Mark in English Moral Stories by Darshan chavda books and stories PDF | Mark

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A nightclub situated in a posh area of a city covered with neon lights, people coming in to enjoy , drink booze, to forget about their shitty reality for a while, probably the same reason why the nightclubs are always favorite destination for everyone, of course but only for those who can afford it. In a club people are dancing on the dance floor, waiters serving booze and in one of the private room of the club the man in mid-40s named yash works for an agency who takes contracts of killing. Yash works for such agency and as a handler to one of the assassins. He is sitting in room enjoying the dark lights and heart thumping music and sipping the drink, music playing loudly in a background but he gestured one of the man to lower the music. He calls up to the assassin named mark smith. Mark reaches for the phone receives ‘Hello.’

Yash without talking anything else comes to the main point, says ‘A contract has come up to kill a business man. Sending the address and the other details over a phone, name is raghav modi.’ Mark after listening ‘Hmm.’ and hangs up, gets prepared to go for the work. Yash on the other hand orders to raise the volume and continues.

A man named purab modi calls up in an another agency and is very tensed, ‘Hello, a friend of mine had asked me to get in touch with you guys, someone has ordered a hit on my brother and before anything happens to him I want you guys to kill those who are about to do it. Do not worry about the money, just get the damn work done.’

In an apartment an another handler named charan receives a call, picks up ‘yes…’ listening with much attention. ‘Hmm…’ continues… ‘Ok.’

Charan had received a call from his agency regarding the contract to kill an agent who is going to kill client’s brother. Charan calls one of the agent named dev. Dev an assassin goes over to his phone and receives, ‘Hello.’ Charan speaks ‘There is a delivery needs to make, it is urgent, please come over.’ Dev shuts the phone after affirming. Dev gets ready to go over at charan’s.

Mark smith prepares the pistol and other necessary equipment’s after receiving the details about the person and the location.

On the other side, raghav modi is shit scared ever since he came to know about the hit being ordered on him, he is in his office, cannot even sit patiently just moving from one corners of the office to another and sweating heavily, calls up his kid brother purab. Purab over at his home receives the phone ‘Yes bhaisaab’ Raghav starts shouting as soon as purab receives the phone, ‘Where the hell are you?? Have you called them yet?’ purab replies ‘Yes, I have called and they are doing it now, do not worry I am coming over at office.’

Rainy weather, dev is on his way to charan’s place in a car, water pouring on a wind shield, horns honking amidst the traffic. He is about to reach there. Charan received all the information about the contract, dev comes over at his house, approaches him, charan hands over the cover to dev, says ‘Details about the contract is there in the envelope along with the advance payment, apartment name is there but could not get the house no. , You have to get it done before he goes over to kill our client’s brother.’

Dev sits in the car, rainy water pouring on the windshield and vipers swiftly moving right and left wiping the water along with it. He reads the apartment name and area, starts the car and heads towards the destination.

On the other hand purab has reached at his brother’s office and is watching the television and quite enjoying, Raghav sitting there is not at all there mentally and is in grave tension, moments later he gets irritated by his brother watching tv and throws the pen away , shouts ‘Here I am sweating like hell and you are enjoying this lame songs? ’. purab turns ‘Bhaisaab I have ordered the agency to take care of it, our man is probably is on his way to kill him. So please relax, have some snacks here.’ Raghav ignores ‘Those guys better do their work, god damn I have not even taken a piss since morning, let me go the washroom.’ He stands up to go, purab takes the television remote ‘Don’t take tension, you get freshen up and we will go and have a food in an awesome restaurant.’ He turns on the television again, continues watching while waiting for his brother to come.

Dev reaches the apartment, parks the car, comes out and heads over to the entrance, security guard asks ’where to sirji?’, dev answers ‘Mark…’ as soon as he could complete the full name, guard excitingly speaks up ‘yes sir, mark, he lives in ‘B’ wing 304.’ Dev takes out the money and gives it to guard. Guard gets very much happy and lets him leave. Dev takes the stairs and is about to reach the home and he is passed by another man wearing suit, dev thinks for a while but ignores it, approaches the home and rings the doorbell.

Mark after getting ready steps down, during that he passes another suited up man but does not gives much attention, takes out his car and leaves, security guard salutes him with a fake grin on his face. As he goes away, a friend of a guard could not stop himself from asking ‘That man who came to meet mark, how did you know he has come to meet mark from 304 and not the one who just left?’ Guard replies ‘arre no one comes over at his home nor does he talk to anyone so obviously that gentleman must have come to meet the mark from 304. Anyway the one just left does not even give any tips and he is very grumpy.’ Friend nods and ends the conversation there.

