The Angel Inside - 64 - Moment of Content in English Love Stories by Khyati Makwana books and stories PDF | The Angel Inside - 64 - Moment of Content

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The Angel Inside - 64 - Moment of Content

Author's Pov incoherent whisper that Jay couldn't stop chanting in his sleep. His dreams dwelled all about her, his memories filled with a mix of moments and tragedies. His brows furrowed in sleep reaching to a state of consciousness, he was now awake. His eyes fluttered open, reality sinks back into his veins. He was now aware of his dreams. All this time he had been dreaming, about her, imagining her back into his life, back from the dead, insanity is what he called his mind to be running on. It was just a dream, he reminded himself. 

His half-opened eyelids gazed around, his sight blurry, yet he somehow figured that the bed he was sleeping on wasn't his, nor was it his room. His pupils widened to the size of saucers, and his hazy brain alarmingly returned to consciousness. He stared at his surroundings, and he couldn't tell where he was, maybe some huge mansion. Each nook and corner of the room screamed luxury and standards. 

He didn't know where he was and the very first question...

'How did he even get in here?' 

He was flabbergasted or in simpler words confused and terrified. His heart drummed into his ears, hearing the faint sound of thunders as the lightning cast a shadow into the room, making it look as if coming straight out of a horror movie. 

His brain was running a train of situations he could have got in. Maybe this mansion belonged to some syndicate and perhaps they want him dead once they get any information from him. Mafia? Was a possibility. 

Jay couldn't comprehend or anticipate the situation he was stuck in. He raised his back to make himself sit against the headboard of the bed behind him. A wrecking sting shot right at his abdomen. The pain from the cut had his brain haywired. His hand swung across, gripping his stomach, trying to ease himself. His eyes finally darted beneath, the warm fluffy blanket had slipped down his waist. The cold air hit his bare skin, realizing he was naked. 

His throat let out a shriek finding himself naked, immediately yanking the blanket away, he sighed in relief finding himself in pants that he had worn back in the party. He heaved a breath of relief backing out from panic that he wasn't completely naked and wasn't taken advantage of while asleep just shirtless. His waist was dressed in gauze. Someone had treated his wounds and stitched his cut, his body was now completely aware of the wounds that had been inflicted earlier. The pain and the weakness from the fight had started to take a toll on his body. He groaned, getting up from the bed seemed like a tough job to do yet he didn't give up. 

Using all his strength, he tried hard to stand straight. His legs wobbled due to a lack of strength. He winced with the pain shooting up his veins. He struggled to take steps but was adamant about finding that one person who had been with him throughout.

He believed what he saw back there was a hallucination because he mentally imagined himself dying and maybe his brain had used Amy's image as a defense mechanism to avoid losing hope. That was all he affirmed himself to believe. 

Maybe Maria had left him to die back there in the bathroom, because all this time, he was just a burden on her mission. Jay was sure Maria was some spy sent by a special agency. The amount of bloodshed he had seen within an hour had confirmed that Maria and Drake weren't some commoners seeking justice but were actual agents who had everything planned. And now he was left all alone to survive by himself. It was not like he blamed her, but he felt the betrayal sinking in. 

He limped slowly taking baby steps to reach the door, his gaze wandering to find any traces of humans. He cursed himself for landing in trouble every time. He looked around frantically seeking an escape. His eyes stuck on the balcony and surprisingly he spotted a person out there, or was his brain playing games again? He decided to listen to his intellect and walked out towards the balcony or a so-called attached terrace. His steps halted for a moment pondering upon his situation, he wasn't sure if he was in safe hands or if these people wanted to dispose of him. He searched for a suitable weapon in case he was about to be attacked again. 

His eyes landed on the books kept on the study table in the other corner of the room, though it was just a few meters away, walking a few steps felt like miles to him. Yet, he still took baby steps, walking forward in search of a suitable weapon. Once he reached the table. he dashed himself, leaning against the wall beside the study table, heaving heavy breaths. It felt like a struggle to stand straight and he never felt so sluggish.

Finally, he found an ink pen on the table and he was sure it would do the work of distraction if he were meant to escape. He hoped the building was not too high for him to jump from. He sighed at the thought of walking himself to the opposite side of the room just to confront that one person who didn't seem to move from his place or clear his delusion which bugged him. The person was standing in the rain, no lightning or thunder seemed to bother him. 

