Think different, Be different in English Motivational Stories by Bhavin H Jobanputra books and stories PDF | Think different, Be different

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Think different, Be different

Think different, Be different

People all over are working hard to achieve their goals, to accomplish their dreams and striving for success. I have seen parents sending their children for IIT courses and other courses which prepare them for exams that they have to give after 10 years. Some guys prepare for their projects which they want to accomplish in future. This is means that most of the people are creative by nature. Creative thoughts are running in their minds. Most of the people have plans of World tour in life time. Many have retirement plans while they are doing job. Most of the people have desire to buy a large house with a big car. These means that majority of people have vision and creativity. They have a list of endless dreams….

Then an obvious question arises in mind… Why the success rate of people is less? Why people commit suicide though they have superb profiles. Why big establishments and institutes fail to deliver according to the expectations? Why scholar students find difficulty in getting jobs? Why there is lot of changeover in jobs? The simple answer is lack of proper thinking... This makes the debate more interesting… Above it was mentioned that people are creative and with vision and now we have those creative ones struggling because they lack proper thinking?

I think that solution is quite simple THINK DIFFERENT TO BE DIFFERENT

Identify Assests and liabilities:

Thinking different in simple matters is the key to success. Thinking different means use common sense…. Collection of common sense is wisdom … and collection of wisdom gives rise to a genius… So, the thing starts with proper use of common sense. Let me give you a practical example to elaborate this. A friend of mine is a banker with a very high salary. He still lives a life of simplicity. He can straightaway buy a car but he avoids buying a car. I asked him “Why don’t you buy a car even though you can afford it?” He gave me a very great answer. He told that “Brother, I can buy a car easily but I will never buy a car because it is not an asset it is a liability for me at present. I hire a car when I want to travel. It will prove cheaper than buying a car.” I got the point straightaway. Sometimes we misinterpret between assets and liabilities. Buying expensive mobiles, bikes and luxury items will never make us rich. They will increase our debts or they will reduce our bank balance….

Problems as opportunities:

Many people run helter-skelter in problems or difficulties. Thinking different in times of adversities will help you a lot. PROBLEMS IN LIFE ARE BLESSINGS IN DISGUISE. Take problems as opportunities. Lord has made us and he knows us the best. He always gives us problems that we can solve. He knows our limits and so he gives us small or big problems. These problems have opportunities which are hidden. So next time when you are in a problem, start thinking about solving it rather than falling into arguments and discussions. Let me give you a superb example. A student failed four times in English subject in HSC exams. His father brought him to my classes. I tried to analyze his mindset. In the end, I suggested him to forget about HSC and to join my spoken English course. They did as per my instructions. I taught him full Grammar along with chapters of HSC as a part of speaking and reading practice. After two months he was able to communicate well in English. He appeared for the HSC exams with a new mindset and he cleared the HSC English without any hard work and scored distinction marks.

When you have choices, choose the best:

Most of the people get initial success in life but after sometime they find themselves nowhere. Many people complain that they have made a wrong choice of career or wrong business or wrong life partner. My point of view is that when you have time to choose, select the best possible option keeping in mind all the factors. Most of the people are bedazzled or over enthusiast when they have lot of choices. This spoils the game. When there is lot of choice, common sense is key factor. Let me explain by a simple example. There was a man who got a job in a good company. He had also his business which he had flourished by hard work of five years. All of a sudden he was in dilemma. He was selected for a superb job but he has to leave the business which he had developed. He selected job option…. Then the story becomes interesting. On job, he was never satisfied because he dreamt of his business and happiness he derived from business. After one year, he left the job. He then worked hard for next four years in business and then he got success. Moral of the story is quite simple “Select the best from choices”.

When you don’t’ have choices, do your best:

This is a real life situation. Every time we don’t have choice. We have to accept what we are offered. Here Darwin’s theory is applicable. If you want to survive, you have to struggle. Let me give you an example. There was a boy named Manoj. He was very clever in studies. He graduated with flying colours and aimed to pursue MBA. His father died of heart attack and now it was impossible for him to study. Manoj joined his father’s business and left his studies. In the beginning Manoj faced a lot of problems. He was confused and also disturbed because he knew nothing about the business. His mother soothed him and explained him that business was compulsory for his family and Manoj started taking interest in it. At present Manoj is a very successful businessman. Moral is quite simple “When you don’t have choice, do your best”.

