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Time is Golden Opportunity

Meethali Raol


Time is Golden Opportunity

The phenomenon of Time has been studied for thousands of years. Nevertheless, many issues remain to be resolved. It is an immutable measure against which human experience is ordered but individuals are good at perceiving it as they believe.

As we all know that Time is free but it is priceless, we can use it but we cannot own it, and once you lose you cannot regain it. It is valuable for every individual from lowest to the highest ranks. However, rarely you will find a person who can use his/her available time to its fullest extent. Many of us waste hours and hours of our valuable time in doing nothing or doing trivial activities. It is a common sense that people love to spend time for their own use and benefits.

Time is the golden reward which is given to every individual in this universe as well as it is free of cost. Is it like so people have to pay according to seconds or minutes used by them, same way as charges is paid for browsing internet?? No it’s not like that. So why people in this world don’t give importance to time, which is tax free..??

People must be aware about paying tax as well as must be alert of the things on which they are paying tax. But did they ever thought of the things which are tax free..?? Individuals must not have even thought of Air, Water, Sunlight, Time, Rain, and Wind which are given to this universe and people are not giving importance because these things never stop and are received uninterruptedly.

  • The importance of air must be erudite from the persons who have breathing problem or have disease named asthma due to insufficient breathing of air in critical situations and their life is saved from death.
  • The importance of water must be erudite from those people who still leave in forest areas and villages which have lack of water supply.
  • The importance of sunlight must be understood seeing the plants which cannot grow without sunlight and water.
  • The importance of rain must be understood by the farmers who cannot crop their grains without sufficient water and rain.
  • The importance of time must be erudite from the people who miss their flight, train or bus and they are not able to reach their desired places.
  • You all must have heard in some or the other way that “Time is precious: don’t waste it and Value it”. But only some individuals take it seriously and use it preciously, others waste their time by indulging in unwanted activities and it is complete wastage of their life by remaining idle. These people are not destroyers of their own life but also of the society and family members. Generally people have to pay for using individuals time such as if you are calling any person for consultation such as doctor, you have to pay for it because the consultation is giving you her/his precious time.

    At some point in life, certain people must have taken a time management class, read about it in books, and tried to make routine plan to organize and kept your work and other daily activities on priority based and schedule your day. But as soon as the 3 - 4 days drive, people forget their time management plan and turn out to live in previous way of their life. Most of the time individuals think that they will complete their work but tomorrow or day after tomorrow. They should know that tomorrow never comes, if it is kept delaying and the work remains incomplete because time drags away. Time does not give you second chances it just gives you experiences. And these experiences are helpful for some and for some it is a bad experience.

    Multiplexing of tasks saves time overall which is very beneficial to individuals. Also when you have several tasks demanding your attention one must know how to give priority to accomplish desired results. The task which needs to be done first should be completed earliest based on priority. Priority wise task should be done by every individual so that time is used cleverly... You should do hard work with SMART work…!

    Assume that miracle happens in your life and every day you win a lottery amount of 50,000 rupees. The money which is not used will be reduced from your lottery amount. What will each individual do??? Of course you will spend all the money in buying some products or investing it in buying gold or some property. Same way we all have a lottery in their own life which is TIME. Every day lottery of 1440 minutes in a day is given to all of us. But some of us use it which is beneficial in our own life and the rest is wasted.

    Here I would like to share with all of you an illustration which signifies the value of time.

    A poor family which consists of parents and their two sons used to live in a village. Mother of the kids died due to brain cancer at an early age of life. Father of the kids knew that he was also going to die shortly due to his illness. The father divided his small amount of property in two parts so that after his death children could leave in peace and happily.

    One day father of the kids died and his children were left all alone. As the days passed away elder brother told his younger brother that they must start some work to earn money so that they can survive further in their life. The season was about to change and summer was going to come in few months. So the elder brother thought that what type of work should be done in summer so they could earn money. He knew that summer is going to come and everyone would buy pots so that water can stay cold in hot summer. The elder brother gave advice to his younger brother and started doing the pottery work so that maximum pots can be made and sufficient amount of money could be earned to live life. The elder brother told his younger brother to start his part of work but younger brother was too lazy to start his work and he postponed the work.

