Pride of Gujarat -Gir lions in English Adventure Stories by Bhavin H Jobanputra books and stories PDF | Pride of Gujarat -Gir lions

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Pride of Gujarat -Gir lions

Gir lions – The pride of Gujarat

Gir forest of Gujarat (India) is the only home for the Asiatic Lions in the world. Gir forests are full of biodiversity and only place where Panthera Leo persica (Asiatic lions) have survived. The Asiatic lion is also known as Indian lion or Persian lion. They are listed as endangered species by IUCN due to very small population of 523. According to census of May 2015, their estimated population is 523. It comprised of 109 adult males, 201 females and 213 cubs. Asiatic lions were formerly found in Southeastern Europe, Black sea Basin, Caucasus, Persia, Canaan, Mesopotamia, Baluchistan and also in many parts of India. Gir National park and sanctuary is spread across the are of 1,421 km2.


As mentioned above the Asiatic lions formerly roared in many parts of the world and now they are reduced to Gir forests only… This is incredible. This question has puzzled all the nature lovers for ages. In a short span of 400 years they are extinct from all the places. Indian census conducted by Gujarat Forest department shows 27% increase in the number of lions in last five years. Many got interested researchers, newspersons, explorers, biologists and even Nation Geographic. All have different beliefs and different perspectives and different point of views. Even politicians and laymen are also greatly interested in this topic of debate.

The first part of debate – Why they became extinct in rest of the world? The obvious answer that all will give is hunting. There had been extensive hunting of lions done by Kings and Royalties to show their power. Many people hunted them for their skins, nails and other body parts. Even instances like droughts, forest fires and natural calamities have resulted into their extinction. One more thing that we must remember is role of nature and role of human beings. In past, when the population of humans increased, the lions were hunted because they were possible threat for men. Men started to live in the areas once ruled by lions. Constant struggle with men might have resulted into their extinction.

The best possible answer for this part of debate is Natural Selection according to Darwin’s theory. According to the theory of Charles Darwin, we can come to one conclusion that in those parts of world lions might not be fit to survive. It means that in those parts of world, lions might not have been selected by nature for their survival. In struggle for their existence they might have failed.

The second part of the debate is quite easy and acceptable by us – Why Asiatic lions survived only in our Gir?

Let me tell you brief history of our Gir National Park. In India, Asiatic lions were last seen in the year 1884 outside Gujarat. Nawab of Junagadh declared that there were only 12 lions in Gir. Asiatic lions struggled a lot during the year 1901 to 1905 due to severe drought in Gir. At that time, they started attacking humans and domestic cattle for their food and they survived the race to extinction. The Nawab of Junagadh made great efforts to converse them. Their population increased slowly in the year 1904 to 1911 due to his efforts. After his death again the hunting of lion started in Gir. In the year 1911, Britishers put ban on hunting of the lions. So the empire which spread from Arabia to Bihar was limited to our Gir forests. In 1913, their population was limited to 20. In 1936, the census was taken properly and their number was 287. So the good news is that today they are 523 from just 12.

Why the Asiatic lions have survived only in our Gir? We everybody has their own story to tell. Scientists claim that due to captive breeding and artificial insemination they are increasing in number. Local people tell that it is their home and they can’t be extinct. Some religious people say that Goddess Kankeshwari is saving them. Zoologists and researchers say that it is a natural process. They once again explain Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Many claim that the ecology of Gir is best suitable for the lions and the various types of landscapes and biodiversity has saved them. The ‘Maldharis’ who live in Gir and its forests areas tell that their forefathers have saved them or helped to conserve them. They have most interesting stories to tell. I think that all of them are right. In general we can conclude that all these favourable conditions have saved them.


Most of the people ignore this important fact. General question: ‘What is relation between conservation of lions in Gir and culture?’ This makes it interesting. Yes, if you visit many of the temples and structures near Gir and surrounding areas, everywhere you can find statues of lions. Aryans worshipped nature. If you visit those areas and meet the local people they will tell that they never harm any lions. The also inform you that he is the king and they all are the subjects and in this way they consider them. ‘Maldharis’ are so fearless that they even don’t disturb the lions on the road, they just pass near them. People living in the Girnar region or in the borders areas of Gir, they respect them. Even the incidents of poaching are complained by them.



There are 7 perennial rivers in Gir. These rivers are Hiran, Sarasvati, Datardi, Machhendri, Ghodawadi and Raval. They are full of water in most parts of the year. They have well developed trees and grasslands in their basin which helps the herbivores like spotted deer, Nilgai, sambar and chinkara to flourish in large numbers. Wild boar and Blackbuck from the surrounding areas also visit the sanctuary. There are four reservoirs built on Hiran River, Macchendri, Raval and on Shingoda River. Water from these reservoirs is supplied to Gir forest throughout the year. The Kamleshwar Dam is the biggest reservoir in the area and it is known as the ‘Lifeline of Gir’. Though Gir area gets less rainfall, water is provided by these reservoirs. Additional demand of water is supplied by tankers of forest department. As all the species including lions are important for the Gir ecosystem. In the dry months of March, April and May forest department does the important work of providing water to the points i.e. artificial small ponds developed by them. Sometimes, water of these sources is used by the cattle of Maldharis.