The person opens the door after the doorbell rang, as soon as he opens dev pushes hard and goes in the house, while mark falls down, dev closes the door, the person named mark being attacked starts defending himself, still after jumbling here and there dev succeeds strangling him using fibre wire, he continues strangling, mark tries hard to get away from his grip, his legs moving swiftly, doing whatever he can to save himself, he tries to grab his face using his hands while dev continues strangling him and also tries to keep away from him as he tries to grab him, but somehow mark catches his hair and pulls it and grabs his face, now grabs him by the neck and starts pulling him, both of them on the floor trying to choke each other as hard as they can in order get themselves free from each other, but as dev was strangling him with fibre wire mark was somehow losing it but still he was not letting it go, slowly mark loses conscious and his grip on dev too, dev meanwhile tightens the grip, mark shows no movement and he is killed by dev.

In the office raghav comes out of the washroom ‘Chhote, let’s go get something to eat, I am sure the work might have been done by now.’ Purab smiling proudly, a kind of confidence can be felt in his voice ‘I told you it will be taken care of, but you kept on being scared like a kid.’ Raghav gives in ‘enough now, can we go and eat something, have not even eaten anything since morning.’ Purab turns off the television ‘sure, let’s go.’ They depart.

Brothers reach the parking lot and head over to their car, unlocks it and sits in it. purab while sitting ‘so where do you want to go?’, raghav replies ‘You have done a huge favor to me, let’s go wherever you want to go.’ Purab ‘Sure.’ Now as soon as raghav stars the ignition, mark the assassin shows them a pistol and alerts them not to move, he was hiding in back seat of their car. Mark while holding the gun at them ‘Do not move both of you.’ As he says this both of tries to get away opens the door and starts running, it happened so fast that mark gets confused he comes out and starts running towards raghav, purab is running in the opposite side of the direction where raghav was running and shouts ‘Bhaisaab , run bhaisaab run.’

Raghav is running but mark soon catches him up and fires one round which goes through raghav’s leg and he falls down, seeing this purab shouts and run towards him but mark turns and shifts his aim towards him, so he stops and start running back again, he gets his mobile out of the pocket. Raghav screaming from the pain, mark approaches him, aims at his head, raghav screaming ‘leave me, what have I done? I will give double the money, just leave me please, let me live.’ Mark fires at his head, the distance between the head and pistol was not much, so bullet goes through his head in a rocket like speed and he is dead on spot and blood spilled over the floor.

Purab dialing the number while still running, connects and the call is received by charan ‘yes.’ Purab in anger and frustration ‘you dumb head, your guy did not kill that agent, he killed my bhaisaab, you scoundrel’. Charan disconnect the phone, he himself is very angry now and dial dev’s number, Dev on the other hand is dragging mark’s body to hide it. Phone rings and he receives, charan starts cursing him ‘nutjob, to whom did you kill? That mark killed our client’s brother, you stupid asshole.’ Dev starts getting frustrated ’I just finished him off, body is right in front of me.’ Charan screaming out of his lungs ‘you dumb bitch, you killed some other guy.’ Dev frustrated and having realized he has killed some other man, shouts frustratingly ‘FUCK !!!!!!’

In the parking lot body of raghav is covered with blood, near there mark is standing dialing the number of yash his handler, yash picks up, music can be heard playing in the club ‘hello, mark are you fine?’ mark confused ‘I am fine what happened? , I just killed raghav, I am going now.’ Yash is shocked ‘I just got to know raghav’s brother had ordered hit on you and agent from another agency was on his way to kill you. Anyway it’s great you are fine. Come over.’ Mark remembers one man passing him by in the apartment, he hangs the phone. Purab again escapes from there and is angry, he calls up charan again, charan reluctantly ‘hello.’ Purab shouts ‘How the fuck can you guys mess this up? I paid shit loads of money and because of you guys my brother is dead. You morons.’ Charan tries to explain ‘our agent mistakenly killed someone else thinking him as that agent‘. Purab continues shouting ‘I do not give a fuck about it, I want that asshole agent to be dead by today only.’ He hangs up the phone.