    Few days passed but still younger brother dint start his work, but at the same side the elder brother was about to finish all his pottery work by making more than sufficient amount of pots and decorating it with various designs and colors.

    When the summer was near to arrive the younger brother realized that his part of work is still pending and then he soon went to the shopping market and purchased all necessary materials such as clay, colors and so on and then finally started making pots but his pots were not appropriate and proper compared to his elder brother, because every work which is to be done needs sufficient amount of time to develop and proper care is to be taken while creating it so that it could be maintain easily, but amount of time younger brother had used was not sufficient enough to construct valuable pots. Finally summer season arrived and many people purchased required pots from his elder brother and were ready to pay the amount he used to convey. At last the younger brother grasped his mistake of wasting time and from then on always valued it. This story teaches every single individual to value the time as well as value of each day.

    We all should learn from those individuals who have faced problems and realized the value of time.

    * The value of a day, poor person can tell us who is constantly working hard and struggling for the food and shelter for his family.

    *The value of an hour, a person can tell us who is working continuously hard to achieve highest position in their career.

    *The value of minute, a person can tell us who has been saved from facing an accident.

    *The value of seconds, a person can tell us who has been rejected from genies world record because of difference in few seconds.

    As you all must be aware about the story of King Canute’s which leaved in England from that story it describes that TIME and TIDE does not wait for anyone. Tides in the sea do not wait for anyone, same way time doesn’t wait for anybody and time has no holidays.

    The FAMOUS phrase which everyone knows that “TIME AND TIDE WAITS FOR NO ONE” people in this world must have listened somewhere or must have read about it but do they know the real meaning of it?? It means that No one is so strong or powerful that they can stop the march of time; it signifies the importance of time which no one in their busy life understands about it.

    Another FAMOUS phrase people must have awareness about it i.e. “STICH IN TIME SAVES NINE”. It describes that people must utilize the time given to them but most of individuals are misusing especially youths are misusing the time and technology provided to them by doing unnecessary things such as chatting, playing games online, passing useless or meaningless text messages just for fun as well as doing time pass on social media by simply describing about their day to day activities. Is that for all this worthless things scientists are working hard for all of us and inventing new technologies so that individuals in this world can misuse it?? Using technology for principle is fine but excess use of it and misusing it is awful.

    Every successful person in this world value time, because they have come up with proper use of time and have done hard work to achieve success and goal in their career. The people who desire to touch the sky of success must understand the value of time and utilize each and every second in their life.

    You all might come across people in this world saying that “MONEY IS EVERYTHING”..! But ask them, if they can buy time?? No they can’t. “Money cannot earn time but time can earn money”. What if life is short and there is no time for individual to earn money? When you are at the end stage of your life and you are going to die you will be going with empty hands and not money with you. So what is the use of the money which does not give you the precious moment to live your life with your family? MONEY does not matters, all that matters is the TIME in which way we use it. Time is much more valuable than money. It is truly said and has a deep meaning in it. ”That don’t count hours in a day; make every hours count in a day”.

    All must be aware about the world war, Atom bombs which were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. People all over in these cities had faced many problems, the one who survived this tragedy as well as their generations also suffered due to this attack.

    It seemed that Japan would never be economically recovered and it would be destroyed. But time dint come to standstill. Now Japan is one of the world’s leading countries. It is because people in Japan dint wait for time and they struggled hard. Those who lose their loved ones also knew that they are never going to come back and same way the time doesn’t come back. There are many examples of famous personalities such as Alexander and Hitler which had human failure in front of the divine power of time.

    Time is also known as one of the greatest healers because it goes on and on. As it passes away every individual forgets the bad experience which they have passed through in life.

    "Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery; concentrate at this time because it's the present that you can control."If you don't know what the future holds, why waste energy worrying about it?

    Do you know what is “LIFETIME”? It means that life and time are the most important than any other. You should live and enjoy your life with the precious time. Live as if there’s no tomorrow.

    TIME is now or never. So use it wisely and preciously.

    Meethali Raol
