REVENGE in English Short Stories by Prashant Seta books and stories PDF | REVENGE

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Kavya had a photogenic face. Her magical dark black eyes thinly lined with kohl could kill a man. A small nose ring in her left nostril added to her allure. Her waist length hair casually tied in a bun and the careless manner in which she pushed the strands of hair that had slipped from the bun back over her left ears could leave any guy in a faint. She was the living Goddess of Beauty!

There were many pretty girls in college, but Kavya’s simplicity used to keep her on the top. She wore simple clothes – mostly salwar-kameez and unlike other college girls, she would rarely be seen in jeans and t-shirts. Seeing her in mini skirt was a distant dream for the boys of her college.

On her first day in Mumbai’s National College, Dev had fallen for her. When Dev Nanda, a rich and gentle boy, saw her for the first time, he knew she was the girl he was searching for. Unlike other boys, there was no lust in his eyes. Kind, generous, sincere and helpful, Dev was known for his gentle behaviour and respected by the students and professors for his down to earth nature. Though he had average looks, every girl in college wanted to be his girlfriend. He hadn’t found the special girl in his life until he saw Kavya.

Akshat was Dev’s polar opposite. With an impressive demeanour and excellent flirting skills, Akshat Mishra’s sole motto was to sleep with maximum number of women in his life. He was a real pervert who believed in tasting the tongues and lips of as many pussies as possible.

Akshat and Dev were known to each other much before Kavya came into their lives. When they were in high school, Akshat had once saved Dev’s life. Dev met with a bike accident and was lying unconscious in a pool of blood on the road. Apparently, his bike had skidded. Passers-by had gathered around but nobody came forward to help. Akshat was passing by and when he saw what had happened he immediately rushed Dev to a nearby hospital.

On gaining consciousness, Dev had learnt that it was Akshat who had saved his life. From that day Dev was eternally in debt to Akshat and became his best friend. Akshat learnt that Dev was from a rich family and resolved to take advantage sometime in future.

Dev was the kind of person who maintained relationships with all kinds of people – good or bad. He had no issue with Akshat’s character. From the day of the accident, Dev believed it was his re-birth. His accident could have been fatal if Akshat had not helped. He had lost a lot of blood and had to be hospitalised for a considerable time. Doctors told his father Rajkumar Nanda that if there had been a delay of more than five minutes, they would have lost Dev. It was Akshat who had given a fresh lease of life to the only son of Rajkumar Nanda. The whole Nanda family had a huge regard for Akshat and asked to be given the opportunity to help Akshat at any point of time in his life.

Back to the first day of college - the way Dev had fallen for Kavya at first sight, here, Kavya had in turn fallen for Akshat. The doors of her heart had been closed until she met Akshat. She developed a minor crush for him that turned into major crush as time passed.

The days passed and Kavya, Dev and Akshat became good friends. They enjoyed every moment of their college lives. Dev had started loving Kavya. Kavya too liked Dev but loved Akshat. Dev could be her best friend but Akshat was the love of her life.

It was the last day of college. Dev planned to propose to Kavya. He was sure that Kavya would respond positively keeping in mind their friendship for the last three years.

Dev got ready early in the morning. It was his first time, so he had rehearsed his lines a couple of times in front of mirror in his room. His face was blushing every now and then when he imagined the fate of his adventure. He was under the impression that proposing to Kavya was just a formality, she too loved him.

He wore his best clothes – a pricey denim topped by simple but expensive t-shirt topped by a rich black leather jacket. He had applied hair gel liberally and sprayed deodorant all over. He was on cloud nine. Though he had slept for only two hours the previous night, he was looking fresh in the morning. He had kept tossing and turning the previous night thinking about his prospective rendezvous with Kavya.

Dev reached college with a red rose in his bag. He searched for Kavya and enquired from her friends her whereabouts. He reached the canteen where Kavya and Akshat were sitting at a table across each other. Akshat’s hands were stroking Kavya’s hands on the table. They seemed blissful and happy. Seeing the scene, Dev broke down and tears welled up in his eyes. Suddenly, all the tiredness overtook him and he was about to fall. His freshness vanished in a second. Waves of anger, pain and jealousy washed over him. He craved for Kavya. He waited for all his life to find a girl like her and when he found her, he had already lost her. He had lost love of his life.

Dev had turned to leave the place silently but all of a sudden Kavya spotted him and called out to him. He gathered himself, gained his composure and walked to their table. Kavya pulled Dev’s hand and made him sit, laughing all the while. Dev sat with Kavya still holding his hand in hers. It was a sensational feeling for Dev. He was fighting hard to keep his emotions in check and to hold back his tears. He had wanted Kavya to hold his hand forever but his dream had crumbled like a house of cards.

Then, Kavya broke the news that she loved Akshat and had just proposed to him. Dev smiled at Akshat. Soon, Kavya clarified, to Dev’s utter surprise that she was aware of Akshat’s past, however, her love would set him on the right path. She also added that she had always seen love for her in Akshat’s eyes. That had sounded very painful to Dev. Every passing minute was difficult for Dev to sit there; the saddest part for him was that Kavya had never seen the love in his eyes for her. He was ready to die for Kavya, if only she had asked.

Then, Dev had wished them all the best and left with a heavy heart.

After graduation, Akshat encashed the promise Dev’s father had made when he had saved his son’s life. He asked for a job in Nanda’s company –Nanda Realty. Rajkumar Nanda was more than happy and willingly offered him a job.

