable day for me, for my Destiny in future but very tough time at that time cause was in my HSC and without tutions and without school i will be going to give exams no moral support and no support from any other person execpt deepak.

for my daily exensives i just joined in school for teaching as teacher and even home tutions so on that day also i was in school and i was talking with her and then i just asked her name..

the conversation...

Me:- what's your name??


Me:- its swati or swathi??

She:- its swathi and " h" its silent

Me:- hahaha good to know..

this was my first conversation with her. then i lied to her that i was busy in my schdule of shooting.

Next moment i felt something in my heart " is it love??" no it cant be cause i was alergetic of love n girls.then what is this and yes again i ignored my feelings like before.on that night again we done little bit chit chat and me i was busy with fourty other girls and may be more on FB.

Now the Twist actually late night i was talking with others so dont know how but i just gave her my no. and told clearly not to give others or els i wont talk with her but i didnt expected to be this much dumb that she will believe me this much soon " well i made the profile better but still this much dumb i never seen but its not her or others fault its like mentility of them to catch the high profile and actors or kind of famous boy or girl. Why they cant see a true heart who loves them like more then theirself but its trend of this generation so i expect this from them and i too agree for it.

so now started to texting each other and got to know each other very well.

While talking she always asked or requested to talk on call and wanted to listen my voice but as i knew that am fake and while i say hello she will get to know that am not the person with whom she talking or want to talk. so as per the famous actor i too rejected her request with clear words that if she again ask i wont talk with her and again she believed me..

" How i can do like this with her she is so innocent and pure heart girl and me i was like a devil who was using her innocence this much" my heart always thought about this but then again i ignored it.

next day i got to know that she lost her dad that year only and i felt bad infact too much bad that i cant describe it and yes again i got feeling in my heart and this time i didnt ignored it.Meanwhile on that night we were talking suddnly i dont know how but i just ut her no. in blocklist and i slet next morinig i saw my cell no text from her i thought may be she would be busy so she will text me but no till noon no even single text. i kee on waited for her text then suddnly i saw my blocklist no. list and yes my surrise her no. was in that .... OMG what the fish.. all my mistake and i thought that she got to know that am fake.. haaaaass!!!!

Atlast i ut out her no. from the list and then saw my sam box and yes from &am to till i put out her no. more then 100 msgs and in them good morning then hellow some forward msgs then again hellow , y not relieng?? busy?? Angry on me?? am sorry plzz talk n lot more , some crieng statements...

I felt very bad about it i texted her and told her what all had haened then she felt well and told me not to do this again and took romise from me that i will never leave her alone forever... and this si the starting of my love towards her..