Princess of Roopnagar in English Short Stories by DR JAGDISH LACHHANI books and stories PDF | Princess of Roopnagar

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Princess of Roopnagar


The news of demon kidnapping away princess last night spread like wildfire across the kingdom of Roopnagar.

He who learnt of it only screamed out in disbelief. Intense sorrow and painful silence prevailed in king’s palace.

Princess of Roopnagar was darling to all. She was not only beautiful but also had endearing qualities. Princes from far off countries were fond of her; they often looked forward to marital relations with her. Several amongst them kept proposals off and on. Some of them had sent valuable gifts along with their photographs with proposals. King too wanted to see her married off to one of them. When all these proposals were being considered then this sudden unfortunate unhappy incident occurred.

Queen was in inconsolable condition. King tried hard to console her, but all in vain.

King himself was not able to understand what to do.

He called for meeting with his ministers to deliberate on the matter.

All ministers occupied their respective seats.

King detailed them with sad episode and asked for their advice.

Ministers exchanged their views with one another. After much deliberation and consultation, they came out with their proposal. The chief amongst the ministers stepped further, saluted the king and said ,”Sir, proclamation be made in our and neighboring countries that he who gets our princess freed from demon, he will not only be entitled half the royal riches, but also be married off to the princess.” Gesturing to the container, full of pearls, the chief minister further added, “This container, full of diamonds and pearls, will be advance for the Bravo, but if he, who accepts the advance, fails in getting princess back from the demon, would be hanged.”

King agreed to the proposal and king’s men spread out with the announcement. Wherever town-crier went to make the announcement, it attracted crowds thronging everywhere; but none however dared to come forward to take this container full of pearls as an advance.

Person making the public announcement went further ahead. Now he was making announcement at some other place.

At that place, after hearing of the announcement, a woman came forward to take the container full of diamonds and pearls as an advance, leaving all wondering to how a woman could get the princess free from the demon.

Eyes of all the people were focused on hat old lady. Town-crier was also perplexed. After taking the container full of pearls, she said, “You don’t know who I am? She said looking around.”

When no one responded, she went ahead to say, “I am Raheb’s mother, whose name all you have heard. Who does not know Raheb’s fearlessness and bravery? He would certainly get back princess from the captivity of the demon. The king’s announcer enquired where is Raheb? Why he himself……..”

Interrupting the town-crier, Raheb’s mother said, “He is my son. He is out for his business trip. He will return in day or two. He will not disobey me. I promise on his behalf that he surely get back princess from the captivity of the demon at any cost.”

People were happy and they appreciated her and applauded by clapping.

Raheb’s mother took the container full of pearls to her house. Now she was impatiently waiting for Raheb to come from his business trip along his elder brother, Saheb. His elder brother Saheb was also with him.

She was extremely happy today. She thought Raheb would also be pleased to see this container full of pearls.

When Raheb returned from his business trip with his elder brother Saheb, she narrated whole story in details to him. It moved Raheb also to learn that demon had kidnapped away the princess. When he went to bed at night, he could not sleep. Sleep had ran away from his eyes. Past just flashed back to him. Repeatedly the picture of the princess rolled in front of his eyes like a movie cinema………

It was annual function of the kingdom. As usual, this year too, many contests, competitions and programmes were part of the celebrations and princess was to personally guve prizes and awards to the winners.

Raheb had won all the contests. There was no match to Raheb’s archery; he was too good at running and swimming. Everyone was just spell bound seeing heroics of Raheb. Princess was all praise and clap for his every victory.

The last part of the days function was to fight with dreadful and ferocious bull.

He who had won other tournaments had to confront bull.

Dead silence prevailed when the bloody horrible bull landed out on the ground. Princess was panting for breath. Like a mad elephant, the bull began heading for Raheb, ferocious eyes fixed on Raheb. Raheb however was calm and un-perturbed. Bull tried to pull Raheb down. Anticipating well in advance every move of bull, Raheb took it from horns before bull could do any harm to Raheb. Raheb tightened his grip every time bull wanted to get free from it. When bull failed in all its attempts to get free and pull Raheb down and was tired and exhausted, it ran away from the ground letting Raheb win cheers from one and all around. The cheers and clapping began getting defining.

At end of the function, he had received prizes from princess; all this was still fresh in Raheb’s memory…….