As mentioned above large variety of Herbivores is found in Gir. They become easy prey for the lions. Lions mainly hunt Nilgai, Chittal, sambar etc. Old and injured lions especially attack the easiest prey i.e., the cattle of ‘Maldharis’. These instances have increased in recent years the main reason – the cows and buffaloes are kept in a small shed by the ‘Maldharis’. At midnight when all the people have gone into deep sleep, the lions consider it the safest time to attack the cattle. Many incidents show that lions jump very big hedges and enter the shed. Some incidents show that a group of lions collectively launch an assault to these sheds and enjoy the feast.

Surprisingly, there are rare incidents showing lions attacking humans. They have attacked humans mostly during their mating period. Mid June, July, August and September months are considered as the mating period of the lions. National Park is closed for the visitors during this period. If the people living in surrounding areas of the park either intentionally or accidentally disturb the lions, they face the consequences. Newspaper reports have highlighted these facts several times. Whenever, the people have disturbed lions during their mating time, the lions have brutally killed them.


The topography and geographical location is also favouring lions in Gir. Gir has some arid areas, hills and mountain regions, some lush green areas and it extends upto sea coast. The lions are regaining their lost territories and also found outside the national park. The colour of soil, trees and mountain terrain is matching the colour of the lions this provides active camouflage for the lions. In most parts of the year, if they are standing behind a tree, they are difficult to be seen.


The people of Gir have understood the importance of forest and animals resources. There are almost no incidents of hunting of wild animals in those areas. In many areas people have houses, farms and mango-orchards very close to the wild. Many times there are chances of wild animals in that area but people always rescue them with the help of forest department and sent them to jungle. Forest department is also working greatly in the conservation of wild animals.


This project is an initiative of Gujarat Forest department. For the first time women were deputed for the post of RFO and other works. Many ladies joined this project and they turned out to be great addition to the squad. They too work tirelessly in the national park during all seasons. A lady officer named Gita, has done doctorate on lions and now actively working in the conservation projects. It is incredible that she could identify large number of lions from their faces. There are many women from nearby villages who work in groups in the national park. Great sight is they do patrolling on their bikes.


Bit guards and trackers constantly monitor definite number of lions. If a lion is injured due to some reasons or in fights the same is reported instantly. Then after, medical team is sent there and necessary treatment is given. Proper care is taken of each and every lions of the park. They have data of almost all the prides. Many times are seriously injured lions or the diseased ones are brought to the hospitals in Sasan or Junagadh and the important surgeries and cure is carried out by team of experts.


People know the economic importance of Gir forests. Large quantities of grass available form Gir is worth lots of rupees. Places like Sasan Gir are visited by lakhs of visitors every year. This means that every person is getting benefit of forests over there from a Gypsy owner to a Hotel owner. Various farm houses and resorts have developed over there. They earn a large income due to Gir lion lovers. In last ten years, Gir has become one of the most favourite destinations of India. It is also visited by large number of foreign tourists because it is only home for the Asiatic lions.


Gir lions are expanding their territories due to increase in population. They are leaving the boundaries of national park. They are sometimes found near the coastal areas of Una. Even my town Gondal which is approximately 135 Kms away from Sasan becomes host of lions in the month of Oct –November. Foothills of Girnar Mountains are also favourite places for one or two prides of lions. They are actually covering their lost territories.


Though they are properly conserved in this part of the world, scientists and experts are worried about some possible threats for the lions in Gir. As they are only found here, their existence may be challenged by natural factors like Famine. With the help of current technology, it has less chance. Even if famine is worst, water can be provided to them. Next is forest fire. During the dry period, there are chances of forest fire. Every year, forest department collect the dry grass from the areas and burn them intentionally in order to prevent the threat of forest fire.

Flood is also a possible threat for the lions. Every year, the rivers get flooded and Gir area remains isolated. Many areas in Gir become isolated during monsoon. They can’t be approached by any means except helicopters. There have been many instances of death of lions due to floods. But it has overall less impact.

The greatest threat to lions is of any infection or deadly disease. If there is any such biological disorder or attack of an epidemic to them, their existence would be in danger. Vaccinization is done to them when necessary. If there is attack of some new and unknown virus or any vulnerable disease to them, it may lead to a tragedy.


Concluding this eBook with good news that their number is increasing continuously. In spite of several problems and struggles, the lions of Gir are increasing in numbers. Every year, there are new cubs of lions joining the prides and regaining more and more territories. Government, people, NGOs are trying hard to conserve these rare species. Really lions of Gir are pride of Gujarat.

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Sardar Complex,

Ab: Rajbhog Sweets,


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