There were notable improvements in Akshat after Kavya entered in his life. He was not the old Akshat anymore. Kavya had transformed him completely. Two years after they graduated, Kavya and Akshat got married.

Meanwhile, Dev had left for America to pursue his MBA from Pace University.

After five years

Within five years, Akshat turned out to be the star of the company. With his hard work and dedication, he won the confidence of Rajkumar Nanda. At the age of 26, he reached a level where he made a special space for himself in the company.

Dev returned to India to lead Nanda Realty. Dev was happy with Akshat’s success in his company; after all he was going to be the big boss of the company. Dev was equally talented and took his company to great heights in foreign markets.

Everything was going well between Akshat and Kavya for the last five years until the re-entry of Dev in their lives four months back. The induction of Nisha Pradhan in the senior management team of Nanda Realty and as the immediate boss of Akshat spiced up things.

Tensions had been increasing between Kavya and Akshat over the last four months. Kavya suspected that Akshat was having an affair with Nisha. He was not giving her much time and his frequent meetings with Nisha was making Kavya uncomfortable.

Nisha was super sexy with long legs and a lithe body. Fair skinned Nisha with healthy boobs and shapely buttocks could excite any man. Her shoulder length beautiful hairs and her style of perching her sunglasses on her head could charm any man whether married or unmarried.

Akshat was slipping from Kavya’s grasp and things were so bad that they were not talking to each other since a month. They were drifting apart day by day. After realising the fact that there was no love left in their relationship, Kavya left home and started living separately.

One day Kavya went to Akshat’s office. Actually, she had gone to see Dev. She hadn’t met Dev since he returned from America.

She was sitting in Dev’s cabin from where she could see Nisha’s cabin. Nisha was chatting with Akshat and they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Akshat was sitting on the other side of Nisha’s table. She got up from her seat, went and stood behind Akshat and put her hands around Akshat’s neck. She was wearing a red skin-tight shirt and black skirt that ended at her knees. Kavya was burning with jealously. Her possessiveness for Akshat was killing her bit by bit.

‘What the hell is cooking between my husband and that bitch?’ Kavya’s patience was at its lowest ebb and she was ready to burst.

Dev knew that she was serious. ‘Look, Kavya. There is nothing going on between the two of them. Just a little bit of healthy flirting, I’d say’.

‘Flirting? Healthy flirting? Really Dev…’ she rolled her eyes in disgust. ‘That’s what you men call it? There is nothing healthy about flirting, Dev, not for a married man’

‘Healthy flirting is the term introduced by perverted men who want to lend legitimacy to their extramarital sins. Flirting invariably has a sexual connotation to it’. She got up from her seat and walked around the room gesticulating and muttering to herself. Suddenly she stopped, turned around, looked at Dev and asked ‘Did my husband sleep with her? You are his friend. Did he ever tell you anything about it?’

Dev was silent.

Then, Dev advised Kavya to leave Akshat and start her life afresh.

‘Akshat doesn’t deserve you, Kavya,’ Dev said ‘I know for a fact that he could never stick to one woman.’

‘What should I do now?’ Kavya asked

‘Divorce,’ Dev just said insanely.

Kavya felt numb. Helplessly, she nodded. On the verge of anger she decided to separate from Akshat.

Dev called his lawyer friend and both of them left to meet him.

On receiving the divorce notice, Akshat rushed to Kavya’s friend’s apartment where she was temporarily staying and begged her to re-consider the decision. Akshat loved Kavya and could not live without her. She had changed him from pervert to this. From the day, Kavya had left home, he kept calling and convincing her to return home but Kavya was firm and later stopped taking his calls. He tried hard to convince her that he had no affair with Nisha. It was his work which kept him busy.

It was Dev who was playing games with both of them. Kavya looked at Akshat in bewilderment. Bringing Nisha Pradhan as Akshat’s immediate boss was his the first smart move to crack their relationship. He used Nisha as a game changer.

‘Listen Kavya, Dev loved you during our college days. When you proposed to me, he was heart-broken. He had left India to heal the wounds you had given him unknowingly. Now, he has returned and is determined to destroy our relationship. He is using Nisha to destroy our relationship. I have spoken to Nisha to understand all the devious moves of Dev,’ Akshat said

According to Nisha, Dev has turned evil. He wanted Kavya and had stopped to such an absurd level.

Akshat also angrily said, ‘Before leaving for the US, Dev had come to meet me. He offered me a lot of money to get out of your life. But, I refused. He left in desperation, but, before leaving he warned me that one day he will sleep with you. I turned red with anger and had slapped him hard ….’ Akshat trailed off and said ‘I love you Kavya and I can’t live without you.’

Kavya fell silent. By then, tears were rolling down her cheeks. Akshat convinced her. ‘I am sorry Akshat, I didn’t understand you. Please forgive me…’ Kavya could not complete the sentence. She begged forgiveness from Akshat for what she had done.

He consoled her and forgave her immediately. He went to her and hugged her tight.

Kavya kept crying and begged for forgiveness for the sin she had committed. ‘My sin is so shameful, that you have every right not to forgive me.’

Akshat did not get what Kavya just said.

Kavya blurted out, ‘I slept with Dev…’

Akshat turned numb and loosened his grip on Kavya.

‘……when I came to your office, we went to meet a lawyer to initiate the divorce proceedings. Dev was so polite and supportive that he could manage to lead me to his bed. I spent the whole night making love to Dev…’

Kavya kept sobbing and continued talking but Akshat stood numb without listening.