Raheb got up early in the morning and awakened his brother, Saheb. He asked his brother to get ready but Saheb was reluctant to accompany because he was knowing that it was no easy task getting princess freed from demon.

But on the much insistence of Raheb, Saheb also got ready to go with him to get the princess free from the captivity of the demon.

Before leaving, Raheb sought mother’s blessings, who said, “May God help you, may you succeed in your mission.”

Both left with meals from mother for the onward journey. Unknown to where about of the place demon had taken princess to, they kept on riding on horses.

Every time Saheb got tired and refused to move ahead, but Raheb would inspire him with a tale or two and their journey would take off after a little break.

It was around night fall, when both decided to break for the day. They started looking for water. On look around, they noticed a pond. They got down from horses and headed towards it. They decided to pass night there after meals.

Saheb got a sleep soon but Raheb was still awake brooding where to look for the princess.

Soon, his attention was drawn to the conversation between two birds sitting on a top tree. Raheb could understand their language.

One of the parrots was asking other to tell a tale to pass night pleasantly.

The other asked, “What type of story would you like to hear, personal experiences or what is happening around the world?”

The first replied, “I prefer what is happening around the world.” The parrot started the story……

“A demon has kidnapped away the princess of Roopnagar. The king and queen are restless without their princess. Now one young man has come out to rescue the princess from the demon. But, to the irony of young man, he knows nothing where about of demon.”

The other bird asked, “Where does the demon reside?”

The parrot replied, “The demon resides far off from here. There are several obstacles in route.”

First one asked impatiently, “for example?”

“First of all, there are two big giant trees on the way. He who is heading for demons place, has to pass through these giant trees. The sad part is that as one passes through them both, the trees fall on the person killing him on the spot” replied the parrot.

The first bird said, “If one survives both these giant trees?”

The other parrot answered “Though it is almost impossible to pass through them safely, but if one does pass, then one has to confront a bird named, ‘Nind’ (Sleep). It is a very dreaded bird that has preyed on many people.”

The first one asked, “Where does ‘Nind’ bird live?” How does he kill people?” The other replied, “Nind bird resides on a tree. As one passes off from under this tree, the bird starts hovering around the person. Soon, the person starts getting drowsy and falls asleep and the bird feasts on person.”

The parrot after telling this story, stopped for a while. The other bird started gazing him restlessly. And Raheb was listening to the birds attentively.

The parrot continued the story, “if one is lucky enough to pass ‘Nind’ bird too, there is a Magic well ahead. It is no easy job crossing this well. The strange part about this well always comes infront…. (he waited for some time, then continued) if at all anyone is successful in crossing over it, Then the city of horrible poisonous snakes starts obstructing person’s march ahead. Once one is through this land of reptiles, there come a deep well, where demon has now taken this princess. She is very upset without her parents and this demon wants to marry her.

The princess is not ready to marry the demon.

The conversation ended there. Raheb had heard the story of parrot very attentively.

Raheb was happy now. He fell fast asleep once story was over.

Next morning, Raheb got up little after sunrises and awakened his brother Saheb too.

After a little wash and meals, both strode horse to resume journey in search of princess.

Raheb soon noticed two giant trees. He stopped his horse at a little distance from these giant trees. Addressing his brother, he said, “Look these are magic trees. They will fall on us as we pass through them.”

Saheb hesitated to move ahead saying he loves his life very much. Raheb getting little angry, said, “Try to understand, what I say it may not so happen that I pass them and you are left behind in the grip of these giant trees. You have to position your horse along with mine. As soon as we reach trees, we have to run very fast so that when trees fall, we shall be far away from their reach.”

And in fact, it happened so. Trees certainly fell down upon them but they had crossed the trees and they were far off these giant trees, Raheb was now planning how to escape ‘Nind’ bird. Saheb was following Raheb.

After a little stride, he noticed a tree with little movement in it. He sensed it would be that of ‘Nind’ (sleep) bird. Soon as the bird came out of the tree to attack, Raheb hit it with arch cutting of one of its feathers. Thus weakened, the bird could not fly much and fell down on the ground.

When Raheb was about to kill the bird, the latter pleaded, “Please don’t kill me. Have mercy on me. I know your mission. I can help you a lot.”