Yash is laughing and is a lot happy hearing about mark being safe, he knew who was the handler so he calls charan. Phone rings, charan receives a call ‘say.’ Yash is laughing all the way since he dialed his number speaks while laughing ‘hello, charan which poor soul did your agent just killed? Huh ??’ laughing hard, charan ‘You bitch I am sending him to get your ass kicked, wait and see you stupid prick, then I will laugh.’ He hangs up the phone and connects to dev. Dev receives ‘Yes, look charan I made a mistake but,’ charan interrupts ‘let it go, you still have to honor the contract, go and kill that mark and his fucking handler yash. I am sending you the address.’ He hangs up. dev leaves from there. Moments after he gets the address over at phone and he heads towards it.

Yash is still in the nightclub, mark after finishing the guy had reached the club. After a while dev enters in the nightclub, people are cheering and shouting on the dance floor with the uplifting music number playing loudly. Dev passes the dance floor and one of the man working there gestures him towards the private room that yash was in and he hands over him a fibre wire as no one could pass with any firearms in the club. Dev takes it and enter the private room and yash sitting exact opposite of the room, he locks the room and a sudden blow on his face and he is on the floor, after a fraction of blackout he sees in a blurry vision mark standing there, before he could do anything mark lands another blow by kicking him in the gut, yash having seen dev is about to be done by mark is enjoying a lot and laughing hard along with drinking.

Mark approaches for another one but dev retaliates with punch on his face and another one on chest and mark slowly gets back trembling but still standing but it gives time for dev to stand up. Both now attacks each other, both wrestling and landing heavy hand-to-hand moves, some of them successfully gets blocked out. Dev gets heavy, seeing that yash’s smile fades away slowly, dev after blocking swiftly lands multiple punches to mark on his chest and the gut area, which makes mark fall to the sofa there, dev brings out the fibre wire and starts strangling him, at the same time yash starts running towards the door but dev leaves mark there and catches yash punches on his face, kicks on the leg. He falls down but is attacked there again by dev. Yash’s face explain how much pain he is in, unable to stand up, he is dragging himself back to where he was to get away from dev. Meanwhile dev seeing him dragging, walks behind him to finish him, just he goes to do it, mark comes from behind with bottle and attacks on his head but the bottle does not break and dev falls down on his knees, yash reach to grab a phone, as dev is down , he again is smiling and calls up charan. He picks up and in excitement ‘stupid, you sent your man to kill us, he is going down right now and I am sending my man to kill you wait and watch.’ Phone is still connected and he says to mark ‘kill this and get his handler after that, I will give you the double.’ Charan hears it says ‘wait wait, you kill dev and I will pay you double.’ mark does not seem to like it but still continues the fight.

As soon as yash hears what charan said, he laughs hard ‘get the cash ready.’ Disconnects the phone. Mark smashes the bottle on the table and goes to stab with it but dev again defends and starts the fight. This all goes on and on, both of them seems tired. It was like both of them were equal and looking at their face even they were not into fighting, both of them stands up starts fighting again, yash scared and in tension tells mark ‘you kill him I will give a lot of money. Just finish him.’ Dev then overpowers mark, picks up the fibre wire and starts choking him again, yash having realized this is finally the end of mark and him too, he panics says to dev ‘don’t kill me, I will give loads of money, don’t kill me please, you kill him to honor the contract but not me, I will reward you.’ Dev feels disgusted and also gets distracted a bit, mark takes the advantages and deliver quick punches, making dev more weaker.

Yash jumps from the couch and goes near mark says ‘I am getting ready the cash, kill this dumb.’ Mark gets that bottle, dev not responding and is on the floor. Mark is ready to stab him. Yash encouraging him to kill ‘do it, do it.’ Mark ready to stab but suddenly turns and stabs yash instead, dev gets surprised. Mark takes out the bottle, he puts his hand in the back of his head, gets him closer and stabs again, multiple times, bloods starts coming out of yash’s mouth. After stabbing multiple times mark finally let’s go. Yash is dead.

Mark facing dev, ’what do they think of us?’ mark annoyed ‘money, money, money.’ mark after a moment gives his hand to dev. Dev reaches for a hand stands up. Mark giving compliment ‘you are tough to beat. After a moment never wanted to fight.’ Dev smiles ‘You almost killed me and we are not meant to fight each other.’ Mark responds ‘work together?’ dev does not say anything but he knows the answer. Mark asks ‘what about your handler?’, dev replies ‘enough killings for today, he is handler and we need work right?’ Mark does not disagree. They get out of the room. The associate who handed the fibre wire to dev is surprised to see they coming together. Both of them goes over to the bar, cheers themselves and drinks, raises toast to leaving bad things behind and look forward to friendship and their work. They drink and they depart from there being friends.