Jay kept his guard up, being alerted by the slightest of shivers. Entering the balcony, he let the rain pour upon him, drenching him in cold droplets of water that were harsh like pelt of stones. Or was it just his body being too weak to handle it? He limped forward, his hand gripping the ink pen in a tight hold. 

The more he inched near, he realized the person was not a man but a woman. She was leaning back against the thick iron fence that restrained herself from falling off the balcony. Her hands stretched onto the railings on either side. She looked dead until her chest heaved with a slow intake of oxygen. The only indication that she wasn't dead was that she was breathing. Her hair was black and short. Her clothes stuck to her body making all her curves visible, enough for Jay to confirm with whom he was dealing. All his concise seemed to be thrown out of the window. He couldn't hit a woman. Though it was dark, the occasional lightning and thunder illuminated the place to be visible enough.

Jay felt as if needles were being pricked into his body, he couldn't be weak, he affirmed mentally. The situation could turn ugly and the next moment would be his corpse lying like trash and no one would find his body or existence on this planet. 

He was overthinking and imagining the worst-case scenarios that could occur to him. Though he wasn't prepared, it wasn't like he could avoid it. 
He was just an inch away from her and yet she didn't sense his presence and kept her eyes closed. She hadn't suspected his slow footsteps that had turned faint due to the heavy rain and thunder. She looked as if she was enjoying the rain. Even though he couldn't see her face in the dark, he worked on intuition and the slight silhouette helped him locate her body posture. He was going to threaten her and look for an escape. 

He tipped off the cap of the pen, bucking it close to her neck and in a blink of an eye, he found his wrist being grabbed. But he was fast enough to make her trip with a harsh kick on her shin and pinned her to the ground. He practically straddled her, his tall frame hovering over hers, both of her hands were pinned above her head by one of his hands. He felt guilty for man-handling her but he had less time and options to prefer. 

"So fast."
She chuckled playfully in the dark. Jay wasn't sure if she had been mocking or trying to seduce him with that voice. 

Jay: Just tell me why am I here? Or the way to the door should be enough. 

He growled, speaking scary, his grip tightening on the pen, pushing the sharp tip into her skin to threaten her, but he didn't plan to bring any harm or hurt her.

"You do realise how scandalous our positions are."
Jay's tongue was caught, he was threatening her life and all she pointed out about was his body hovering over hers.

"Oh boy! You grew muscle in those years, nice abs by the way. How alluring."
She freed one of her hands from his grip but didn't bother to free the other hand as if she was submitting herself to him. Her hand crawled up and cold palm touched his warm body, tracing his abs, stopping for a moment against his beating heart as it followed up to his collarbone making his breath hitch.

Jay was absolutely speechless, didn't he look scary enough or was this woman fearless? The occasional lightning had made her face visible, her long bangs covered her eyes. She could see him, and all he could do was stare. Her charming voice threw him away. He felt as if an invisible string was pulling him towards her. It was something similar. Her thumb reached his lower lip tracing it. Jay couldn't anticipate if she would kiss him the next moment. And surprisingly he wasn't even stopping her. He let her hand roam freely, feeling his body warmth, her skin was cold as ice and his body was on fire or maybe he was running a fever.

Her eyes shamelessly gazed at him while he was practically zoned out, trapped in a trance, his eyes blankly staring at one of her pinned wrists as the lightning struck among the clouds followed by a peal of thunder, he spotted something. A bracelet was wrapped around her wrist. A necklace made out of wooden beads in heart shapes with a holy cross dangling freely in between. His grip on her wrist turned soft.

His breath hitched. It was the same necklace that he had gifted Amy that day. He had forced her to wear it and she kept her promise and never removed it. But finding the same necklace 2 years later after his wife's demise ran a shiver down his spine. He didn't blink letting the water droplets penetrate his eyes. 

The woman beneath him was speaking something but Jay couldn't hear it. His lips parted, his grip loosening on the pen that he had pointed at her neck. His eyes followed her arm, her white t-shirt had turned see-through due to the rain and the thin fabric itself. He spotted a tattoo which was visible enough through the white sleeve, a tiger. The same initials that graced his late wife's skin were now before his eyes. He couldn't believe his eyes. He shook his brain trying to make himself believe that what he was seeing was an illusion. He now looked at her face finding her eyes and softly pushed the wet strands off the woman's face that had been covering her eyes. 