Raheb, forgiving the bird, asked “How can you help me?”

The ‘Nind’ bird answered, “When you reach princess, you will find demon asleep on the lap of princess. As you remember me, my influence will work and demon will be fast asleep and you can take away princess.”

Raheb released the bird and resumed his march in search of princess.

Both the brothers sped fast in the pursuit. The galloping of the horses was clearly heard in silenced atmosphere. Horse of Raheb was flying in air and marching ahead. Saheb’s horse was following him. Raheb’s eyes were in search of the enchanting well and took his horse towards it. After a little pause, he began planning and to his utter surprise, whatever direction he took, he found the well in front of him. This made Raheb assured that this was the same magical well the birds were talking about. Raheb was now certain that this is the magical well and without crossing it, he cannot reach his destination.

“We are close to our s\\destination now, just other side of this well,” he told his brother, adding, “We have to cross this magic well, to be at our destination. We have to exercise utmost caution in taking out horses above this magic well.”

Having succeeded in cross-over, next challenge was ride through snake-infested thick jungle. Now started the dense forest of poisonous snakes and cobras. But Raheb was not afraid at all. Many a reptiles swung up to Raheb but he finished them all with his sharp sword.

As they kept moving, he noticed a well in the south and it took him no time to deduct that it was the very well, where demon was holding princess in captivity. They got down from the saddle and after tying horses, both the brothers sat down for a while to plan next move into well and suddenly he recall the ‘Nind’ bird. He thought for a while and slept peacefully.

At night fall, he planned to get into the well. He awakened his brother Saheb and told him, “Look, I am going into the well, you stay here. I will send princess up first and then I will follow her.”

He opened his rope and asked his brother to hold one side tightly so that he could descend into the well with the support of other side.

Slowly, Raheb moved into well and spotted the demon lying on the lap of princess in half-sleep condition.

Princess was very happy to see Raheb in front of her. She very much recognized him.

Now it was Raheb’s turn. Recalling the ‘Nind’ bird’s suggestions, Raheb remembered it, and soon there was magic-like influence on the demon, who fell fast asleep soon and started snoring loudly. The princess quietly got demon down from her lap and rose.

Raheb sent her up first with the help of one side of rope and waited for rope to fall back to take him up. He once again looked at the demon, who was in extreme deep slumber. Turning aside his eyes, he again looked upwards.

To his utter dismay, the rope was not thrown back into well for long and he kept calling his brother Saheb. But Saheb was not there to respond to him.

When princess had reached out of well, the evil intentions prevailed upon his mind. Saheb went scheming. He had mischievous designs with eye on everything.

He thought to himself, why not run away with princess leaving Raheb inside the well. People will think I have got princess freed and I will get all the name, fame, money and even princess.

He strode back taking princess leaving behind brother, Raheb. Raheb had got tired of shouting for help and fell asleep in exhaustion.

Suddenly a crocodile appeared. It caught hold of the leg of Raheb and began pulling Raheb back into deep well.

The crocodile bit him. The unbearable pain disturbed Raheb’s sleep and he got up. Raheb was suffering from acute pain in leg. The crocodile dragged him down and threw him in the underground city. For some time Raheb was nearly unconscious. When he became conscious, he found himself under a tree.

He looked around for help, but there was none to come to his rescue.

Suddenly, he sighted an old woman taking goats for grazing. He began shouting, “Granny…granny…” She heard the soulful shouts and looked behind. Raheb limped to her. She came near to him and said, “I am attracted to your soulful shouts. If you had not addressed me as granny, I would have made mince meat of you.”

Raheb detailed her on his plight and sought her help.

She took pity on him and took him to her place. She applied balm on the injuries of Raheb. It gave him magical relief as he was soon alright.

He thanked her. She asked him to stay with her. He started taking her cattle for grazing but he was not to sit quiet. He started looking around how to get out of this deep well.

Old lady used to cook food and both after taking meal sleep peacefully.

One day he was resting under a tree. Goats were grazing nearby in the forest. Suddenly he heard loud screams. Cries were coming from upper side of the tree. He looked upwards. He found that one big typhoon was heading for small children of Garud bird. The children of Garud were getting more and more panicky as big snake was nearing them.

