Trees are blissful and bountiful, adore them in English Short Stories by c P Hariharan books and stories PDF | Trees are blissful and bountiful, adore them

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Trees are blissful and bountiful, adore them

Trees are blissful and bountiful, adore them

Author : C.P.Hariharan

Email id.:

Just as nature, trees are beautiful, blissful, graceful, and bountiful. They are magnanimous by nature and they give us cool breeze, oxygen and shade. They bear fruits as the sun shines, not for themselves but for our consumption. They do this without expecting anything in return. They help to prevent soil erosion, control floods and pollution and facilitate cloud bursts. Some of the trees like banana tree, palm tree are tremendously useful as each and every part of them is useful. Banana tree sacrifices it’s head to it’s saviors. They are often addressed as “kamadhenu”. Some people even worship banana tree. Jack fruit tree bears fruits even at it’s roots if it so wishes. It conveys the message that if there is a will there is a way, nothing is impossible. Some herbal plants like Tulsi, pudina, ginger, aloevera , curry leaves, dhaniya and neem leaf etc. have immense medicinal value. In spite of their tremendous usefulness, trees are being felled indiscriminately at random to make room for highways and metros. Trees have more longevity compared to human beings. Their growth is rather slow and steady. Hence, we should plant and groom, nourish and nurture as many trees as possible to lessen the far reaching repercussions of global warming which poses a great threat to our very survival.

Much of our problems occur due to our myopic greediness. This is reflected in ecological imbalance. We fell trees and convert our fertile lands into sterile desert. Even if 70 % of our earth is teeming with water, old scriptures address the earth as jambu tree , thus jambudvipa. If we fell trees indiscriminately at random, our earth will become no more than a dreary, barren, desolate desert.

Trees help to filter the air and cleanse the same and in sustaining life. They also serve as homes for fauna. Their shade provides a welcoming retreat to passersby who are tired. They are also pleasing to our eyes and soothing to our mind. When we fret and fume with anger, trees bring refreshing cool breeze, cologne, fragrance and serve as a great solace. Some flowers like jasmine are epitome of fragrance. Thus, when we feel the heat of anger from within, as we seek greener pastures to heave a sigh of relief, trees provide us therapeutic, healing touch.

Spiritual leaders associate themselves with trees. After planting saplings we should nourish and nurture the same as trees are indispensable for our very survival. As regards duration of care, if they are flowering trees they should be nurtured till they flower .If they are fruit bearing trees they should be caressed till they bear fruits. If there is flowering and fruition lag, nurture them for five years. Nurturing can also be entrusted to gardeners who can take bath, wash hands, feet, near the tree. In order to save the trees from the biting cold, place a structure with a hole over it and cover the hole. To prevent exposure to heat in spring, remove the cover. In summer in order to prevent the tree from decaying remove the structure as well. Many of us tend to talk to trees. It has been proven scientifically that if we utter some words repeatedly to a plant it has a positive impact on it. We may or may not be talking to them .Still, definitely we will have some resonance with them. We may indulge in praising trees and plants by observing them, their appearance, shape, size, fragrance and freshness. We may shower our gratefulness with a simple and humble gesture. Begin a conversation with trees by practicing give and take through breathing. This kind of kindred feelings for trees will definitely make a difference and your destructive tendencies will gradually vanish into thin air like a passing cloud. This sincere and dedicated devotion, if done without expecting anything in return can work wonders and not otherwise. Be virtuous like squirrels which put the nuts underground and search for the same. Then the trees will definitely grow and will be creating an ambience of fulfilling wholesomeness. Trees are like yogis revere and nurture them.

Lord Krishna addressed himself as peepal tree. Realizing it’s greatness, people worship peepal tree even today. Just as evolved humans who propagate divine fragrance, happiness and peace all around, trees also spread it’s arms, ramifications towards the horizon to absorb all energies, holding it’s head under high esteem to resonate with the ubiquitous life force, still rooted on earth, right from the moment it sprouts from the earth. It flows with natural forces making itself stronger, taller and beautiful.

Just as for the rest of the nature, giving is the nature of tree. It reminds us that giving is the law of nature. If we pursue this concept of giving, a congenial atmosphere can be generated for enhancing our personality. Tree is a teacher and a symbol of the supreme giver. It is the provider of bounties which is inevitable for our healthy and natural survival. That is why a tree is always beautiful. It reflects it’s very purpose of existence without pressurizing and imposing anything and simply remains a doer. It is active till the end of it’s life and even when it dies out, every part of it is invaluable. There is no human habitat which does not have something made out of a tree or it’s produce. Trees transcend manure to earth and it’s roots provide shelter to many insects which live below the ground and make the soil fertile. No matter how much a human plucks it’s leaves or flowers and carves it’s bark, the tree never retorts or takes revenge. It just remains silent and patient and keeps on executing it’s duties. Horticulturists who indulge in planting and nurturing of orchards and farm lands, taking care of the creepers, fruits and vegetables transporting and selling them, eke out a living out of trees. This inspires our duty to reciprocate to the nature which in turn will flourish the whole environment.

Magnificent is the life of trees that pervade life force to all, giving shade to the tired souls and fruits to everyone irrespective of caste creed and provide restful and peaceful abode to birds. Trees are a great source of inspiration to writers, poets, philosophers and visionaries. Enlightenment dawns on those who do tremendous meditation under the green parasol .Buddha attained enlightenment under the natural umbrella of Bodhi tree. Trees are the most beautiful and sensuous poetic expressions of supreme intelligence. Trees are the embodiment of sensitivity also. What you feel when you touch it or nurture it reflects in its’ blossoming or flourishing, reviving the benign presence of feel.

According to ancient scriptures those who plant, grow and groom trees at distant places bring forth salvation to ancestors and future generations and those who plant and nurture tulsi by invoking Vishnu reap the fruits of performing numerous penances.

Exposing itself to sunshine and vagaries of nature like blizzard, hailstorm, tempest , trees give us shade, bear fruits for the benefit of others like a true yogi expecting nothing in return and derive energy from the supreme. Tree’s mission is well being and nutrition for all. Providing shelter and nutrients even to those who throw stones at them, trees give a truly great message of unconditional love, remaining a most silent spectator and a reflection of graceful expressions of nature.

Let us all realize and get enlightened by the purest wisdom of the tree that plays the divine music

of harmony and peace in perfect rhythm with the nature and like the trees, let us spread love and light all around.

Author : C.P.Hariharan

Email id.