His pupils dilated, the thunder roared while the lightning struck in between the clouds and now he could see her face. His breath hitched, and his heart skipped a beat. His palm touched her cheek while his blue eyes stared into her brown ones. The same tiger-like eyes. The same gaze of desire and determination that he missed and mourned for the last two years. 


He felt like he was dreaming. But it felt real and he didn't want to wake up. Amy's hand shifted back to his chest, resting on his pacing heart. Her touch felt like bolts of electricity running through his veins. Amy lifted her back inching her face close to his. He retreated in reaction, and stumbled away with a jerk as he landed on the floor falling on his butt, his palms landing on either side to grip for support but his eyes were glued to Amy. He didn't look away for once. 

Jay: This couldn't be...
He whispered. The back of his eyes pricked with tears making them look glassy as he held back an erupting sob. Amy was alive. In front of him. Breathing. Watching him with that intense gaze. She went on her knees crawling towards him. Her steps were hesitant yet cautious. Her eyes were red and glassy like his. She inched closer sitting on her knees, her palms cupped his face, her thumb pads tenderly rubbed against his cheek.

Amy: Doctor..
There. She said it. Her voice was enough to break his silence. 

The next moment his arms wrapped around her waist accumulating her to himself in a bone-crushing hug. She involuntarily landed on his lap, her legs resting on either side of his body while Jay broke into heart-wrenching sobs. Tears ran down his face as he pulled Amy into an inseparable hug. Hiding his face in the crook of her neck, he wailed. All his pain, sorrow, the gloom-filled dark days he spent, almost reaching on the edge of insanity. He poured it all. He cried it all. 

All Amy could do was hold him, see him breaking completely in her arms. He was vulnerable and tired of suffering. She could feel it all. Her heart ached, a tightening feeling that lingered in her chest making it hard for her to breathe. The pain of losing her was felt. She could feel the misery that pinched her heart with each passing second as Jay's sobs grew louder. He was tired. Too tired to rant and tell her how much he missed her. How miserable he had become without her. He wanted to scream it all. But he cried. And cried until to his heart's content.

She didn't stop him. His body heat crawled with warmth to her cold insides. She let herself feel all the pain that he poured. She took in whatever he gave. His painful sobs acted like spears that stabbed her heart. But she let it bleed. Her eyes closed letting the tears fall freely as they mixed with the rain. Letting the pain pierce and prickle her guts with each passing second. She was remorseful, immersed in guilt and regret. She caused him pain. She was the reason for his suffering. And she would do whatever it took to repent for her ill decisions and actions.

The night felt long. Amy stayed beside Jay, holding him in her embrace. His cries died slowly followed by unending hiccups that wouldn't stop. Amy couldn't anticipate how long Jay had been crying maybe hours she supposed, but the more she heard his cries, it felt like misery. All this time her actions were dependent only on one person that she swore to protect. And now she was the reason that he was hurt. She hurt him. So bad. His internal wounds were beyond repair yet he had held himself strong in those 2 years. He grew strong. But now she saw his inner self being revealed, he was a mess. Those years had created turmoil and now it breaking him. 

Jay's sobs grew silent, his heavy and rapid breaths lingered with thick tension in the air. Those two years he felt threatened, he was nowhere safe. The current situation was different. He had the love of his life back in his arms, his home. His safe place. He lifted his face from her neck, eyes red from shedding tears. His eyes peered into the sky, the rain, the thunder, the dark misty clouds all had vanished. The sky was clear, the dawn approached with dim bright light shining at the horizon. The sun was about to rise. 

Jay finally drew himself back from her, looking at her face. His throat hurt and his eyes burned due to constant crying. His nose had turned red making him look cute. Both of them stared in silence, the peaceful atmosphere made the moment magical. 

The serene feeling of completeness had engulfed them. Their hands connected and fingers intertwined as Jay brought her hands close to his lips, kissing the back of her hands, his eyes closed and whatever he felt in that moment was peace and content. Their foreheads connected, hearts beating in sync. Soft breaths hit their skin making it warm after being in the cold rain.

They both wished that this moment never ended.