Raheb took pity on the small birds and cut to pieces the big snake with his sword and offered these pieces to the birds of Garud as fodder. These small birds were grateful to Raheb for timely help and feast.

Returning, Raheb went to sleep under the tree. After some time when Garud brought food for his children, he found his little ones uneasy. They had not totally recovered from the shock of the big snake approaching them.

The little ones then narrated in details and pointing to Raheb, sleeping under the tree, said, “If he had not helped, we would not have been alive today.”

The Garud bird came down from the tree and stood in front of Raheb.

Raheb was surprised to see a huge gigantic bird before him. Garud said to Raheb, “You have saved life of my little ones. I can never forget your act whole of my life. Tell me if I can be useful to you any way.”

Raheb thought for a while, then said, “I want to get out of this deep well, see if you can help me for the purpose.”

Garud replied, “OK. I will help you to get out of here. It will take three days. You take three goats and water for my meals en route. When I open my mouth, put one goat and water container.” Garud further said, “We shall start from here only tomorrow. In the mean time, I shall make necessary arrangements for my children.”

Delighted, Raheb returned early from grazing and with much enthusiasm, he called lady, granny! Oh granny!! And narrated the whole story of Garud in details.

The old woman had become very attached to him but did not want to come in Raheb’s way and gave him permission to go out of the deep well.

Next morning, he got up early in the morning and helped old woman in daily chores and he left the old woman’s house with three goats and three water containers for Garud’s meals en route.

He rode on the back of Garud and Garud began catching speed after a while.

Raheb was lost in thoughts of princess. He was very angry on his brother. At that time he found Garud opening up mouth and Raheb put one goat and water in his mouth.

Garud continued flying and Raheb once again lost in thoughts. Twenty-four hours had passed since they had left the deep well. But there was no sleep in the eye of Raheb. He was very much anxious to come out of the well. When Raheb put second goat and water container, he found they were now out of the well and it looked kingdom was not far off. And lo! the Garud opened up mouth again and when Raheb wanted to put goat and water, he found goat was not there. He thought it might have fallen off as Garud was speeding fast. “What to do?” was the question in these circumstances, and since Garud was to be fed anyhow, Raheb cut part of his leg to put into mouth of Garud along with water.

When their journey was over and Garud landed at a ground, he said to Raheb, “Look, you are now on your land. Go and enjoy.”

Garud saw Raheb was limping. Garud enquired as to what had happened.

Raheb told him the story of falling down of the goat and in return Garud gave Raheb one of his feathers, saying, “Apply this to your injuries and you will get well soon. Your injuries will be cured immediately.”

Raheb did as was told and his wounds healed in no time. He thanked the Garud and taking leave for each other, both headed for their places.

On way back home, it was getting night and darken. Raheb therefore preferred to stay till break of the next day. He looked here and there for shelter. Suddenly he saw light in a distant place and he headed quickly towards it.

The country, where he had reached was Jamnagar. The king of Jamnagar was known for his hospitality and generosity.

There was good arrangement for outside guests. Guest houses were built on many places in Jamnagar for their stay.

Raheb got the room in the inn easily to pass the night there. He was supplied food also. After taking food, he was about to sleep, at that time a representative of the king appeared before him to ask his welfare. It was tradition of Jamnagar to ask welfare of everybody, who stayed in guest houses there. Raheb told him all in details. Next morning, Raheb was called to the court of the king. To the pleasant surprise of Raheb, he found princess whom he got freed from the demon, seated near the king of Jamnagar. Princess also saw him and started smiling back at him. She whispered in the ears of king of Jamnagar.

King gestured Raheb to his throne and said, “Well done, my boy. I am too pleased with your bravery. You stay here for a few days as a state guest. Then, you can take princess also with you. Your brother is in my custody. He is to be dealt with as per law of land, but if you want you can take him also with you.”

After few days of stay, he left with princess and brother Saheb for Roopnagar. Saheb had started feeling guilty and ashamed for his misdeeds but Raheb pardoned him.

They were given a warm and grand welcome back home. Their mother was happy beyond limits. The palace was back to its glory as it was jubilliant and celebration time all around. Colourful lights were also lit in king’s palace.

After a few days, Raheb was married off to princess with all royal pomp and show. It was unprecedented spectacle as celebration went on for a full one week.

For the poor free meals went on all the twenty-four hours!