When you don’t’ have choices, do your best:

This is a real life situation. Every time we don’t have choice. We have to accept what we are offered. Here Darwin’s theory is applicable. If you want to survive, you have to struggle. Let me give you an example. There was a boy named Manoj. He was very clever in studies. He graduated with flying colours and aimed to pursue MBA. His father died of heart attack and now it was impossible for him to study. Manoj joined his father’s business and left his studies. In the beginning Manoj faced a lot of problems. He was confused and also disturbed because he knew nothing about the business. His mother soothed him and explained him that business was compulsory for his family and Manoj started taking interest in it. At present Manoj is a very successful businessman. Moral is quite simple “When you don’t have choice, do your best”.

Power of three magic words I, me and myself:

I, me and myself are three magic words. Even to type these three words together, I have to ignore Grammar rules in MS World. “I am responsible for what I am”, this maxim requires daily confirmation. I have to upgrade myself. I have to change myself first if I want to succeed. I have to move forward. I can’t depend on other to take my decisions. Self help is the best help. Help from inside always strengthen us. Help from others always weakens. I am responsible for myself and in making my world. People always blame others for their failures. I strictly believe that man is the maker of his destiny in this world. When you do things that shouldn’t be done, you fail and then you start blaming luck. Actually, luck favours those who help themselves. Always trust on I, me and myself. Socrates also said, “Ask yourself first”. If you believe that you can do something, nothing can stop you.

Don’t imitate others:

A Fish is good in swimming but it will definitely fail in flying. A lion is expert in hunting but it would be very difficult to swim an ocean for the lion. Everything in this world is unique and has its own importance. Similarly we all are good at something and very worse in other things. So, identify your strengths. Don’t try to be like somebody. Don’t copy others. If you try to be like somebody, you will end up in nobody. The best thing that can be done is move forward according to your strength. People spent their lives in impressing others, first impress your self. I you are good at anything, do that thing. Try to improve yourself in that field. Don’t do things which you don’t like. Don’t waste your energy in things which you will never do...

Take time to give answers:

In real life situations, you are answerable to your family members, boss, your children, you customers and your friends. I suggest that always take some time to give answers in a crunch situation. Newer give spontaneous answers when you are in doubt. Try to understand the situation and respond it in your own way. Particularly, with customers or boss, take your time. Try to find out logical relations between all the data and facts and then answer accordingly. This will boost your confidence and make you different.

Think ideas:

Think creative ideas… Most of the men lack this basic skill. They lack ideas and therefore they struggle. Think ideas for the given problem or work. First of all solve the situation in mind and visualize the method which you are going to use to solve it. In the beginning you will find it difficult but later on you will enjoy. The races are run first in mind and then on track. Our mind is a virtual simulator. Start thinking ideas and they will definitely make you different. A person with best ideas is always respected and appreciated if his ideas are turned into actions.

Self respect V/s Ego:

There is a thin line between self respect and ego. Most of the people are trapped between this thin line. Self respect means you respect your self first and your dignity is important. Let me give you an example. You and your boss are sitting together and suddenly a glass of water is spilled on the table. Your boss calls the peon but he is not available. Who will immediately clean the table which has important papers? You or your boss. The ego says to wait till the peon arrives but wisdom says that you should clean the table in this context. The moral of story is quite simple act according to situations. Every time don’t stick with false ego.


There is a saying “Bull shit might get you to the top but it wouldn’t keep you there.” Success earned by wrong means will never remain for a long time. Time demands that if you want to be successful, you have to be different. Start working from today onwards. Focus on your skills. Start doing things in which you are good. Follow your instinct. Take wise decisions. Act according to your ideas. Keep trust in God and also in yourself. You will definitely succeed in life. Nothing can stop you. You are one of the best creations of the God. He has sent you here because you are different. If God is giving you joys then enjoy wholeheartedly. If He is giving you problems then solve them wisely. If God is giving you difficult situations then face them bravely. If He is testing you, pass all the tests. You are not like a herd of sheep that can be guided. We are the lions who make their own way. We will do what we like and we will find our destiny. We are free and we will make the things happen. We will make our marks in the sands of time. We will inspire other to learn from us. We will do it by being ourselves.

THINK DIFFERENT AND BE DIFFERENT……Thank you very much………..

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