Women Stress and Prevention
“Stress is the common factor in ladies now days, Stress, depression, tension- a hazardous reason for our daily life scheduled. Ladies undergo with stress, tension, depression from day to day disasters which happen in our life”
This learning process begins with recognizing or identifying four types of stress affecting which effects (that is, what demands a change from you) are showing and manifesting as symptoms in your life.
Stress factors broadly fall into four types or categories: physical stress, psychological stress, psychosocial stress, and psycho spiritual stress.
Types of Stress and Their Symptoms-
Physical stress:
The physical stress is as follows-
Environmental pollution (pesticides, herbicides, toxins, heavy metals, inadequate light, radiation, noise, electromagnetic fields), illness (viral, bacterial, or fungal agents), fatigue, inadequate oxygen supply, hypoglycemia I(low blood sugar), hormonal and/or biochemical imbalances, dietary stress (nutritional deficiencies, food allergies and sensitivities, unhealthy eating habits), dehydration, substance abuse, dental challenges, and musculoskeletal misalignments/imbalances, Intense physical labor/over-exertion
Psycho-spiritual stress: A crisis of values, meaning, and purpose; joyless striving (instead of productive, satisfying, meaningful and fulfilling work; and a misalignment within one’s core spiritual beliefs.
Overall, improperly or ineffectively managed stress usually takes a toll on the body. When stress-related feelings, moods, emotions are pushed into the body, the soma, this is usually termed psychosomatic or psychogenic illness, including headaches, heart palpitations, physical/cognitive/emotional pain and suffering, constricted throat and shallow, constricted breathing, clammy palms, fatigue, nausea, anxiety, allergies, asthma, autoimmune syndromes related to an ineffective functioning of the immune system, hypertension (high blood pressure), and gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, upset stomach, duodenal ulcers and esophageal reflux syndrome.
Psychological stress: The category are emotional stress (resentments, fears, frustration, sadness, anger, grief/bereavement), cognitive stress (information overload, accelerated sense of time, worry, guilt, shame, jealousy, resistance, attachments, self-criticism, self-loathing, unworkable perfectionism, anxiety, panic attacks, not feeling like yourself, not feeling like things are real, and a sense of being out of control/not being in control), and perceptual stress (beliefs, roles, stories, attitudes, world view).
It is also the type of stress categorize from relationship/marriage difficulties (partner, siblings, children, family, employer, co-workers, employer), lack of social support, lack of resources for adequate survival, loss of employment/investments/savings, loss of loved ones, bankruptcy, home foreclosure, and isolation.
Prolonged stress can result in suppressed immune function, increased susceptibility to infectious and immune-related diseases and cancer. Emotional stress can also result in hormonal imbalances (adrenal, pituitary, thyroid, and etcetera) that further interfere with healthy immune functioning.
Cognitive: Anxious thoughts, fearful anticipation, poor concentration, difficulty with memory.
Emotional: Feelings of tension, irritability, restlessness, worries, inability to relax, depression.
Behavioral: Avoidance of tasks; sleep problems; difficulty in completing work assignments; fidgeting; tremors; strained face; clenching fists; crying; changes in drinking, eating, or smoking behaviors.
Physiological: Stiff or tense muscles, grinding teeth, sweating, tension headaches, faint feelings, choking feeling, difficulty in swallowing, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, loosening of bowels, constipation, frequency and urgency of urination, loss of interest in sex, tiredness, shakiness or tremors, weight loss or gain, awareness of heart beat.
Social: Some people in social stress tend to seek out others to be with. Other people withdraw under stress. Also, the quality of relationships can change when a person is under stress.
Don’t allow people to rag you,
“Stop being quite.
“Express yourself when you are happy and sad”
“Do whatever makes you worth”
“Don’t be alone in our sadness”
How to prevent Mental Stress-
Well nourished and healthy body is effective and desirable than stressful soul. People feel that that there is no cure of the stress and they can’t do anything to cope with it. The myths won’t stop coming to you. There are various steps you can take to get rid with the stress. The therapy to manage the stress is really effective to charge the basic problem in life like emotions and thoughts.
There are certain things to take keep in mind in order to deal with the stress which are as follows-
It is advisable to eat healthy diet.
Take fewer amount of Sugar and Caffeine. Excessive amount of Sugar and Caffeine crash the energy and mood.
Always take the proper sleep.
Avoid taking Drugs, Alcohol and Cigarettes.
It is very easy to identify the sources which causes stress in our daily routine such as losing a loved one, changing the job frequently, far from your family members makes the thought very complicated and hard to handle the stress levels and frequently stressed about the deadline. You may call it postponing, rather than expecting really well from your life. To know the major sources of stress, keep an eye on our nature, habits and attitude.
How to Manage the Stress –
Level of Stress varies from person to person, we all respond in a different manner, and the solution to manage the stress. But if the stress is out of control form your body then it is the time to take care of it. The process of Stress Management can teach you various healthier ways to cope with the stress and prevent yourself with major issues from it. Many doctors advice and motivates to face the stress. Doesn’t matter how much down you may feel during the stress, you should still have control on the lifestyle, emotions and thoughts. The Stress Management involves changing the situation of stressful life. Taking care of yourself and making the time of the Relaxation and Rest.
No matter how powerless you may feel in the face of stress, you still have control over your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with problems. Stress management involves changing the stressful situation when you can, changing your reaction when you can’t, taking care of yourself, and making time for rest and relaxation. The first step is to recognize the true sources of stress in your life. The true sources are as follows:-
Stress Journal-
The Stress Journal helps to identify the stressors and the way you handle them. Doctors suggest that each time you fell stressed, keep the record of it, and make a note of it like :-
List the reasons, causing the stress.
List the way you feel mentally and emotionally.
List the way, the actions are.
List the ways which make you feel better.
Unhealthy way of dealing with the Stress-
People usually prefer the unhealthy way to cope with the stress; this may cause more damage in the mental balance, which are as follows-
Excessive amount of Smoking.
Taking drugs and pills to relax.
Sleeping too much.
Physical violence, stress on others, burst on others.
Thus, keep yourself healthy, exercise, and the act of laughing too much keeps you away from stress. Happy Life